My 50 year old still married dad somewhat recently started getting into YouTube and he watches a ton of young female cosplayers and DnD girls and shit. Like none of them are older than like 25. I even saw a literal femcel as one of his subscriptions. Am I wrong in thinking this is weird as hell?
yes because he's married
>>80075055Sorry, but your mom has lost the spark for him. Not saying your mom is hag, but your dad wants in subconscious level cute young pussy, what your mom does not have. It is fine to lust on whores little bit. As long everything is in check. If you discover him going further, like starting to sub to OF sluts. Then talk with him, let him know it can get to borderline cheating level, what could get him divorced.
>>80075055Socially abnormal but not biologically
>>80075133I mean my mom is a fat hag, but so is he (at least somewhat) which makes it even weirder. Like don't get me wrong I love him and he's done a lot for me, but like come on man.
>>80075055my dad watches hot teen sluts on youtube shorts. you know like those videos of a hottie in tight leggings trying to cut a melon with a machete or shit like that? i dont see why i should give a fuck. men like hot chicks
>>80075133So tell me what the issue is here? Is it because talk to text issues or is English not your first language?
>>80075055>Am I wrong in thinking this is weird as hell?yes
>>80075055Your dad likes DnD? Based.