Im only jerking off to women now, no more trannies, femboys or twinks. Im tired of feeling like a giga fag, women are better and cuter and I need to train my brain to like them again. God I fucking hate porn so much.
>>80074071porn didn't make you gay, you were born a massive faggot
>>80074074>t. Cum farting namefag
>>80074104Aww, someone is really upset at me tonight.
>>80074187The only person thats upset is you.
>>80074253It's okay buddy. You probably had a really rough time eating shit out of elephant's assholes and bathing in rivers with bloated corpses growing up. I won't hold your impotent caterwauling against you. Jesus loves you, and so do I.
>>80074071>bisexual man grows up assuming he's straight because heterosexuality is treated as the default and male homosexuality is still looked down on>he later finds himself drawn to gay porn while fapping>instead of reflecting on what that might say about him he blames the porn>he proceeds to make the 100,000th post on 4chan saying "it's porn's fault my dick gets hard when I see a cute twink"It's all so tiresome.
>>80074274What a vivid imagination you have, do you often spend your time thinking about feces and animals anuses? What an exciting life you must have, Dorothy.
>>80074289>>bisexual man grows up assuming he's straight because heterosexuality is treated as the default and male homosexuality is still looked down on>he later finds himself drawn to gay porn while fappingthat sounds like projection. Look mate your kind has your own thread it's called r9gay and if that's not enough you also have your own board it's called /lgbt/ feel free to take your ass to either one cuz we don't wanna deal with your fruityness k?
>>80074289Even if I was bisexual, what would I gain by fucking a man? Pussy is tighter than an asshole and anal is pretty gross in reality outside of porn.
>>80074071You are not alone OP. Dont let legitimate homosexuals convince you to be gay. Studies have shown that long term use of pornography can change a persons default sexual desires, they need more extreme and degenerate porn to feel the same dopamine hit. If you are having doubts about it and it makes you feel gross afterwards, I assume you are not truly gay and have developed a fetish from long term use. Stop watching porn for a while and I guarantee you will feel disgusted by it in a few months once your brain has recovered from the addiction.
>>80074302It's all gonna be okay, Mr. Jeet. I know how much you like sucking poopoo directly out of elephant anuses. It's okay, you're safe here. You can admit it...
>>80074384Projecting your foul thoughts of animals and feces onto me, how charming.
>>80074319You don't have to fuck anyone you don't want to. It's just better to accept you have some attraction to men rather than causing yourself mental anguish trying to change something that you can't change. Also gay sex doesn't have to involve anal.
>>80074456Are you gay anon? And is it really same sex attraction if youve never felt that way IRL?
>>80074450Listen bud, I have cameras in the elephant pen at the zoo. You need to stop sneaking in there to steal the elephant shit. If you really want it so bad, I can give you your own enclosure and you can coat yourself in all the animal shit you could ever want.I'll even give you 15% of the profit, since it's already something you enjoy doing so much. So what do you say? Do we have a deal?
>>80074503This nigga is really obsessed with animal shit.
>>80074511Anon, you've already admitted to being Indian, I'm just trying to respect your culture and your people. As a white man, I feel no such urges, but I understand the lesser races such as yourself do quite enjoying eating hot cow patties and rubbing them all over your face.
>>80074071I'm quitting porn and only masturbating with a fleshlight while wearing a condom from now on because I haven't been able to cum from penetration the last 6 times I had sex and it's making me upset
>>80074493>Are you gay anon?I'm bi.>And is it really same sex attraction if youve never felt that way IRL?If you're jerking off to men, then you're at least a little bit attracted to men.
>>80074527You spend a lot of time watching Indians smear themselves with shit and thinking about this subject dont you. Analysing the facts at hand I can only assume that you are indeed Indian yourself. Good morning sar and watch out for them pesky trains, rashymeat gop goop <3.
Are u sure about that anon?
>>80074607Damn right I do, I sit atop my observation tower and peer down at the lowly masses writhing in shit and filth. They are your brothers, anon. Go join them in the muck of the world, piggy
>>80074654>Damn right I do, I sit atop my observation tower and peer down at the lowly masses writhing in shit and filth.Thank you for admitting that you have a fetish for shit.
>>80074692I have a fetish for watching lessers writhe in the shit where they belong, thank you for your continued agony