What's your opinion on girls who are film majors? Do they all go through a self-destructive phase where they lose all sense of rationality, that they used to have before, when they turn 19, or is it not that common?Seriously asking my interactions with women are quite limited.
>>80063941Chet baker's alright. Other than that TOTAL FEMOID HOLOCAUST
>>80063980She's not a femoid even though she would be described as such before going there, funny thing about her is she accepted the first older man, who gave her attention to massage her because she wanted to prove to herself that she was an asexual.She wasn't.
>>80063941like 40 40 femcel or whore 20 that shes good crazy either way probably fun to hang with as friends
>>80064172>probably fun to hang with as friendsThat was my experience, I liked having someone to talk to and see how normal people and women live their lives, but it just became depressing seeing her struggle becoming someone else while still clinging to her old self so I ghosted her after one year.Women lore is crazy if they never dated in high school and went to another city for university.