>not a single good book written by a woman
>>80060521i submit the following
>>80060521I would agree, but I would be a hypocrite because I kind of like Ayn Rand.>>80060525Technically a comic.
>>80060521I dunno, "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus" is pretty good.
>>80060544semantics. no meaningful distinction
22, never finished a bookis it over?
Agatha Christie?
>>80060521what about haryr potter
>>80060598I'm not gonna act all sanctimonious like I didn't like HP when I was a teenager (I did) but there's a lot of problems with Jowling Kowling Rowling's writing. Foremost of which is that she seems completely incapable of thinking about the wider implications of random shit she throws into her story and then fucks shit up trying to fix it later.Time turners for instanceEntertaining sure, but high quality or "good" idk
>>80060571What race are u anon
>>80060525thats not a book
>>80060525I hate FMA. A much better answer would've been Naoko Takeuchi or Rumiko Takahashi.
>>80060521>Not a single good book written by an incel
>>80060726>the entire works of H.P. lovecraft>artwork by vince van gogh>leonardo davinciwomen have never created knowledge or speculation about anything in the world except when they can use their pussies to get free shit, you fucking monkey
>>80060735None of them are good? Lol
>>80060551Came here to post this Also Haunting of Hill House
>>80060726>Beethoven>Nikola Tesla>Isaac Newtonall died virgins, and thus, incels.
>>80060748>the creator of dark horror fantasy was not a good authorthis is bait, and you are retarded
>>80060525>>80060544>>80060551>>80060590>>80060598>>80060718>fictionyou're brain dead x_X
>>80060662what do you call a bunch of pages bound together in your language?
>>80060735>Any single one of them>IncelLOLYou don't even have to look at it from a subjective point of view whether their work was good or bad, they just objectively weren't incels.
>>80060521i liked ursula guin
>>80060753>virgin != inceldumb fag, incelism is an ideology.
>>80060726ahemladies take notes
>>80060767>>80060772>inceldom has nothing to do with sex you people are so two faced. literally on another thread you would be trying to insinuate that any man who has never had sex is an incel, while at the same time trying to say that apparently inceldome doesn't have anything to do with the ideology of person. Lets be honest here, those men WERE incels because they dedicated their lives to something other than sex- and as such were treated poorly by women. That is what an incel is. When you disagree with the status quo of everything around you, and are punished by women for it, you are incel. You people are fucking retarded for trying to say any of these people weren't incels, nikola tesla literally married a fucking pigeon and died alone. What more do you fucking idiots want from a nigga?
>>80060766potentially magazines, comics, newspapers, manuscripts, journals etc.
>>80060772incel just means involuntarily celibate so theoretically you could not be a virgin but revert back to celibacy due to a dry spell, but all virgins are definitely incels
>>80060817>magazinesA type of small...>comicsoften referred to as comic _____>newspapersnot bound together>manuscriptsa prototypical form of a...>journals a subgenre of... defined by contentyou're trying to gatekeep but you just dont understand words
>>80060726>be me>write about logic and reasoning as being the key factors for proper decision making and life actions>die a virgin>not an incel because some retard on 4chan doesn't think I wasover for fakecels like this virgin
>>80060799Not an incel>>80060812This poster is clearly an incel. Where did I say "has nothing to do with sex"? Incels always do this mental gymnastics shit and warp things with shitty 80IQ strawman perceptions. Plenty of virgins made amazing works, but none of them were incels. Incels don't make anything, other than martyrs and school shooters.
Bell JarFrankensteina third one
>>80060843>magazines are books>comics are books>newspapers are books>manuscripts are books>journals are booksI think a fundamental criteria for a book to be a book, it has to be mostly words on page, not pictures, not tabloid articles, articulates something meaningful about whatever story it is trying to tell, and is actually written by an author. What you are describing is the simple act of putting pen to paper and scribbling until there is enough to read, but a book is something a bit more... smart, than your retarded mongoloid theories of what language has evolved to describe
>>80060852Also not an incelWhy do all incels want to claim every smart virgin for their incel faggot camp?All incels are virgins, not all virgins are incels.Can't you into logic?
>>80060870continue being wrong and mad if you want
>>80060764Historical nonfiction then.
>>80060864>this poster with 20 bodies and a gf who wants to marry and have his children is clearly an incel. you people who hate incels always try to warp the definition in order to talk shit about inceldom. Just because somebody doesn't agree with you doesn't make them an incel, and yes ALL virgins are incels until ascension. You should really try to talk to actual incels about what its like for them, instead of making stupid ideas in your own head about what you think they are like.
>>80060649mixed why?
>>80060877>he pulls out the jew bible to prove he doesn't understand what literature actually isMagazines aren't books lmao, stay wrong
In order to be an incel you have to have a sub 89 IQ, therefore nothing ever produced by an incel was ever good. If they ever produce anything at all, that is.>>80060889Read you retard.Oh wait, I forgot what I said just 50 second earlier in this post, incels ALL have a sub-89 IQ. They literally cannot read.
>>80060873>why do all incels claim smart virgins as incelsnigga you are unironically so retarded if you think the meaningful definition between an incel and a virgin is some kind of iq test
>>80060897"words just mean whatever the fuck I decide they mean. Dictionaries make me mad"
>>80060902>In order to be an incel you have to be what I say you are, and not what self proclaimed incels have said about themselves and their community and the blackpill in generalOk dude I will surely listen to your conjecture about other people as opposed to their own narratives about their own lives. The funniest part is that incels more often than not are 120+iq and just can't interface with the retarded normies they have to be around all day
I liked Ice, by Anna Kavan. It's schizokino.But to be honest she was a mentally ill drug user which makes her quite different from your typical woman.
>>80060912>I listen to what other people say words mean instead of understanding cultural definitions and how they relate to the actual piece of media in question
>>80060907Nigga you're so retarded you cannot even comprehend sentences worded at a first grade level and have to warp and twist everything in order to fit the narrative you tell yourself. >>80060916>The funniest part is that incels more often than not are 120+iqThere it is! >>80060873>Why do all incels want to claim every smart virgin for their incel faggot camp?It's so they can prove to themselves that they're actually really smart! Obviously they HAVE to be super smart! I mean, just look at all those other people who were also virgins and also smart!
>>80060912>words mean what I have learned they mean through communication with others and understanding the world around me
>>80060843Its a book if its all text its a comic if its pictures with speak bubbles or subtitles.
>>80060926>no that guy who was smart wasn't an incel!!! everybody who is an incel has to be some stereotypical retard boogeyman who I created in my head!!!! no don't look up elliot rodgers IQ! don't look up brent tarrents IQ! noooooo! they are all subhuman IQ! they weren't incels because they didn't agree with the retardation of their own society! they were incels because they were STUPID!!!!#@!#!@!do you even fucking hear yourself dude?
>>80060926>replying to myself so that I can say the same thing I said before except this time with the expectation you will agree with me this timeyou are so fucking pathetic. you are probably so mad about inceldom because you are fundamentally a virgin and don't want to be labeled as an incel. 100% chance you are a faggot white knight who thinks all women are angels and the men who criticize them are dirty stinky!
>>80060551>>80060865Frankenstein is actually a really horrible book. You can just tell its written by a woman because the protag make a mistake of thinking the monster is gonna kill him on his wedding day instead of his bride. As if any man would both be that self centered and obsessed with weddings. Bitch didn't even do her research.
>>80060885>yas queen girlboss cringe
>>80060932>>80060926Well I hope you morons all have fun when communication is impossible because everyone just uses whatever definition of words that makes sense to them in their retarded minds
>>80060912descriptive has beat prescriptive every timesorry but you're on the losing side of this war
>>80060969>I think comic books are real books and that means I'm smarter than you!your goyslop, sir
>>80060922Aside from the drug use shes not that different from your typical woman.
>>80060521I am reading Talented mr Ripley from Patricia Highsmith currently. Its alright
>>80060942>Incels are so hekkin smort I promise!>Can't figure out the most basic level thing on the planet>Literal reproduction>The thing that has been happening for billions of years even literal single cell organisms can figure it out>Constantly shifts the blame away from themselves for everything>Constantly blames the world and everyone else for their own shortcomings and failures>Huge majority can't even make it through an associates degree in college>Can't interact with other people>Can't even figure out how to shower daily>Or how to keep their room clean>No I promise my IQ is 120!! This online test told me so!!!>YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE MY DELUSION THAT I'M REALY SMART>IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT THEN I FEEL REALLY BADlol>>80060953All incels are virginsNot all virgins are incelsCome on, mister hekkin 120 IQ incel! Don't you know what a non-symmetric relationship is?A=BB!=AIf it rains, the ground is wet.If the ground is wet, does not mean it rained.You should get this. It's very basic logic. Unless....You're an incel, then your IQ is sub-89. Only someone who has an IQ of sub-89 would ever identify as an incel.
>>80060969Ever heard of these things called context, authorial intent, listening (reading) comprehension and inference?
So are we just gatekeeping incelibacy now?
>>80060991No, incels don't understand those things. Their IQ is sub-89. The only thing they can comprehend is their narrow minded perspective, and forcefully shoehorning everything to fit into that narrow perspective, even if it doesn't fit.
>>80060989You are so clearly projecting right now because you are a virgin who doesn't want to be perceived as an incel- likely due to your own internalized 'incelphobia'. This is something that can be fixed, but you have to take the blackpill sir.>incels get degrees but are not smart>incels literally get blamed for every womans rights issue on the planet>incels get hate for literally not having sex>incels are hated for saying women are bad people>incels are hated for advocating reform to the way the western sexual marketplace creates whores out of teenagers>le hecking idiots! i'm so much smarter than those incels because i figured out how to rail out whores in the back of my chevy>that will really show those incels, who literally wrote nearly every piece of information i ever find myself using
>>80060922Living alone in London during the mid-1920s, she began studying painting at the London Central School of Arts and Crafts, and continued to paint throughout her life. Kavan regularly travelled to the French Riviera where she was introduced to heroin by racing car drivers she took up with.[7]In 1928 she divorced Ferguson and married an artist named Stuart Edmonds whom she had met near Toulon. They travelled together through France, Italy, Spain and the Pyrenees before resettling in England. A year later, she published her first novel, A Charmed Circle, under the name Helen Ferguson, followed by five more books over the next eight years.Kavan and Edmonds had a daughter, Margaret, who died soon after childbirth and they then adopted a child whom they named Susanna.[8] In 1938, when her second marriage ended, she attempted suicide and was admitted to a clinic in Switzerland. These were the first of what would be multiple hospitalizations and asylum incarcerations throughout Kavan's life for both depression and her lifelong heroin addiction. sounds like your typical roastie
Story from a self proclaimed 40 year old virgin> Age 17-25: I asked some girls/women out. They all just plain out said no(except for the one). The last few years of the period, I stupidly started to ask why and "because you're you" was the top answer. Until the one went on in more detail and made me realized what "because you're you" meant and I gave up. I threw myself in to my studies, researched anything that interested me, and just read A LOT about a lot.age 25-32: I just didn't try. Continued my self-studies. Sure there were women I would loved to ask out (there was even one I did, quite to my own surprise, of course she said no and then some) but I was "still me" and they would have said no. I had a demanding/abusive job from age 28 to 30 that took everything from me. I joined a gym at 30.Age 32-now: I lost 97 lbs between age 30 and 32. Took up yoga and running. I think I noticed women noticing me but I had convinced myself women don't find me attractive, so I had to be imagining things. My work out routine has lessened since then and I have gained back some weight but thankfully more muscle than fat.I learned in my late 20s that I have a personality type that makes me hard to get to know which means dating is particularly difficult. It was at this time I thought I was a high-functioning autist. I do have many (but not all) traits of one. I've never been good at social stuff so I have huge disadvantage in the sociality needed for dating. In the last 5 years or so, I began to wonder if I have social anxiety disorder instead of or maybe in addition to autism. And in all this time I've worked overnights which adds another difficulty in dating.>cont
>>80060976ya'll real mad you don't know the word "novel" or whatever. b-b-but i only read big boy books for biggest brain special boys! ur "books" arent real books!learn more words. use better words to describe the thing you're actually talking about
>>80061060I get the idea that I'm the better-than-nothing guy but I don't want to be the last option for someone. I'd rather like a woman who wants to be with me and not has to be with someone. I also don't think it would be fair to burden a woman with my "quirks and foibles" that I've gotten over the years. Also, the social stigma of being over 40 and never even having a date seems like a obstacle in itself>So what did she mean by "...being you"? Her words: "You think too much. You read too much. You don't talk much and when you do, you use those big words no one else knows to talk about stuff no one understands or even cares about. You're a great guy to know, but there is no way in heck I'd ever go out with you." yeah this guy sounds like an idiot to me. what a fucking retard honestly. he just never figured out biology i guess. yeah you guys are right, all incels are just 90 iq idiots who lack even the humanity to reflect on their own positions. you fucking succubi should kill yourselves
>>80061078>You have to use the word novel when referring to something with words and the word book when referring to anything with text! Noooo! Don't use the word book to mean books and the word novel to mean a bigger book! thats so dumb! that doesn't even make sense! nooooo!
>>80061078>me when I don't know what novel means
>>80061019>Incels get degreesWrong if incels got degrees they wouldn't be incels. At best they worst they would be virgins, at best they'd be sex havers. If you go to college and have any sort of interest in the opposite gender, and also put any amount of effort into finding a partner, you will find one. If you don't have an interest in the opposite gender, you're not an incel. You're a virgin by choice.If you don't put any effort into finding a partner, you're not an incel, you're a virgin by choice.All incels are virgins, not all virgins are incels.
>>80061078novel is fiction only
>>80061115>incels are what I say they are, not what incels say they are>getting a college degree means you can't be an incel anymore>volcels who are virgins by choice aren't a type of incel, but instead virgins are just something different entirelyAll virgins are incels until ascension my friend.
>>80061115>partner gay alert
>>80061078Ackshually a novel is specifically a fictional prose book. It doesn't encompass all prose books.
>>80060521Op made the foids RWEALY ANGY with this one. Great heaven!
>>80060864>Incels always do this mental gymnastics shit and warp things with shitty 80IQ strawman perceptions.>inflating the logical fallacies in my argument in order to pick apart the macroscopic inconsistencies in my own words is just a strawman and im right and you are wrong heh chudgenuinely I hope you shoot yourself tomorrow
>>80061131Nice mental gymnastics, incel has an objective meaning. Involuntary celibacy. If you are voluntarily celibate you're not an incel, just a virgin.If I choose to become a Buddhist monk and meditate on top a rock and never interact, I'm not an incel. It was my choice to be a virgin. You're like one of those tards that doesn't know what objective meanings are. You think just because someone calls themselves something that they are the thing they claim to be. To you, incel is an identity, it doesn't have a real meaning. >>80061141Women can be incels too, fag. >>80061181Careful bub, don't let that incel rage get to be too much. You might accidentally a whole school.
>>80061179Women are always angry
>>80060902>incels ALL have a sub-89 IQ.https://www.reddit.com/r/MrRobot/comments/rtseoo/elliots_iq/niggas been arguing for years as to what elliot rodgers IQ was, but the consensus seems to be 120+ at the very least. would you, one person, care to intricately debunk every single argument in this thread so we can see what a real chad knows?
>>80060521books are gay. vidya is better. why read about a hero when i can play a hero?
>>80061207>A bunch of retarded redditors agree his IQ has to be 120+, that means it has to be true! >Everyone agrees that means it is true!>Links a literal reddit post as a sourceNice reddit mentality fag.
>>80061190>Women can be incels too, fag.JFL bro you're so fucking stupid.If you chose to be a budhist monk, you would still be an incel. the fact is, you could never get laid in the first place. it's just literally outside your genetics, outside your fate. thats why you are an incel, because you are fundamentally a virgin and never will ascend. that is why all virgins are incels until ascension. >>80061220Would you like to defend against any of the points listed or do you just want to sit in your little denial chamber and suck your own dick all day, incel faggot
The SCUM Manifestovery fitting for this thread too
>>80061220>I don't have any good arguments as to why the person was stupid, and I'm going to ignore all of the evidence listing his intelligence surpassed my previous assessments>but you're stupid for looking something up on google to see other peoples opinions about something, and to see the evidence they listed themselves >you should listen to me, the guy with zero evidence, all conjecture, who has never read a good book in his life (because he only reads female artists)
>>80061226>Women cannot be rejected and forced into celibacy>Women aren't time gated by genetics that makes it so they literally cannot have kids after a certain pointwomen are the only true incels. The gymnastics on these incels is crazy>Would you like to defend against any of the points listedJ-JUST CONSUME THE REDDIT!BECOME A REDDITOR LIKE US!!!!no you faggot.>>80061245>I'm just going to ignore the reddit postsYou're right about one thing.>You should just listen to the """evidence""" (reddit posts)Lol go back.
>>80061288>A hundred people think the guy who won hacking tournaments in minutes was at least 120 iq but they are wrong because le hecking reddit. look at how smart i am, as a fellow incel in denial who cannot understand why he is a virgin and will never ascendGet real dude. you are 1 person in a swarm of 1000 who rightfully understand the pain that true knowledge of the world brings upon a person. even isaac newton thought the bible had secret messages for him- the nigga was incel as shit.>women can be incelsNo they can't. If a bitch wants a kid she will get it.
>>80061219>not a single good video game made by a woman
>>80061288>He won a hacker tournament within 2 minutes that involved numerous countries with all kinds of intelligent people. He won it in 2 minutes while the other dude was at it for 4 hours and still didn't produce results (That dude is probably a better example of someone with a 120-130 IQ). They both had the same knowledge, skills and understanding of the method and the hacker challenge. But Elliot just rearranged the info in a way as to come up with a solution to win the tournament i.e. lateral thinking. The dude even said "I didn't think of it in this way". This is not a matter of skill. This is a matter of creativity and raw brain functioning. So you have zero way to refute this point somebody made and are just retarded right
>>80061288>be a woman>throw my pussy around for 20 years until I dry up and can't have kids anymore>didn't have kids with 1000 chads that I fucked>it's all incels fault that I'm going through menopause and will never have a family>those fucking incels, always making life harder for womenremember boys, what we think of foid opinions
>>80061288Women literally cannot experience rejection. The only thing women experience is pussy tingle when chad walk by.
>>80061312>you are 1 person in a swarm of 1000>You are against the majority that means you're wrongLOL. Majority = averageAverage = normieNormie = 100~ IQ.>Trusting the opinion of someone with 100 IQYou are agreeing with the normies. It's crazy what 4chan has become. It's just an echo chamber for the status quo these days.>If a bitch wants a kid she will get it.>Anon has never met a crazy cat lady>Or that weird old lady who lives in a rickety old house by herself and has no kidsSure thing bud, keep lying to yourself. Incels are great at delusional thinking.>>80061325Cool reddit post, bro. Tell me more.>>80061337>Can only give examples of mentally ill stacies with daddy issues who fuck every man that looks in their general directionWhat about the weird book worm girl that's always in the library who gets rejected a bunch of times then just goes to college and becomes a weird cat lady>>80061344Wrong
>>80061337damn that image is accurate hard to believe any of these people have self respect
>>80061374>What about the weird book worm girl that's always in the library who gets rejected a bunch of times then just goes to college and becomes a weird cat ladybro turn off the tv thats never happened
>>80061384>Bro I'm delusional and ignore reality that doesn't align with my perspective!Yes, yes, I know you've never experienced real life.
>>80061344Nah women get rejected quite a bit they always giga seethe when it happens though so I'm guessing they never try more than once.
>>80061389>real life>literally using anime caricatures dude
>>80061374>I have created a false opinion about another person and am being contrarian by ignoring the mountains of evidence listing that the man I am criticizing was smarter than I am.You are digging yourself so deep into a hole that I literally can no longer tell if you are baiting or not. Do you legitimately think he was 90 iq? You're fucking retarded, niggas with 90 iq can't even get licenses, let alone firearms and college diplomas, hacking certifications, and win tournaments that require your mind to be apt
>>80060521I liked Clan Of The Cave Bear and Too Kill A Mocking Bird
>>80061402>This guy has literally never been to a library or talked to an old cat lady who has dried up and never had kidsThat makes sense for an incel, they don't go to libraries. You know, on account of being retarded.Man you need to get out more. The echo chamber is rotting you brain.>>80061404He was either sub-89 IQ, or not an incel. Take your pick.
>>80061374>be me>faggot>disagree with people simply because they used a website I don't like>no it doesn't matter if I'm right or wrong, or if what they are saying is valid>I'm right because they use a website i don't like>they are wrong because their informed opinions were posted somewhere I'm too sensitive to visit>heh, chuds, that'll show you to debate a smart 4channer like myself
>>80061404What are you talking about bro a huge proportion of the population is 90 iq they're just as common as 110 some countries have that as their national average https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/average-iq-by-country they can still drive there.
>>80061425>He was either sub-89 IQ, or not an incel. Take your pick.elliot rodgers was literally 200 iq incel king. you are just envious you will die a virgin and never make a fraction of the waves he did
>>80061425I've been to libraries its all old people or hobos. Old ladies at the library weren't there when they were young because they kept getting rejected by chad they didn't fucking go which is why there are no young women there now.
>>80061433He was 199 iq and incel, a literal god amongst the rest of us 150 iq incel retards. You're just envious because you will die an incel virgin and never make a fraction of the cultural relevance he had and still has
>>80061425>they don't go to libraries>the insinuation being that relying on the public funded programs to power your education is somehow a better way to become smart than simply researching what you want to learn about on your computer in the privacy of your home, or buying the books you want online
>>80061427>Be you>Be redditor incelLMAO imagine being a normie AND an incel>>80061433If he was so intelligent why couldn't he get a gf?Was it... because he never tried? And thus couldn't be an incel?Whoops.>>80061445Not public libraries you dipass. Try a library at a school. There's always some weird bookworm girl hiding off in the back reading some weird book.
>>80061465>Was it... because he never tried? And thus couldn't be an incel?>mfw I write an entire manifesto about how I tried to get girlfriends and it never worked because women are horrible people, and normies are horrible people- yet this random nigga on 4chan doesn't think im an incelyou're actually fucking retarded.
>>80061465I'm not a pedophile sorry
>>80061465>why couldn't he get a gf?He wrote an entire book about this and also made a lot of youtube videos detailing how hard it is to find a gf, especially as an overly intelligent man
>>80061465>>Be redditor incelmfw im a redditor incel with an 8 inch cock thats been inside 20+ pussies. yeah dude its pretty brutal over here
>>80060767>>80060772Now kill each other you fucking retards
>>80061469>Be shittiot rodcuck>Sit at a table by myself>Wtf why are they rejecting me?!?!?>AAAAAAA REEEEEEE>Writes fanfic about how he got rejected by everyone>You believe it because you're retardedYep, sounds about right.>>80061473You just keep coming up with the excuses don't you? You know colleges have libraries? Of course you don't know that, you've never been to one.You also didn't go to the library when you were in school, either.>>80061495Hey, what's up normie.
>>80061512normie fag thinks it's 'incelism' and not 'inceldom'
>>80061521>You know colleges have libraries?>you were supposed to interpret me using the word school to mean me saying college even though I used a different word with a different cultural connotation in the context i used it in
>>80061522It's incelism because it's a belief system. >>80061529>Wtf how am I supposed to know that colleges are schools?!?!>How am I supposed to infer that when you use the word school, you're referring to all schools!??!?
>>80061533>you're referring to all schools!??!?>except for the schools which I didn't mean, AKA the ones I am berating an anon for assuming i meant
>>80061521bro ngl you sound really weird and creepy right now
>>80061540Follow the conversation, anon.I said "weird bookworm girls are in libraries"Anon said "nuha it's only homeless people!"I said "dipass, I meant school libraries, not public libraries, nobody fucking uses those"Anon said "wtf bro I'm not a pedo!!" (he obviously is)I said "hey, dipass v2, you know colleges, which are also schools, also have libraries?"(even though the weird girls are also in those school libraries, and we all know that there's plenty of udneraged B& posters here)
>>80061521its more like>go to parties to try to meet women>live in california so notice all the women I interact with are used pussy saleswomen>99% of my classmates do drugs and drink excessively>i am treated like a pariah for trying to advocate for a return to normalcy>I am actively bullied by people who have sex because I am a virgin>other virgins online see me and think they are not an incel because I was radicalized by my experiences with other people>get sent into downward spiral of asociality because I am surrounded by people who want to see me suffer>notice how all normies hate being told about how they hurt others, and just hurt others with impunity>get called a retard online despite being 150 iq>get called a virgin incel despite trying to find actual love>end up with zero friends, connections, surrounded by other incels because they are the only people who see me as human anymore>but ackshually im not smart because I couldn't figure out how to fuck random slampigs in college
>>80061564>just go to a college you don't attend to look at some femcel
>>80061564>just go talk to women at the library, where it is a cultural taboo to speak to others and have intimate conversations>yeah bro just ignore the social stigmas associated with the things i'm telling you to do>it hasn't worked for me at all and i'm still a virgin incel but I am smarter than other virgin incels because I know how to ascend>except I don't because I am not chad
>>80061575JFL bro even if they did that, which I'm sure every single incel has tried before, they would notice all women are whores who never put out for anybody except gigachad
>>80061564Creepy?! NO!ANYTHING BUT THAT!!!!!NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!Lol>>80061571>150 IQ>Cannot figure out how to socialize>Constantly puts himself around people he doesn't like that also don't like him>Wonders why everything constantly fails>Looks for "love" at parties full of whoresI cannot, anon. I cannot.>>80061575Come on, brother. I didn't say that. Also,try enrolling in college. You might learn some reading comprehension there.>>80061594Where did I ever say "Go talk to library weirdos"? Nowhere, that's where. I simply said femcels exist in libraries.But, you definitely CAN, if you don't have the social awareness of a dead pigeon.
>>80061637one jewgle search would show you that most intelligent people have trouble socializing with normies and even other intelligent people
>>80061637I already graduated
>>80061648Weird that they can't do it with other intelligent people. This must only apply to braniacs seems like everyone under 140 just needs to stay in their peer group.
>>80061648>Intelligence, which is the measure of the creative process of extrapolating information out of sets of data and applying that data to other, unrelated sets of data have problems extrapolating information out of sets data and applying that information to social situationsHmmmmmmmmm.Nope. If you struggle with social situations, you're probably stupid, or a midwit, at best. >>80061663The more intelligent you are, the better you are with social situations. Barring people with developmental disabilities.
>>80061679Thats not even remotely true
>>80061679>he thinks that socialization is a matter of input and output data sets, rather than a complex litany of human experiences- some which confound even the greatest of linguists to put into word
>>80061724>What, this can't be true! That would mean that I'm.... LOW IQ?!?!Yep, sorry bub. Do some research into IQ that goes beyond typing words into google that generate a link which proves your point of view.
>Increased Awareness Highly intelligent individuals may have a greater awareness of complex issues, including social injustices, existential risks, and personal challenges. This awareness can lead to heightened anxiety or distress.>Social Isolation Intelligent people might struggle to relate to peers, leading to feelings of loneliness or isolation. They may find it difficult to connect with others who do not share their interests or intellectual pursuits.>Expectations and Pressure: There can be societal expectations placed on intelligent individuals to succeed, which may create pressure and stress. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy if they feel they are not living up to those expectations.>Sensitivity: Some studies suggest that highly intelligent people may also be more sensitive or empathetic, which can make them more susceptible to emotional pain.>Diverse Experiences: It's important to recognize that intelligence is just one aspect of a person's identity. Life experiences, personality traits, and other factors play significant roles in overall happiness and suffering.
mythology by hamilton
Because being able to understand things others don't isn't always a good thing. They also have to deal with the..Extra.Some intelligent people end up getting hurt in some way because everyone else doesn't understand something which can cause a wide range of different actions..Then theres people who have different ideas in mind, possibly a fixed mindset and aren't capable of certain intellectual thoughts. Some cannot see things that are too abstract.There's people who have to lead and take charge in order to maintain some kind of stability and then there's people who do better just taking orders but need to be communicated with properly.Understanding is extremely hard to live with sometimes. It can end in endless conflict until something stops it.
Intelligent people are not average or common people, because their habits and mode of thinking and functioning is different from common masses. They have exceptional ability and extra-ordinary will-power, which provokes them to face many challenging situations. They are not satisfied or never do any compromise of living happily in normal circumstances but their ambition is to prove supernormal or extra-efficient in every situation through which they goes, in their lifetime. Due to their peculiar character, they try to walk on that pathway which is untrodden, a completely new path upon which uptill now nobody have walked on, which is full of bolder challenges, full of adversities and grief. The main reason behind selection of such thorny path is that they want to prove themselves, their inherent extra-potential had to be manifested out into practical reality. Most of these are genius and offer hard resistance to fight with every odd that comes in between. As real gold is tested by allowing it to go through tough heat, its impurities present in it gets melted out and what remains is pure gold. Similarly, intelligent people s intelligence gets more sharper, and effective when they face hardships and troublesome situations. Their spot talent and presence of mind becomes more provocative, responsive and capable to face any challenging condition that comes in its way of course. Thus in short to say, if there were no difficulties and hardships, there would have been less proportion of intelligent people in these world because painful circumstances are only the reflecting mirrors, which shows the real and true image of an intelligent person.
>>80061805>extra-ordinary will-poweryouu made that up
If you have a 130+ IQ, and the average IQ is 100, that means that your world is similar to an average person living in a world of 70 IQ people = the definition of morons. That also means that 49% of people you encounter are less intelligent than that moronic level. And 1 in 4 people actually have an IQ of 80 or less, which is literally 50+ points lower than you relatively the definition of literal imbeciles.So then, if you were forced to live in a wold literally saturated with morons and imbeciles inescapable constant interaction with morons and imbeciles, do you think your satisfaction of social interactions, your satisfaction of surrounding media, your satisfaction of the political beliefs and solutions of the world would be utterly frustrating? Do you think you would be inescapably misunderstood and lonely?That is the true reality of very smart people.And if they simply express this truth they are ridiculed as inconsiderate, arrogant, immoral by people that to them are literally morons and imbeciles, so they MUST remain silent.
>>80060521read The Voyage Out by Virginia Woolf
> "I was over 60 years old before I realized how IQ testing really works. Commercial tests have fairly definite ceilings, and online tests are useless. After studying the rationale behind effective high-range testing, and doing a range of valid, appropriates tests, I found that my IQ results from a dozen tests clustered beautfully around a very high number, higher by 2 standard deviations than what I previously believed. This was life-changing. I now know why I have approximately 2 friends in the universe, why everyone thinks I am odd, why I am frustrated and angry with the entire human race, and why I want to be alone inside my brain for 7 hours every day. My mission now is the try to stay humble, achieve something half useful with my gifts in what few years remain to me. I feel for everyone in the same situation."~Greg Walker
>>80061831>why I want to be alone inside my brain for 7 hours every daysounds like incel talk... but that must mean this guy is lying and is actually 80iq! fucking retard!
>>80061753>He thinks that human experience isn't simply sets of data>He thinks that human behavior isn't simply sets of dataThis is an assumption, but I do believe you are a person who has confused knowledge (book smarts) with intelligence.Intelligence is a general ability. It applies to everything. Someone who is very intelligent can learn something from one area and apply that knowledge to another area, this makes learning new things much easier. This also applies to social situations. Intelligence, broadly speaking, is "the ability to learn, and to apply what is learned in one field to other, potentially unrelated fields" quantified with a number (e.g. 105 IQ).Someone with an IQ of 150 could learn some mathematical principle and apply that knowledge through some creative extrapolation to a social situation and learn something with that previous knowledge.
>>80061851>he thinks that sets of data are definitive examples of an entire experience>he cannot understand that red is in the rainbow but the rainbow is still not red
>>80061851>Someone with an IQ of 150 could learn some mathematical principle and apply that knowledge through some creative extrapolation to a social situation and learn something with that previous knowledge.So that means incels are 90 iq because they have not decided to fuck slampigs and whore roasties?
>>80061818If they express the truth, they are outcast because they disagree with the majority. Even in a space where supposedly being an outcast is the norm. >"Everyone else agrees, so you must be wrong!">>80061865>He thinks that viewing an experience as data is about taking the perspective of a non-experiencing robot and viewing the experience as mere 1's and 0'sNigga, humans are experiencing creatures. Just because an experience is a point of data, does NOT reduce it to something that is beneath, or less than an experience. >He cannot understand that red is not real, it's merely a subjective sense impression that is created within the mind>>80061872Conceptually, yes. Actually, no.They're sub-89 IQ because they lack the ability to learn.Incels are incels because they cannot stay in their lane. They're just like modern women. Literally. Unironically. Some 3/10 incel thinks that he should be able to land a 8/10 gf, simply because a 5/10 girl can have sex with a 10/10 chad.If an incel wanted ot stop being an incel, he could get a gf that was in his lane with no problem. But they don't do that, they aim for chicks who are repulsed by them, in order to prove their point of view that the world hate them. Which gives them permission to hate women (and the world) in return, which gives them permission to be vitriolic and spiteful and to make no genuine attempts at anything.They're literally stupid.
>>80061961>They're sub-89 IQ because they lack the ability to learn.I literally just wrote out like 4 different experiences from other peoples testimonies about why smarter people might be treated as outcasts or pariahs. Do you seriously lack the critical thinking skills to associate why people who are smart might be incels sometimes?
How many of these have you read?
>>80062015If they were smart, they would not be incels. The reason incels are incels is because they have no concept of social hierarchies, which is because they have low IQ. Even the most basic bitch 98 IQ Stacy has a concept of social hierarchies. This complete lack of social awareness leads a 3/10 loner weirdo with zero friends to cold approach the 10/10 Stacy with whom he has never even so much as held a conversion with, and ask her out. To which she will obviously reply with no, and all the higher status people will make fun of him for being literally retarded.This is the incel story. All people with high IQs are weird, not all weird people have high IQs. Do YOU seriously lack the critical thinking to not realize that you cannot backwards engineer some things? Just because incels are weirdos, does not mean they are high IQ. Just because people with high IQs are outcast, DOES NOT MEAN that people who are outcasts are high IQ. The mental gymnastics are redonk.
>>80062034>The complete poems of emily dickinson>A POETRY COMPILATION>NOT A HECKIN REAL BOOKERINO>REEEEEEE
Surprised no one has mentioned this one.
>>80060521esther vilar thoughbeit
>>80060544You like Rand? Are you severely mentally retarded?
You ever read The Hearing Trumpet? Leonora Carrington wrote that iirc. Senile old ladies living in igloos and starting a bee goddess death cult. Good shit. First thing that got me into surrealist lit.
>>80060521stupid illiterate frog
>>80060521end of thread, don't bother replying
>>80062977You've never even read Rand so your opinion isn't even your own.
>>80061776arigato chat gpt
>>80062034I don't read fiction
>>80060521Annie Jacobsen's books are kinda interesting tbqh
>>80062945aren't all her books secret femcel rape fantasies while gushing over rich and powerful men?
>>80065197The fountainhead has one rape that the male lead does on the female lead, but she was very strongly asking for it. Not so much gushing over rich and powerful men in that one, because the main character is broke most of the book chasing his creative vision uncompromisingly. Atlas Shrugged is definitely more gushing over rich men, but less so over political power, as the political powers are the bad guys, and those characters are portrayed as weak and scheming.
>>80060551Frankenstein is so slow for the first half though. It takes forever to get going
>>80060521>Harry potter>Animorphs>The Heir ChroniclesWomen write kino YA fiction
>>80065267the girl in atlus shrugged is an omega slut though so its basically the same thing
>>80060771Good submission to the thread. A good book from by a decent good author.
The Bell Jar
>>80066235>70s anarchist utopian science fiction
>>80066254Yeah, but Plath's career was a gas.
>>80066120well women have the brains of children so
>>80066120The Animorphs were written by a woman?
>>80066625Yeah, Katherine Applegate.
>>80066386It sounds silly when you reduce it to labels, but the execution is commendable. In terms of literature written by women, it's leagues beyond the rest. No vaginal focus, no female wish fulfillment, no boogeyman male characters. Le Guin was an author who actually seemed to understand a world beyond her own pussy.
The Locked Tomb is still one of the best scifi books I've readSure it's got some teenage angst but damn, that part where the necromancer god manages to convince the government to give them a nuke was fucking crazyOr when 'god's angels' arrive at a planet for a single little fucker, causing a planetary ruckus. It's just fun writing, y'know?
>>80060726the judgement by Franz Kafka is pretty good
>>80066198Dagny and Dominique, the female leads in AS and fountainhead respectively, both traded their romantic partners in their novels. Dagny homewrecked Rearden but traded up to John Galt because Rearden was philosophically cucked, and Galt was the ultimate objectivist Chad. Dominique was choosing her husbands as a form of self-inflicted torture; Peter Keating first because he was a talentless hack who was recognized as the great architect of his time, and then later Gail Wynand because he was truly great, but he submitted his greatness to the will of the masses who would prop up a mediocrity like Keating while destroying the main character Roarke who was truly great, before finally freeing herself and ending with Roarke.
Also I want to recommend the Earthsea Trilogy by Ursula K Leguin as another example of good literature by a woman author.
>>80066661Any relation to AJ Applegate?
>>80066801No, I checked because you got me curious...
>>80066773>Dagny was perfectly capable of getting men despite no virginity status>also was a girlboss forbes 400 tycoon yea I have no idea why leftists hate this book
>>80066838Oh yeah I forgot she fucked Francisco D'anconia too. You don't need to be a virgin when you're that based. Dominique lost her virginity to rape from Roarke though
Heather Miller has some great academic work on detective fiction and especially Southern Gothic genre deconstructions.
>>80061961>>80062110bro your posts reek of not knowing what iq is spoiler alert its not just whatever image you have in your head about what smart is
My Antonia by Willa Cather is one of my favorite novels. If you read it through the lens that it's a retelling of Genesis gone wrong, with resulting consequences on the evolution of man(hood) and woman(hood), it's very illuminating.
Why can't women write non fiction? Do they really have no good ideas to tell the world?
>>80060521im a virgin and hate women, and dorohedoro is written and illustrated by a woman and its the best manga on the market. dont care, nigger
>>80067269Nice projection buddy.>https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/intelligenceintelligencenouna(1): the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations : reasonalso : the skilled use of reason(2): the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (such as tests)IQ (intelligence) is a general ability to learn, extrapolate and abstract.Being smart is equal to being educated. Being educated/smart is a separate concept entirely to having a high IQ. Someone with 95IQ can be educated (smart), or even highly educated, especially in a narrow field of interest. Someone with an IQ of 150 could be uneducated, but would display a high aptitude at learning things, including social interactions.