Nearly 24 and have never worked in my life. Is there a chance that getting a job will actually make me happier? What is working actually like? A lot of normies talk about how, for most of their shifts, they basically just socialise or while away the time while performing little actual labour. Is this true or just shit wagies make up?
>>80076690if you can socialize and be likable, youll just talk your entire shift, if not, the work is passed down to you.
>>80076690>Will work make me happier?Yes, in the long run. Maybe even in the shortrun>What is working actually like?Like cleaning your room, cooking or doing some other useful activity but sometimes boring or with a scary deadlineYes most people find work more enjoyable when there's a nice social atmosphere.You have not mentioned the two most important benefits of work.1. Long term financial security & disposable income2. Self respect and personal developmentNumber 2 in particular will astound you if you've never worked before.Especially at your age, but it will make a man of you.
>>80076690If you are interested in what you are doing, work can improve your life over doing nothing all day. Normalfags are usually not interested in their normalfag jobs, but they're interested in socializing so maybe it's semi-worth it for them.On the other hand, a dead end job will probably not make you very happy, but can keep you out of depression if you are prone to it.
Work is fucking boring and stupid. The only thing good about working is that you make money. That's it. Everything else is hassle.
I've worked a lot of different jobs OP, it really depends. Some jobs will treat you like shit, actively show they don't care about you. They can be frustrating and tedious and make you feel worthless or like you're wasting your life. They can also make you feel productive or proud of yourself, it's nice to be good at something and feel like you have a role to fulfill and that others respect you for. NEETing out depresses me too much, I like having shit to do. 3 or 4 workdays, enough income to spend time with friends, go on a trip, keep my dog fed and happy. It's all I really need.
>wfh since covid>script all my job with python>bosses can't tell, nobody checks/cares>3 hours work for 40 hours pay>browse 4chan all day>money is actually legit decentI feel like a lottery winner.
depends on the job. if you can both talk and work it makes the time go faster but also have to be able to focus on two things at once without fucking up both. You also need to get along with your coworkers, which as a robot is hard to do.
>>80076690I got my 1st job at 28.>Is there a chance that getting a job will actually make me happier?Maybe if you're extremely materialistic and care about what others think of you. Or if you are so incredibly poor that you can't enjoy anything. If you have any hobbies and/or value your freedom then a job will make you sadder, not happier.>What is working actually like?It depends on what job you get. If you get a job that's related to your hobby, it can actually be amazing. Think of Formula 1 drivers, for example. They're all getting paid big money to do what they enjoy. But for 90% of people, a job is basically wasting 60% of your weekdays doing boring and/or difficult chores that age you and slowly kill you. I'm lucky I'm an office wagie so I make above-average and rarely have days when I have to work all 8h I'm there. Still, it sucks and I feel like I'm throwing my remaining youth away. I'm not moving out to avoid debt and I'm saving and investing to retire as early as I can.>A lot of normies talk about how, for most of their shifts, they basically just socialise or while away the time while performing little actual labour.Only partly true for office wagies like me. If you end up being something like a store clerk, truck driver or construction worker, your life will be hell.
>>80076690Everyone is different I guess, I enjoy working if it's physical. I also do enjoy helping people with their issues and just meeting them in general, so for me absolutely. I would've fucking lost it completely working at some office desk though, I can't imagine how I would get through that without blowing a shotgun.I am very lucky to have finally landed a job that I actually enjoy (and where I have mostly competent people under and over me).