I got a new phone in the new year. I was convinced it might help me take better pictures of myself. At first glance it did. I opened the gallery. It flipped all of the pictures horizontally by default. It's getting worse. I think I may have suffered a stroke at some point. The entire left side of my face droops downward. Merely looking at it has indefinitely postponed any plans I had for living in the real world this year.
>>80065686you clearly have self esteem issues, and a bit of body dysmorphia. just genuinely smile, get a good enough background, be awake, and clean. i know you got it op :D
>>80065686also op, the world is mad, has been mad, and will always be mad. try not to fall into the desires of the masses...
>>80065686If your face looking slightly off to you postpones all plans you have for engaging in reality, your problem is not your face.
>>80065935>I think I may have suffered a stroke>slightly off
>>80066040You would have cognitive and physical effects of a stroke beyond your face looking different to you. You would have noticed a severe set of effects following the stroke. You did not have a stroke.
>>80066040this>>80066051if you had a stroke, you wouldnt be functioning right now, i think there are micro strokes, but even then. go to a doctor if you are really concerned...
>>80066051>>80066084I would prefer it if I had a stroke. This just means that God decided to deform my face as well as my spinal cord