Picrel not me but I have a cavity between my two front teeth that's caused a gap to form and it looks so nasty, what do? Im ashamed to show a dentist.
Just go man, they've seen worse methheads and smokers and people haven't brushed in 20 years but somehow want to keep their teeth. Better get it taken care of now before it gets bigger.
>>80083444caps, plus op, a lot of people have weak, idk a better work, teeth. some peoples teeth just go bad, even when eating fine. and the dentists know it.
i dont really brush my teeth, maybe a couple times a month, but i havent had a cavity in the last 5 years just a fuck ton of gingivitis
>>80083470This is the best advice. However bad you think you are, it's nothing compared to what the dentist has seen. They'll fix it up for you and you won't have to worry about it.
>>80083444Go and get it filled. Teeth aren't something you should fuck around with - you only get one set as a child and one set as an adult. Dentist won't care.