I don't see any incels in the uncontacted tribes. Maybe modern society was a mistake.
yeah cause everyone in them is ugly and dysgenic as fuck lol
>>80070219The benefits far outweigh the negatives though.
>>80070219how did they get such a perfect looking knife
>>80070241BLM happened and they stole it
>>80070241We had perfect knives before Jesus was born. Took them another 2000 years but they finally figured it out.
>>80070219Obviously there are. The alpha breeds all the women and the betas either die or submit. Modern human genome is from 40% of men who ever lived and 90% of women.
>>80070241It's upscaled AI slop.
>>80070270By that logic we would've all been alphas/chads/whatever gay term you wanna use
>>80070219why do they have feet so big?????
>>80070279no it isnt. they have tech
>>80070270No. Hunter gatherers generally just do pair bonding monogamy.It was the advent of agriculture (Neolithic Revolution) where disparity in reproductive success got bad for a while.
>>80070219>women sensing incels based on looks>women being unable to sense chad or tyrone about to paint their eyes black with his fist
>>80070333You can't be an incel in a hunter gatherer tribe.You don't really have autonomy / individuality in those cultures and would just get pushed into a relationship if you didn't find a woman yourself.
>>80070284Yes, your distant ancestors were. Then when institutionalized monogamy started, betas got to breed.>>80070296>Hunter gatherers generally just do pair bonding monogamy.Yeah, prehistoric man was magically monogamous when all his predecessor species weren't. Why did we ever need institutional monogamy if we naturally were? We need laws around marriage today because married people can't stop fucking others.
>>80070231>bang a qt brown village girl with a tight pink pussy and produce many children>work 40 hours in a cubicle and go home to an empty apartmentthese benefits sure do outweigh the negatives
>>80070367>Yes, your distant ancestors were. Then when institutionalized monogamy started, betas got to breedThat logic doesn't make any sense since to that point there would've been any betas left only 10/10 guys since only they got the breed
>>80070367>Yeah, prehistoric man was magically monogamous when all his predecessor species weren't.All his predecessors were not polygamous and also the polygamous species like bonobos also have near zero inceldom because the bonobo females give out their pussies to everyone.
>>80070370I mean whats stopping you from moving right now and doing exactly that.Living off the island and a quiet life with a local woman.
>>80070219>norwood 5 at 10 years oldit was over for this lil nigga before it even began
>>80070219>That's what human feet are supposed to look like and we're technically the freaks with narrow, shoe-shaped feetPretty interesting since their feet look like the weird ones
>>80070396Thats anl funny haircut anon
>>80070408thats just how it is. feet spread out without shoesthey never feel pain when walking
>>80070387passport bros still live in modern society, they just live in the shitty 3rd world societies. all the negatives of modern society without the freedom of tribal living.
>>80070387I heard they kill white people here if you leave the resort.Or try to ransom you back to your families.
>>80070532I can see the appeal of purely tribal living.Im especially in love with the idea of early human life after reading sousei no taiga. (ultra based manga)anons who love black girls will love it
>>80070219If youre an asocial autist in a closeknit tribe you either get kicked out or become the wiseman/shaman.
>>80070367We don't need to speculate. We still have wild humans AKA hunter-gatherers around today, and they have roughly 1:1 mating behavior.
>>80070571>autist is born into tribe>elders give him psychedelic plants and send him on a vision quest>autist comes out a chad>fucks the elder's daughter and becomes the new elder
>>80070219I remember this. They're reacting to a helicopter. I wonder what they're thinking.>"YOU GUYS SEE HOW BIG THAT FUCKING BUG IS!?"
...the white people are deeply afraid they are right to be nazis since they're in a dark war for survival they're the most evil race to walk
>>80070219because they're uncontacted you absolute retard so you don't know anything about them and so you wouldn't know that they have incels there
>>80070291they're not really uncontacted.
If you're neurodivergent you would have a much easier time fitting in to a hunter gatherer tribe than you would with a modern agricultural/ farmer society as you find yourself in. Where every tiny little "inappropriate" thing you do is put under the microscope for the farmers to find out what's "wrong" with you so they can categorise/ diagnose you etc so they can find a way to make you "function" in their unnatural little clockwork world.
>>80070387>I mean whats stopping you from moving right now and doing exactly that.The fact that every single livable piece of land on earth is private property owned by Blackrock
>>80070219I wish I could kill them and tell them the salvation of Christ
>>80071228You're a stupid retarded commie faggot. Blackrock doesn't own anything they manage things. Retard.
>>80071277Tel Aviv isn't sending their best today, are they?
>>80071292>what the fuck does aum stand for i dont know im a retarded commie who still hasnt graduated high school
Anything is better than your average modern society wageslave life. Wageslavery is hell, it is more hell than war. At least in war you have purpose, you feel the constant adrenaline rush of laying it all on the line, wageslavery is purposefully meant to choke the life out of you slowly. The average western person hasn't felt an adrenaline rush in who knows how long, they forget that they are even alive.