I've never played WoW. Did I miss out?
Play Anniversary edition, it came out recently and is exactly like it was at launch.
>>80071709nah that shit is addictive as fuck consider yourself lucky to not be glued to that game
>>80071709I never played it, and I think people who did are faggots.
>>80071718>exactly like it wasExcept everyone playing it is 35+, wants to min/max everything as fast as they can, and start collecting materials for Ahn Qiraj on day one.No one but maybe the top 5% of players used to play anything like that. WoW was a social game on arrival. Nobody knew what the fuck they were doing or where items came from. Everyone was just psyched to explore the virtual world and make friends.Reducing MMOs to numbers is what killed the experience and replaced it with autism spreadsheeting. Playing WoW alone without constantly typing/audio chatting is the polar opposite of what it was like.