The worldwide unbelievable lowest deadly gangster kosher-bosher vicious "medical profession"; worldwide unbelievable instant plastic surgery BUTCHERY of the body and brain - especially the face! Wipe-on hormones and laser beam surgery causing instant ugly deep wrinkles, scars, age spots, arthritis, freckles, blemishes, pimples.I write DEMANDING a re-hearing of my worse-than-lowest Deadly Gangster police state Criminal Conviction which appeal case was in your farce Deadly Gangster ghetto-Communist Gangster Computer God-manipulated Gangster Court! Below, I state some of the many REASONS for said re-hearing, plus all of my evidence the Attorney General chicanerously forwarded to the Bar Association Grievance Committee for prosecution of felon Gangster mafionic negroidic the BLACK Frank Gulotta - a Gangster Judge, therefore un-prosecutable! The blackish menial negroidic-in-apperance-and-demeanor felon vicious Parroting Puppet ex District Attorney Nassau County with NO private law experience, DETESTED by all factions. In spite of this, SOLELY because of his many year secret gangsterization and crucifixion of ME, this negroidic low mafionic deadly BLACK Frank Gulotta was then IMMEDIATELY and UNPRECEDENTEDLY and REPEATEDLY rapidly PROMOTED - in spite of TREMENDOUS opposition - to the present position of second highest state judgeship SOLELY through Gangster Computer God manipulation!