LMAO Enforce some moderation and we will see
>>80067890It's hilarious aint it?
what does it meanusually when companies start to go broke they start offering discounts, not this
>>80067890BANKRUPT SHITHOLE ALERT https://youtu.be/WRsxmqVjg3Y
>>80067908InflationWhat was the earlier price?
>>80067908it means that 4chan is only a retarded corporate entity anymore except the people running it are societal sewage runoff power trippers controlling other societal sewage
>>80067890if by enforce some moderation you mean stop banning people for rules they didn't break I'd agree with you. would be nice if they let people post webps too.
>>80067953kinda lost hope when they banned the dude who doxxed bbc spammer and tranny thread larper
>>80067890idk, I don't mind. Whenever you gotta buy shit I always just think about if I want to support the thing I'm giving my money to. I like 4chan.
>>80067890I wonder how much janitor salaries will increase.
>>80068072passflation in Trump's america. You hate to see it.
>>80068172itll AT LEAST double
>>80068108you like hiro?
>>80067890>we will seeYou were never going to become a pass chad.
>>80067903A very interesting combination indeed.
>>80068172they dont actually get paid right? right?
How fucking greedy are they? The site makes cash hand over fist from how compromised it is and they STILL need more money?And you just KNOW there'll be yet another captcha update on February 1st to make it even MORE painful to solve captchas (as if they aren't utter dogshit right now) to REALLY try to force you to buy a pass
>>80068192This messaging seems unclear.
>ok 4cu- i mean fellow 4channers, we are proud to announce that our captcha bypass is now going to be more expensive!>increase file size limits? enable audio support for more boards? no no no goy err you see that's too expensive
>>80068195I heard rumors that mods do get paid but jannies probably aren't
>>80067890do 4chan passed even do anything else other than bypass the captcha
Think of all the cool features you could have with 4chan pass! You don't want pop up ads, do you? You wont even have to worry about the 3d captchas we're rolling out soon... Just buy the fucking pass. You'll even get a cool little reddit badge that will make you feel better about being a sexless loser!
>>80067890why is 4chan llc running out of money?
>>80067890maybe they're sucking up as much as possible for the upcoming financial reset, putting it in their sovereign class account in obsidian/csrqit's still cheap, say what you will, but the site isn't going to survive anyway so there's no point in wasting your moonies>inb4 bannedcouldn't care less
>>80068303X became redpilled.
>>80068278You can put a little clover next to the name in your post to show off that you're a little paypig whale who sucks jew cocks.
>>80067890well i usually buy the pass because it was only 20 bucks but 30 is officially way too much to waste on 4chan
>>80067908From a business perspective there are a few ways to take this.1:They did very good on sales and realize that they can make a significantly larger profit if they raise their asking price and retain a good % of buyers.2:Their sales did horribly and they're raising the price to compensate because they know that regardless of the price most paying users will purchase another year based off of brand loyalty or not renew it regardless of the price.3:they did so/so on sales and realize that raising the price will make them a few more bucks and they can chalk the 50% price hike up to "inflaion".4:they are hemorrhaging money and this price hike is a desperate move to avoid an inevitable bankruptcy before they can find someone to buy them out.My guess is that 4chan is not doing good, but it's not about to collapse entirely any time soon unless governments start banning it around the word.>>80067967They banned him for legal reasons. I guarantee he's still around though.>>80068108faggot>>80068195The hate and harassment they receive is the only payment they require.>>80068303adbockerchads such as myself and an overall decrease in users and advertiser interest
>>80068869>he doesn't support the things he enjoyshave fun saying goodbye to the things you like. Fucking stingy bastard
>>80068278They're mainly the way that you donate money to 4chan. But besides that it lets you post on /vip/ and have a shorter post cd.
>>80067908it means they are doing great
>>80068869This is probably indicative of a slow burning decline, due to declining popularity of the site. My prediction is they're planning on making it 4chan pass users only within the next 10 years, and then it'll go the way of Something Awful with a userbase of about 100 fifty year old whales who never grew out of it.
>>80067908grift, create a disease and sell the curethis is just doubling down
>>80068947>>80068278oh and forgot it also allows you to post with a vpn.
well fuck im gona buy a 3 yeari will buy 4chan if they are going broke. i heard it wasnt worth that much
>>80067953Most people here break rules because most of the catalog is spam. Ban them all, we won't miss them
if you buy the 3 year one isn't it just the same 20 dollars a year as before?
>>800691593 years is currently 45
>>80069180yeah, but they only recently added that.
>>80068922I do pay for digital things if I like the company and they aren't asking an unreasonable price for their product. Who said I like 4chan? What do I care if the movie companies lose a few bucks cause my piracy and why would I gave a gaming studio my hard earned money if I want to play their shitty game and their whole philosophy is fuck whitey worship gayitude?>>80068993Now that I think about it, I know that 4chan got a massive boost around the Trump elections because this was the pretty much the only mainstream website you wouldn't get banned for supporting trump slightly too enthusiastically.And now they're likely going to ban tiktok and a lot of those insufferable cunts are going to flood this shithole and they are the kind of retards to struggle with a captia and 30$ is nothing to them because mummy and daddy don't care.If that's the logic behind the hike it's kind of genius from a business perspective really. Fuck the old users we want these newfags money, and more of it.