>he raises another man's kids>he considers himself as the "dad who stepped up"
Learn how to properly save images pls underage b&
>>80082016ngl i wanna start a orphanage
It's more respectable to raise another man's kid than to abandon your own
no they dontthey just want to slide their cock into that roastie cunt they usually treat the kid like shit t. son to a mother who went through like 3 stepdads
>>80082032I literally just googled "laughing pepe", incel
>>80082049And it shows that you are a 15 yo teen
>>80082016i can get thirty dollars of bennies a day from the state for each child i foster which is ten thousand a year so if i foster fifty kids i get half a million dollars a year of bennies
>>80082061>blah blah ProjectionDon't you have to tuck the deadbeat's kids to bed before eating the creampie out of his former fucktoi?
>>80082064>>80082036No sane person is going to let you start an orphanage, pedo
>>80082069Did i ever disagree with you? Like i jist want to tell you pls when you save an imge make sure that it doesn't include the png raster background and i thought zoomers were good with technology
>>80082092Learn to speak English before speaking to me, pajeet
>>80082075im not a pedo ami stfui can easily foster fifty kids with artificial intelligence android nannies and i will get financing by selling instant mashed potatoes to the homeless chinese
>>80082100pls no saaar im the finest brahim saaar
>>80082128Do I look like I cheat in video games?
>>80082133yes saaar i know that saaaar, i rucked your mom in xbox luve saaar
>>80082112All tripfags are pedosThat was unsurprisingly unoriginal
>>80082138saar you are unoriginal
>>80082133Bloody bitch come back
>>80082142Yes. my opinions align with the consensus
>>80082170>>80082142saars pls don't turn thus into another Indian hate thred
>>80082016Those things arent mutually exclusive anon. I know a guy who both raised another mans kids and had his own with the mother or with other women on the side at the same time. You cant be a cuck if you are cucking other men at the same time.
>>80082173fuck you blodfy basterf>>80082188you tooo saaaaar>>80082344pls don't cuck aryan brahims, we cuck you timmy
>>80082344Yeah at 31 I have realized I will have trouble dating if I am not down with single moms.My only rule is I better have a stake in that claim or I am not interested. (Aka if she's not willing to birth a couple children of mine, she can fuck off).
So what? Are you jealous?
In the bible Joseph did it and he is adorned and honored for it, calls him a just man. You have a problem with the bible?
>>80082391>the single alcoholic mom in the double wide is actually raising the savior (already born of premarital sex) of humanity Holy kino
>>80082380i fucked your bloody wife, i cucked your family>>80082391and i fucked joseph too
>>80082016the only guy I ever knew who settled for raising his wife's kid was an actual cuckold fetishist. his wife was amazing at sucking cock.
>>80082362Its more common than you think. Most men who get with single moms end up fertilizing the same women with their sperm and spawn their own offspring who they raise alongside the cuckspring. If you dont wanna be a cuck just fertilize every single mom you get with. Simple as that.
>>80082416I fertilized your bloody mom and youbare my son, noe pay me respect son
>>80082032lole you got double baited nerd
>>80082380>jealous of a cuckold
>>80082677Everyone is jealous of me since i cuxk all rhe timmies
>>80082016That kind of stuff misses the pointNothing wrong with raising another man's kids, if you have the means. The problem is taking a single mom for wife.
>>80082692>nothing wrong with raising a deadbeats fuck trophies which were discardedI'd rather have the money
>>80082188welp quite fun to see 99% of incels crunched into a image
>>80082391Joseph died of illness when Jesus was 12.
>>80082016My stepdad always just acted like I wasn't there even though my mom treated his 2 daughters like her own.
>>80082188>provide her with her needsIn this case helping raise her boyfriends kids
>>80082100>>80082128>>80082135>>80082170>>80082188>>80082361>>80082405skibidi pajeet on god sar deadass ohio rizz sigma.
almost all the sandniggers have been removed from Palestine
>>80082726Be glad that he didn't beat and abuse your ass.