Why are NEETs such assholes to people who have to work for a living?
>>80082887Because they have been cuckolded by real men
>>80082887That's a misconception.I deeply value wageslaves contributions towards society.
>>80082887I try to be nice to workers. Seems like they still want me against the wall though.
>>80082887As a NEET, I value the working class people that make the world run. I am very polite and patient with service workers like the ones in your picture, op. Thank you for working so that I can play video games and watch YouTube.
>>80083163god I can't wait until I can go back to being a neet
>>80082915>I try to be nice to workers. Seems like they still want me against the wall though.They do, they're extremely mean to everyone including themselves. I went from NEET to wagie and it's some of the grossest most fucked up workplace I've ever been at in fast food.