Is it really worth living life like a neet? Yes, school is shit and a cancer that everyone hates, but being a neet you are literally parasitizing on your parents, being a burden to them, is that life worth living?
>>80088400sacrifices must be made for the greater good even if it seems wrong or people discredit and ridicule you
>>80088400just get an easy low paying job lol
>>80088400It's the ONLY life worth living.
>>80088400I was getting CERB during Covidbeing paid not to work was nice
I NEETed until i was 27, waged a couple years, then quit to go back to school (still in school now)i think life is better lived when you are actually doing stuff and have goals and aspirations
>>80088400Since when atheists gives a fuck about what is right?
>>80088424coherent on the delusional scale a win in my books
>>80088400>Yes, school is shit and a cancer that everyone hatesgoing to school doesn't gurantee you a job anymore granpa>but being a neet you are literally parasitizing on your parents,tough luck, should have abstained
>>80088400>zomg you're a parasite! You're amoral and naughty!The entire first world lives on the misery of others. Your electronics, your clothes, your food. All raw materials and all manufacturing is done by slaves who earn 1/100 of what you spend in a day on junk food. Your existence is grossly amoral by the standards of any moralist in the last 2500 years.>Oh, but you'll inconvenience your parents!The people who brought me into existence without my consent? Oh boo hoo. If they wanted an earner they should have put in the effort to condition me into that lifestyle. Be role models. Motivate me.What's the point in putting maximum effort into life just to a wagie loser?>You'll be proud or some shit.Dumb fleeting emotions that have to be instilled in you by someone else. No one feels pride in a vacuum.
At least try it, maybe you'll like it.