>when you have sex with him one time and he thinks you're boyfriend & girlfriendany other fembots know this feel?
>>80074441Do these guys even exist anymore?It's just a millennial and those guys have all aged out of the dating pool.
>>80074441Hmmm. My intuition tells me a fat ugly indian male with a fucked up downs syndrome looking face made this post.
>>80074441>1736540530475318.pngliterally me
>>80074441I've met types like this and they're almost always married, not with Stacy of course
>>80074445But we vanquished ENTJeet eons ago... It... It cannot be....
>>80074465It appears he has returned, with an unquenchable cunnylust.
>>80074441is this dude really that bad? some of the things here seem a bit mean >under 6ft cant do anything about that>pays for dateliterally being kind but okay>textshow is that bad?>didnt have to time date in college^^^>marvelokay i understand this one a bit
>>80074441These guys are honestly a dream but they are unicorns. Most girls don't notice they exist until they're older and by then they have married the sweet slightly frumpy chubby girl from work that really likes to bake and play animal crossing and even though she doesn't even shower daily you just can't steal him away. The female version of this dude is also that chubby frumpy girl. I'm glad these people are ignored by everyone else and find each other because they're the only people that really deserve to be happy in love. The kind of people that put money into savings to take the kids to Disney world. Everyone else is too machiavellian and high maintenance, males and females.
>>80074499You mean a girls worst nightmare?Imagine being stuck with a man who isnt rich or attractive
>>80074506Women will never truly be free of The Patriarchy until all men who are not 6"4 multimillionaire CEO chef supermodels are killed.
>>80074506Most of them only think they want a rich man because no one really lays out the cost of being with a rich man, just like guys think they want to be with idk Jessica Alba, but then they have to worry about other powerful men trying to win her from them constantly, and the pressure is really on to maintain her lifestyle and actively romance her forever.
>>80074444A lot of zoomer guys are like that too>>80074484That type of guy is kind of a loser, kind of a creep, and just all around lame>>80074499Guys like that are not a dream at all, they tend to have, like, no personality, or just enough personality to be self aware of their shortcomings and be kind of manipulative and passive aggressive about it. If anything, these guys can be more machiavellian than attractive guys, many of whom just aren't smart or complicated enough to be machiavellian
>>80074531>A lot of zoomer guys are like that tooPersonally I don't know any of them into funkopop culture but nonetheless the soijak we know and this guy are based on millenial stereotypes. For God's sake, a hip trendy barrestaurant is featured as a "trait", can't get more millennial than that.
>>80074531>no personalityI don't think this is true, not anymore true than any other demographic of dudes and you can say the same thing about like, Jake Pauls audience, Asmongolds audience. The white boys who think Kanye West is god, the young guys that watch every new Ben Shapiro video, guys that listen to a lot of Drake. They're all just different bubbles. I think some people just find wholesome shit boring.
>>80074441>>80074531Literally just reverse the genders and you will magically think these traits are perfectly fine. Commit suicide. Keep your car running in the basement and tie your hands to the farthest wall.
>>80074570No, they definitely have less personality. This type of guy often especially crafts himself to appear as nonthreatening as possible, to the point where he doesn't really develop a sense of who he IS as opposed to what he ISN'T. Those other demos, they don't always have guys with the best personalities but tend to have guys who at least have the confidence to do their own thing and know who they are. There can be plenty of ups and downs but there's something actually there. Whereas this "wholesome shit" is fundamentally empty in a way that your other types of guys are not. Its basically an evolved and matured "Nice Guy(tm)" who listened to the critics and decided he'd make sure nobody would ever call him problematic again
>>80074582>Womanlet>skinnyfat>"I don't know, what are your thoughts about me?">MarvelslopperWould be icks for me but otherwise she's the average woman or an improvement upon them. Imagine a woman paying for all your dates, not having been a slut in college, looking cutely, offering to pay for tickets, gaming and having her own car.
>>80074582Most of the women I know are far more interesting people and have actual personalities. The few I know who don't are either failing alcoholics drinking their lives away or some of the most boring people imaginable
>>80074445He also made that pic.
>>80074441Oh hey look, another ragebait threadBetter keep It bumped to page 1 until It gets 100+ replies!
>>80074601>Most of the women I know are far more interesting people and have actual personalities.Okay let's not get ahead of ourselves now. Name 500 gamer women with their own cars who werent sluts in college and willing to happily pay for every date. The women you know would get btfo'd by them lmao.
>>80074608Women who pay for every date are desperate pickme losers who tend to get mistreated by the men they date. Women who respect themselves date men who pay. And women who weren't "sluts" in college tend to be mentally ill
>>80074441and then if this guy wakes up he gets deemed an "angry incel"
>>80074630>men who pay.transactional "bond". impure and meaningless.
>>80074630>Women who pay for every date are desperate pickme losers who tend to get mistreated by the men they date. Women who respect themselves date men who pay.>And women who weren't "sluts" in college tend to be mentally illAnd now to acknowledge my point, these women would BTFO the women you know a la>Most of the women I know are far more interesting people and have actual personalitiesAll you are saying is that these traits are bad because "errrmmm they probably have other bad traits"Blow it out your ass!!!!!!
>>80074637But that's the thing, a lot of them are guys who used to be whiny entitled Nice Guy(tm)s, and then rather than work on themselves in a way to actually develop a personality and become desirable, they just focused on making themselves seem inoffensive and even more "nice" while no longer doing the complaining about how "women only want bad boys and not us poor nice guys". A lot of these guys deep down ARE seething incels who just understand its not acceptable to show it
>>80074592That's making a lot of assumptions based really, on a few hobbies and a polite nature. The kind of guys that consume the other shit I listed have a terrible habit of just parroting other men and have no independent thoughts of their own. Not every guy who fits OPs image is also yk, a big funkopop collector, or even liberal. It's harder to make assumptions about these guys than the guys who actively consume divisive shit. Maybe I am biased because most of the guys my age and older grew up with comic books and being polite and respectful is enough out of the ordinary that it counts as a strong personality trait to me.You gotta think that most of the male groups that I listed, ops image also applies to, minus maybe the way they speak to women. It's just kinda shitting on basic millennial male stuff and lumping them all together.
>>80074638Basically all bonds between people are transactional in a sense. This is good. >>80074646>All you are saying is that these traits are bad because "errrmmm they probably have other bad traits"they do though. those women tend to suck
>>80074608>idea of an interesting woman is actually a broThat isn't an interesting woman, that's a masculine lesbian that grew up watching too much youtube and playing too many video games
>>80074652>work on themselves in a way to actually develop a personality and become desirablewhich isn't being done by the other party... hence humiliation ritual that should not be entertained.
>>80074665>Tend toAs opposed to the average woman?LolBLOWIT OUTYOURASS>>80074666Not today satan
>>80074666Also, I never said that that makes an interesting woman. Just that a woman who wasnt a slut and has a well paying job, her own car and who is willing to pay for dates without expecting anything in return is leagues above the average woman.No need to purposefully misinterpret my words. The bar for women is literally in hell.
>>80074655>The kind of guys that consume the other shit I listed have a terrible habit of just parroting other men and have no independent thoughts of their own.A lot of them are "followers" rather than "leaders", but they still are followers authentically. Not everyone is going to be a unique special snowflake but that's ok, they can still have an authentic personality even if it is an unoriginal personalityThe authenticity is part of the problem. OP's guy is not authentic at all. He's not the dumb guy sincerely emulating other male role models because they genuinely appeal to him, he's like a corporation, deliberately crafting his public persona for an ulterior motive. >being polite and respectful is enough out of the ordinary that it counts as a strong personality trait to me.Being polite isn't a personality. Especially when it doesn't come naturally and is an affectation to appeal to others
>>80074665>This is good.all a crude mockery of young love. barely legal 18 year old girls are more willing to split the bill in my experience. which is good because it's a symbolic bonding ritual that emphasizes the pair-bonding and thus the relationship is more pure.a single mom's idea of love is so twisted and soulless. literally looking for someone to fulfill a mechanical role. that's why they are avoided. the "Provider hubby" archetype is a soulless zombie that will be shot down.
>>80074669Most women make a lot of effort, more than the average man lol>>80074679If you don't like women, idk go have sex with men?
>>80074705>If you don't like women, idk go have sex with men?Come on man, this doesnt even work as bait because it doesnt address anything. Try harder anon.Or get a car, a nice job, pay for dates without complaining and then I'll hit u up bbygirl. *Sniffs your panties* Ah, on your period, that explains it.
>>80074685I notice u left the gamer thing our that time, and the rest of that is just kind if any woman from a middle-upper middle class and above family that didn't get married young or fuck anything that moves
>>80074702Maybe you should stop preying on naive immature barely legal girls who don't have romantic experience and thus may not be as likely yet to realize how much they are getting shortchanged in that situation?The men who romanticize barely legal girls pretty much always absolutely would go younger than 18 if it wasn't illegal. How young would you go, I wonder?
>>80074714I get plenty of dates from men who aren't 4chan losers. I'm not here to fish for dates, I'm here to gaze at the bizarre creatures in the exhibits and cages
>>80074705>Most women make a lot of effortsociety has already deemed a chubby 159 pound woman to be "desirable". sit down. skinnyfat is literally seen as "high-tier" for them as well. society unconsciously perpetuates the idea of males having to "initiate" and carry everything. the "rizz" psy-op literally implies that men are too "impress" the women like a subservient jester. humiliation ritual.
>>80074724I didnt initially, learn to read >>80074608because this is just a moot point. Literally what you replied to in the first place mentions "gamer".Grow up satan.>and the rest of that is just kind if any woman from a middle-upper middle class and above family that didn't get married young or fuck anything that movesAnd yet it's a rarity haha. Find me 430 women who are all that, including the "happily pays for all dates" part.
>>80074725 willingness to split the bill is good because it's a symbolic bonding ritual that emphasizes the pair-bonding and thus the relationship is more pure. the "Provider hubby" archetype is a soulless zombie that will be shot down.
>>80074734Lol nah, you are an argumentative loser who needs drama lest it cannot survive.You are a sociopath lol.Good luck anon!Interesting how you didnt deny not having a car or a nice job though.Do your parents a favor and grow up.
>>80074690I think more people have given genuine thought to civility and polite society than you're giving them credit for, independent thought is not usually what results in men being dicks. It's usually the same cause and effect of people repeating whatever behavior has been normalized for them
>>80074740Men find it humiliating to have to make any effort at allAlso maybe women would be more willing to initiate if so many men didn't either find it emasculating, or consider it to mean the woman is "desperate" or "easy" and then either consider her gross or consider it to give him license to accept her initiation but then make much less effort and just use her. But since this is the way things are, and since men have shown such a strong dislike of progressive values, then its time for men to man the fuck up and initiate
>>80074725Depends on how legal it is, 16 would be the cut off age really. As they get older than that their personality isn't there, it's basically like dating a shlubby pushover that has neurotic breakouts from time to time just as long as you keep her happy. The power dynamics of the older woman becomes more inequal. More desperate to lock down a guy and becoming a people pleaser. Doesn't seem the kind of personality I'm into. But it's weird you would be against this despite the odds that barely 18 girls show more character in their personality.
>>80074740Desirable sure but the women men really lust after when they have choices and the women men are angry they don't have access to are indeed the women whose lives revolve around putting in effort to get the partner they want, and then they can never really make a "sale" because they become dependent on being both available and valuable.
>>80074757someone's not getting attention in public hangouts, lmfao
>>80074742Well I didn't read all that but your satan comments and needing a woman who provides for you makes you sound real fuckin dumb so I'm not interested sorry bud
>>80074757I will initiate when women start having 0 body counts before marriage, and become baby makers that keep the house organized. Otherwise there is no point in adhering to the traditional value you selectively fantasize over.
>>80074734enjoy letting these losers live rent free in your head
>>80074515Basically this.>>80074529Why should there be any string attached to dating a wealthy man, thats the bare minimum.
I thought when you were dating you were exclusive, but apparently girls these days think you can have a couple of side guys while she figures out who to commit to.So yeah no wonder everyone but the pump and dump guys are checking out.
>>80074757>make any effort at allI guess working 70 hours a week, trying to afford a car, a house, going to the gym ,working on your mental health, personality, cooking skills, hobbies just to become a good partner isnt enough for womenWhat count as actual effort for you>man up and initiateInitiate what? Approach? Going up to a woman is sexual harassment ccfag. You wanted that.
>>80074837Girls keep trying to make this a thing. Only the lowest quality men would ever suffer it.Conclusion: This isn't a thing and those girls are just whores.
>>80074860>working 70 hours a week, trying to afford a car, a house, going to the gym ,working on your mental health, personality, cooking skills, hobbies just to become a good partner isnt enough for womenIdk if this is normal in some places but in my circles as a solid middle class normie in Virginia Beach I can't think of a single I know that does even half of these things. It's like a huge green flag if a guy can just hold down a job like managing the deli at Walmart and can actually consistently go in halvsies on the rent.. but like half of chicks income and time goes to beauty treatments and plates and shit, just to fight over the two dudes that actually go to the gym (and they stop once they get a gf) I'm in my mid 20s..
>this is all me except the toyota and marvel and consolecuckingIts over
>>80074441I know this is bait but the guy's face on that image is the kind that always has a crush on me lol
The female version, for anyone curious
>>80075397Feel sorry for Chad, matching with only 100 Beckys and probably only one or two Stacys
>>80074441Shitty bait. The vast majority of men would actually feel very happy, that a woman doesn't want to have anything to do with them outside of sex.
>>80075375if incels are wrong, why aren't women attracted to average faces like that?
>>80075397I dated a girl like this for a month or so, she only ever wanted to have sex with the lights off because she was so insecure about her body
>>80075456I feel icky after just having sex with a random. I can't have sex without getting attached to someone
>>80075458Don't listen to this garbage. I see plenty of guys like this who have gfs. Their gfs aren't 10/10 models but they're still getting some
>>80074702>>80074748>>80074780These guys get it. I run a fitness and cosplay account and often get fanart from teenage girls and befriend them and what not. It's not just that their idea of love lessens over time due to acting less emotion based and looking more into "What resources can he provide for me?", but also that older bitter women on social media ruin their perception of love and add a bunch of overly hypergamous bullshit into the mix. I'm 21 right now and I'm gonna do what my experience taught me, find a cute 16-17 year old inexperienced cutie and make her my fiance when she's 19-21.
>>80074499>sweet slightly frumpy chubby girl from work that really likes to bake and play animal crossing>doesn't shower dailyYou're describing a 10/10
>>80074499Nail on head. These guys fly under the radar. Too average to be Chad but not ugly enough to be a social outcast. The "natural mom" personality women find them the most stable from the gate and don't have a party phase to figure it out so they get wifed up before 25. By the time every other self-absorbed woman has figured out he's the perfect "settle" material most of them have been taken.>they're the only people that really deserve to be happy in loveThey're also one of the few relationships that is based around genuine empathy and understanding. Neither of them are trying to maintain a facade of appearances so you get them at face value.
>>80074441This is like the human being version of the second place effect.>has an almost nice car>almost makes an impressive amount of money>almost attractiveIdk if the hinge part is still accurate though, hinge is basically the new hookup app. It was different when this meme came out
>>80074441Even if picrel was model and have that fucking annoying and boring personality I wouldn't date him.
>>80076668What are the elements of the image that make you feel like his personality is annoying and boring? Not judging. As an extremely boring man myself who often times annoys women I'm just curious.
>>80076773>salary>height>house>car>job>marvel>funko pops>way of typingIn that order. That guys gives major nice guy/icky vibes.
>>80074441I personally know three guys like this. One is married and the other two are engaged. The girls range from 7-9/10And the skinnyfat pic will dissappear if the marvel/vidya gets replaced with strength training
>>80076773He's not an abusive drug dealer with a fat cock.
>>80074900>I can't think of a single I know that does even half of these thingsI am a wagelsave in fr*nce and everyone without exception does that.Thats the bare minimum girls here ask for so its usually not enough thats why they filter off men who makes the least/are the most boring/ dontbhave ambition.From what little i saw of america most people did that too. But i only went to washington state
>>80077103Thats also how i got filtered>my job is shit, i have no ambition aside from emigrating and i dont exercize.
>>80077066What could they do better? I see myself in this image and it makes me wince.
>>80077167Get a better job and work out
>>80077167Make more, go to the gym, take up interesting hobbies, dress better, work on themselves.These men are basically trash.
>>80077169>>80077173I make a lot of money already and I do exercise. I dress fashionably and I have a lot of creative hobbies too. I don't mean the physical aspects but talking. I try to be polite in offering someone to go somewhere because it feels like I don't get responses.
>>80074601>have actual personalitiesWhat does this even mean? Do you even know what personality means?
>>80074441What's wrong with the car? I bought a 2015 Toyota Camry last year and it's the best purchase I've ever made. I just needed a solid, reliable car that will get me to and from work with minimal issues. It's got plenty of passenger seats and trunk space. It's a solid fucking car.