l'm white and I've had white girls show interest in me before but lately only non white girls like an indian girl and a middle eastern girl have shown interest. I'm not racist or anything I just think as a white person they are not good enough for me and that i would be doing myself a disservice to date a non white
>>80079173>I just think as a white person they are not good enough for me and that i would be doing myself a disservice to date a non whiteyou've got that right, sadly you must form a psychological bond with someone before you get to be their boyfriend which is a mathematical impossibility given the fact that not only are you posting on r9k, and not only did you post a pepe, but that in your folly, you have downloaded the same pepe image twice
>>80079173>white man into white girls on 4chanAm I living in bizzaro world?
>"im not racist">proceeds to describe racismyou are a retard
>>80079173You wouldn't date a white woman who have brown eyes and brown hair right? Yeah. You fucking wouldn't. Fuck you. This is why I'm choosing Asians. Maybe they just like all men love blondes but at least they're used to women having brown hair so fuck you.
>>80080030>You wouldn't date a white woman who have brown eyes and brown hair right? Yeah. You fucking wouldn't.I wouldn't for sure, I have blonde hair and blue eyes myself, wtf would I want a foreigner.