Sheep are like a living walking gold mine. They produce a fuck ton of wool, a fuck ton of nutritious milk, you can save on lawmower expenses and let them eat your grass instead, you can choose to butcher them and have a fuck ton of meat.
>>80080537I'd be a dyke if I did that
>>80080537i have no land motherfucker
sure just buy a fuck ton of rural land which is expensive and mostly own by corporate farms, buy a sheep herd and do something you've never done before.
kys retard idiot
>>80080537>Why not be a sheep farmer?Errrrr I kinda already am heading that way..? Probably within next two years.. We're getting chickens, and probably goats this year. Shit is gonna be fuggin awesome.
>>80080554>>80080565>>80080696>Oh my god I need tons of land for that!!11!This guy does it and he has literally zero land, not even a rented apartment.