So bored I'm browsing old posts from the r9k archive. I need a life
>>80068036stalking namefags and collecting data on them via the archive is fun
>>80068117Most namefags are retarded though. I only care for dykebots nudes
>>80068036i have this feeling, that shit was me. HAHAHAH2015 was a hell of a year..
>>80068194puppynon is my obsession. the bot made of him is peak
Here's a sad post with 0 replies
>>80068036/r9k/ was truly better back then when everyone posted gore to scare the normalfaggots, but look where we are now that those anons who posted gore are gone
>>80068036>2015 is old nowyikes
>>80068304Really reminds me of the theme of obscurity. Imagine that one day everything we talk of now and care aboutwill be so obscure it will be forgotten. like an event horizon for information kinda unsettling