I think they are finding a loophole in the "Women must be covered" in Islam
You're not allowed to wear tight clothes in Islam. This whore should be stoned
>>80070907what you said. shes a poser
>>80070902"are finding"? Women have been finding ways to obey the letter of the rule while violating its spirit for a very long time. "women will find a way to act like whores" is hardly a cutting-edge just-discovered scientific theorem, its been like that forever.
>>80070949>"women will find a way to act like whores"yeah I just went down to the store and saw some camel toes and highbeams
>>80070907Not true not all muslims think so or care kinda like in the bible it says you're not allowed to wear clothing of two kinds of material mixed together but christian people don't care because religion is made by people and what people find acceptable changes over centuries
>>80070949They're literally monkeys who's only purpose is to attract a male get plapped and birth a child. It's society that's insane about it. Women are designed by nature to be ass shaking whores. Idk why it's so hard for so many guys to get this through their head. Religions are the original stupid cultural brainwashing females being attention seeking whores is nature. They always got it backwards.
>>80071006So men are supposed to be rapists? Excuse me. *door slam*
>>80070902Same shit exits in the west. Women wear skintight clothing and call it modest.
>>80070907>>80070968So why wear the hijab?You're just doing it halfway
>>80070968Interesting that you are an expert in Christianity and Islam. Where did you study to get a doctoral degree in Christian theology and where did you get your doctoral in Islamic theology? How long have you worked in the church or mosque?
>>80070902>>LOOK AT MY FUCKING ASSwomen pornofy everything