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It's been less than 72 hours and this app already has the zoomers fully propagating in Uyghur genocide denial as if their lives depend on it.
We're so fucked.
Who cares? I don't.
All they need is like one Uyghur girl to cry on American media for the zoomers to turn on them, they are that easily swayed
I got banned for posting the tank man video.
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Imagine being like 6 years old with parents who want to mutilate your penis and sing goat fucker vibrato language but then they get shoved into a communist re-education camp and you're given math and chinese language textbooks instead

I'd unironically hang those communist china propaganda posters on my wall and look wistfully at them
>thank you Hans for civilizing my people
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>oh no the the zoomers don't believe that 6 trillion uyghurs are being holocausted for no reason by [american international rival]
hey, oldfag here, op, fellow oldfag, you sure they aint bots? like, come on.
>It's been less than 72 hours and this app already has the zoomers fully propagating in Uyghur genocide denial as if their lives depend on it.
>We're so fucked.

You're an idiot

The Uyghur Human Rights Project is a research-based advocacy organization located in Washington, D.C.

The project was founded with a grant from the National Endowment for Democracy, and became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, tax-exempt organization in 2016.[3][4]

Upon its founding, the NED assumed several former activities of the Central Intelligence Agency. Political groups, activists, academics, and some governments have accused the NED of being an instrument of U.S. foreign policy helping to foster regime change.[9][10][11]
calling it a genocide is retarded. they're not exterminating anyone, just sending people to reeducation camps if they've been so much as breathed on by anyone who knows a separatist, and occasionally inmates are subject to forced labor or die in custody. typical authoritarian state stuff, not a genocide.
Imagine being a tiktok addict
>doesn't understand why handing the Chinese government full reign over what American kids think and say is bad actually
Attempting to end a group of people via forced sterilization, abortion and birth control is still a genocide even if you don't actually kill anyone.
Good, China is a functioning government that doesn't destabilize the entire world to keep the petrodollar all while their citizens live like beggars.
Nigga China has a lower total prison population than the US (not per capita) and they have affirmative action for every non-han minority. I swear you NAFO faggots just make shit up all the goddamn time. Especially considering how le greatest ally + only democracy in the middle east actually does all that stuff you just mentioned plus armed murderous genocide. https://youtu.be/jWHA6pO3ANg?si=tqgtg9QVDOOZxPyh
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>Attempting to end a group of people via forced sterilization, abortion and birth control is still a genocide even if you don't actually kill anyone.
Unironically I think this is the zoomer normie equivalent of "no pussy no work", something along the lines of "no tiktok no acceptance of western propaganda"
Muslim conspiracy theory
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I really don't have anything against china. Most of the stuff I've been taught that makes them evil is pretty weak. Like sure, communism bad or whatever, but they're not even communists any more I thought. And all the wars we fought were partially our fault- we invade and replace heads of state in south america so much that I can't really blame them for being worried when we moved on vietnam and korea

The ideaological gap is small is my point. I disagree with pretty much everything people in like, Qatar or Afghanistan do. But me and the average gook probably agree on like 99% of topics. Even the Uyghur shit never bothered me. We did the same thing to the native americans,and they aren't half as bad as muslims can be.
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>show actual evidence (including themselves admitting they did this) for the fact that Israel has steralized Ethiopian Jews

>claim that China steralizes Uyghurs with zero evidence
In one of these countries, I can posit that the government is responsible for crack, the JFK assassination, and 9/11 without fear of being throw in jail, losing my job, losing access to the internet etc. You can even make a career out of it too. In the other, you can't even talk about the event with the tankman. Which one of these countries seems like it'll lie to you more?
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>In the other, you can't even talk about the event with the tankman.
If you keep posting the tankman in China cutting out the aftermath, then obviously China is going to think you are a CIA Government shill. After all the leaders of the 1989 student riots were smuggled out of China and danced with Pelosi in the Capitol afterwards
Yeah but how much does being able to talk about it actually change? Like, wohoo, I can say:
"All the bankers responsible for the 2007 housing crisis should be shot in front of their families!"
Without going to jail. But they won't be shot. I think free speech as a principle is a human right, but it just doesn't matter that much in the modern world. Words are cheaper then ever
If putting injun kids in boarding schools counts as "genocide", then forcefully sterilizing women, tearing down houses of worship and imprisoning anyone who criticizes your rule of their land definitely does.
>forcefully sterilizing women, tearing down houses of worship and imprisoning anyone who criticizes your rule of their land
We literally did all of that too lmao. They deserved it, but still
>that picture
Absolutely retarded. Not trusting any government agency for any reason is perfectly reasonable. "You have to believe the CCP's official statements because if you don't then you're letting the US government win" like do you fucking hear yourself?
>the denialists itt
Why can they never talk about the Uyghurs without deflecting to the US? It's always "uhm ok yeah but the Americans had slavery" or "but the US incarceration rate" with you people.
Its happening we just don't give a fuck.
>Absolutely retarded. Not trusting any government agency for any reason is perfectly reasonable. "You have to believe the CCP's official statements because if you don't then you're letting the US government win" like do you fucking hear yourself?
how long did it take you to twist that meme around? To turn it into a black white argument? What are you a woman? Do I have to explain a fucking meme?
no one is doing anything to Uyghurs and if so they deserve it
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>refute the meme's central point directly
>>refute the meme's central point directly
Just go back to NAFO discord headquarters
>still can't respond
Fucking lmao
The alternative is handing it to the Jews. Which is worse? There is a correct answer.
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The Americans introducing Luigi to these guys has been the single best bit of cultural exchange so far.
>If you critically discuss something the government did then they might think you're a foreign operative and that makes sense to me
See the problem with that line of thinking? It's an easy way to paint your detractors as a threat to the state rather than a concerned citizen.

Okay just because the world doesn't suddenly move to do something when you say it doesn't mean freedom of speech is suddenly worthless. The alternative is nothing changes AND you can't critique the government when they fuck up.
It's not critically assessing. That's like saying CIA funded China Insight youtube channel is critically assessing, we all know it's blatant propaganda against the enemy of the united states under the guise of "we're just talking" fuck off
>Americans interacting with Chinese: WW1 Christmas truce

>Americans interacting with Indians: WW2 Hitler-Jew level hatred
Unless it's white genocide though...
What is this social media? I saw stuff about nazi zoom zoom vrilposting on there. How can I use it?
More like Nyghur
>I really don't have anything against china.
Well funny thing is Chia is actually directly hurting you taking your jobs
When for example USSR was more of the straw boogieman.
>Well funny thing is Chia is actually directly hurting you taking your jobs
Except the US companies sent the jobs overseas, just like they're sending jobs to India right now because China bit them in the ass. If only there was a US Government that could stop such things. Maybe they should create one.
That's play requires two partners to play.
US government didn't play this game with USSR.
You can't just ignore one side of the two players game.
Like >>80084804 said, I can't blame the Chinese for taking a good deal, that's just business. I can however blame our own fucking government selling us out to make a quick buck. Basic difference between the US and China is that in China the government controls the corporations, while in the US the corporations control the government.
>easily psyoped retard uses keyed
Like cLOCKwork, no pun intended.
>That's play requires two partners to play.
>US government didn't play this game with USSR.
>You can't just ignore one side of the two players game.

"Hey do you want free jobs?"
"Fuck no. I want America to succeed, because they are the superior master race"

you sound like retard
>total wigger death
can we make it happen faster?
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I need a wealthy CCP girl to save me..I would serve the state in its entirety
>ooh no husbend, you say too many nigaru on rednote, now we homeress
Ive actually been chatting to an 18 year old chinese girl on this app.
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I neeeed this
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>chinese hate uigyurs (muslims)
>americans hate sandniggas (muslims)
We have more in common then you'd think.

Thats like finding your wife in bed with a stranger and getting mad at the stranger. It's your wife who betrayed you, not the guy doing what every man has the biological urge to do
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If thats what it takes to get a state mandated chinese bf I'm all in for it
>for no reason
It's very explicitly to service their organ transplant market. Even if you don't believe it's happening at least acknowledge that nobody is claiming it's "for no reason"
US propaganda was easy back in the days.

It's funny how you nuked Japan twice, and a few years after you make them your greatest ally as if nothing bad has ever happened between you.

US changes their allies and enemies like whores. Anyone trusting US news is a brainlet unfortunately.
Wait, so Tiktok has been banned for real this time?
Like is the app not working anymore within the US or what?
You will even get into legal trouble if you (Americunt citizen) use a VPN to use the app.
>kill some goatfucker
ye who care
You will have to settle with me, your white chinese bf femanon - I'm chinese because I read cultivation novels
No but it will (most likely) be banned starting Sunday.
This person >>80086501 is retarded, the truth is, the app will stop getting updates and will slowly become unusable.

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