Have you ever found a noteable person on 4chan bros?I have happened to find a Rockstar dev on Soc, a WWE writer (with proof)Who else do you think uses 4chan, have you found anyone noteworthy
>>80071951I wouldn't be surprised if a future US president used 4chan in his younger years
>>80071951Notch might still be around
>>80071951Wasn't Elon Musk here in a bout a week ago
I didn't find him through 4chan and I always had my suspicions years before he finally publicly admitted it, but I think it's funny that Duncan Trussell browses 4chan. The only board he can be quoted visiting is /pol/.. but he's gotta browse at least /b/ and probably /r9k/ too for the same reasons (horrified entertainment, getting his hand on the cultural pulse, etc). Spent a week hanging out with and around him once. Awesome guy.
>>80071951Miss this nigga like you wouldnt believeStill think globohomo had him killed
>>80072090They absolutely did kill him. I forget which video it was over, if it was the 9/11 one or another. RIP.