Can a man be a lesbian? I'm not a tranny but I think I like women in a more lesbian kind of way. You know what I mean?
>>80069118you can fuck like one. meaning sensually, psychologically, etc
>>80069118It's arguably just a sign of being a future tranny. But yeah, it makes sense that you could be into the opposite sex in a way that seems similar to how gay members of the opposite sex are with each other.Women do that to with fetishizing gay men.
>>80069137>>80069118>what leftist popaganda does to the straight white malegrim
>>80069151It's not propaganda. It's pretty obvious the dynamic isn't the same between gay couples vs. straight couples.I think the main thing guys into yuri have issues with is the power disparity with men and women. Like the man is generally expected to be dominant and seduce his gf and lead the relationship. But if he were more like a lesbian he could instead be on even ground with romantic interests where they're both just women and he isn't getting grilled like in a job interview as much. It's closer to the dream many guys have of befriending a girl who then becomes your gf, something that in real life tends to lead to friendzoning because women prefer guys they have sex with to not behave like equals. As a lesbian you get around that urge women have for guys who have power over them and can focus more on actual love.
ask me anything about my fujo wife who didn't see herself being with a man before me
>>80069362Does she make you do gay stuff?
>>80069420define gay stuffno she doesn't make me kiss other men, sorry about not living your fetishthough I'd kiss a femboy if she'd let me
>>80069432It's not really my fetish. I'm into yuri personally. Was just curious if that actually played a role in your relationship at all, which it sounds like it doesn't
>>80069118it's a complex topic and you'll get different answers depending on who you ask. there are definitely men who identify as lesbians, though. there's a whole masc gender spectrum thing that's part of the discourse too, but im not gonna get into that because im assuming you're cis male and feel stable in that identity given the tranny comment. personally, i think it's hard to separate male lesbians from the meme of 'male lesbians' (the joke that a lot of guys make that they're lesbians, too, said for the bit to basically every lesbian ever). i do, however, believe that a man can be capable of loving a woman in the same way that women love one another. in that sense, i think male lesbians do exist and are valid. that said, good luck if you want to date lesbians as a cis man. your best bet is a het girl who is open to being loved like that or bi girls who appreciate getting the best of both worlds
>>80069151I dont think that many people here are actually White.
>>80069655>i think male lesbians do existI know this board is filled with delusions to begin with but this one takes the cake, Jesus Christ.
>>80069118you're not like a lesbian, you've just been so emasculated for so long that even the FANTASY of FEELING like a man is alien to you at this point. sucks, man. it might be too late to fix yourself. so to add to what you said>I'm not a trannyyet.
>>80069118no but women can be faggots
>>80069118Yes, it's called being a "male lesbian"
>>80069738like i said, you'll get different answers depending on who you ask
>>80069738What's a lesbian anyway? The term itself refers to Sappho who lived on the isle of Lesbos and her poetry was directed mostly towards other women. One could just interpret it as being cool with being around girls, you know?
>>80069118You are about to troon out, stay strong op
>>80069345>Like the man is generally expected to be dominant and seduce his gf and lead the relationship.without exception every healthy man wants to be dominant. you're deeply broken if you don't remember wanting that. you have lost your for leading a relationship, this is overrated and it's also trying to skip steps. you have to get a woman in bed before you can even consider a relationship. emasculated men always want to invert this and somehow secure a relationship with a woman who may not even be attracted to them. if she agreed to this what would even be the point? you one of those findom cucks? why would you simp for holes you're not fucking? no man women actually want would try to give away a relationship without expecting sex. so you're telling her you are unattractive. you're begging for scraps.>It's closer to the dream many guys have of befriending a girl who then becomes your gf, something that in real life tends to lead to friendzoning because women prefer guys they have sex with to not behave like equals.if you pretend like being sexless friends with a woman is what you want you're a spineless liar and it's merciful of the woman to put you in any "zone". she's probably just too polite or too scared to reject you outright. women are pushovers and the last thing they need is another pushover like themselves. and while women's brains have been washed (muh equality) their pussies still work correctly. why would an attractive man have to hide his intentions? why would he have to worm his way into a friendship and hide that he wants to fuck? he wouldn't.>they're both just women and he isn't getting grilled like in a job interview1. a man robbed of his masculinity is not like a woman at all.2. if you're getting grilled like in a job interview it's because she senses manipulation and is trying to catch you in a lie. stop trying to get her approval. stop acting needy.
>>80070220>a man robbed of his masculinity is not like a woman at all.Blatantly wrong.
>>80069118>You know what I mean?in a softer type of way you mean? Its a very gay form of love. how do you feel about men, anon.
>>80069362Like how did you two meet?
>>80070236exhibiting some male behaviors doesn't make one a man. also emasculated men in this context weren't CASTRATED AT BIRTH so the comparison is retarded to begin with.
>>80070386Emasculation does in fact have a lot to do with being female. There are some features of being female beyond what castrated males exhibit like pregnancy mainly but otherwise they're very close to the point where you see animal models in the previous pic like that with castration being used to induce female behavior in males.
>>80070400again, emasculated males are not castrated, let alone castrated early in life to completely change the development of their brains. the comparison is not valid. emasculated males have been raised wrong, they have a culture problem, not a hormone problem PRIMARILY. it's likely that their hormones are not ideal but that would be a side-effect of how they were raised / the environment they find themselves in.if you were intellectually honest you would realize that a valid comparison with animal experiments would be conditioning experiments. the best comparison possible would be an experiment where they hit the male rat with a jolt of electricity every time it tries to mount a female, the outcome being that it stops trying to mount females (I would guess). emasculated men are similar to that although the conditioning is of course a lot more subtle and indirect.