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Why are women obsessed with this. I've done traveling let me tell you and NOTHING compares to being home. Period. Are women just stupid children?
Most of the people I see talk about traveling are men though
I hate it too.
Completely wrong.
travel is all about fucking different kids of chad. woman are mostly sex tourist but because they go to a few tourist traps too they never get called for it. At night they'll find their way to a bar/club/on tinder and get fucked by a local chad who they'll never see again.
Makes up for a lack of personality, also thats something you can flaunt on social media. It establishes a pecking order as well between who goes where.
Apparently they love that shit
Kek no. My former work place was 60% women and it was an eternal competition over who could have the most and the fanciest vacations.
I believe i told that story on here already but they made gofundme so men could pay for their trips. Any man who didnt was slandered to and had no chance of having his contract renewed.
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travelling is one of the most fun and fulfilling things a man can do. experiencing different cultures, foods, people, geographies is great. are you just broken?
No, I've done it. I dont actually need to go anywhere anymore since by reading and research ive already been there. It must be incredible being a normie and needing to endlessly experience novelty for it to be real.
>experiencing different cultures, foods, people, geographies is great
No its not. Youre just vapid.
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either low quality bait or there's something wrong with your brain. reading about a country is not experiencing it, you haven't been there lol. but keep sitting at your computer all day i guess, hope it's fulfilling!
yes, it is great. you're probably just afraid of going outside
>either low quality bait or there's something wrong with your brain. reading about a country is not experiencing it, you haven't been there lol.

This is the usual normie reaction i expect. Instant declaration of war for demonstrating your implicit shallowness.
I am getting tired of it now slightly, cus I'm getting old, but traveling just inspires me. For me it is touching the beauty of this world which I love. Admiring the gods design in nature and human spirit in architecture. Also kinda fun to try new food.
I dunno why so many men despise travel, but since a lot of men are just racist and feel disconnected from humanity, I lean to assume that it is just another expression of them hating this world. Men just can't feel at peace here, they need to hide in their mancaves.
As a followup this was the same place where i guy was brought to hr for inviting a coworker for a coffee, where people filmed tiktok dances in the office while leaving their screens unlocked, where some women would use our database to find hnw clients, fly there and try to become their gf and where these same people would complain about men being trash.
i am not making that shit up
I hike and camp all the time.
Youre either baiting or legit so boring you cant comprehend people bot wanting to do your instagram normie bs ritual
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>pointless travel and superficial memories!
No i just can't afford it.
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>I've done traveling let me tell you and NOTHING compares to being home.

I could not disagree with you any fucking more. Have you ever traveled alone before? Nothing beats being in a foreign land by yourself. Fucking nothing. You have no freedom when you are with your family.

When I'm alone and traveling, I can be who I want to be and hang out with like-minded bachelor coomers like me. Nothing beats a day where you start out alone, go out and check out some ancient Khmer temples, pray at pagoda, eat at a restaurant by yourself, go to a lady bar with another coomer friend and party and drink and dance with hot Asian bitches, and end the day by picking your favorite caramel Asian bitch to bring her back to your place where it's just you and her to have fun. Being in a first world country locked up in your room is not a fucking life. I've lived both lives. They are not even comparable.
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it must be awful being that miserable where you can't find enjoyment in travelling. i sincerely hope your lives get better (p.s. staying on your computer all day won't help)
fair enough. you should get a high paying job and start travelling, you'll love it
>it must be awful being that miserable where you can't find enjoyment in travelling
Why are you attacking me? I've explained that ive done travel it's done. Its not longer required. Why is this triggering you?
>being this butthurt about people not enjoying normieshit slop
Kek youre sad.
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why do you think i'm attacking you? i just want what's best for you
>ive done travel and it's done. Its no longer required.
uhh the purpose is for enjoyment and having fun new experiences. do you not care about enjoying life or something?
reminder that dismissing anything you're afraid to do as 'normieshit slop' is quite sad. you don't have a personality
I am not american. I am too poor to be a sexpat and cant get hired as an english teacher in sea.
>having fun new experiences
Are you a small child?
>n-n u
>he spends an entire thread lashing out at people who dont enjoy travelshit
Youre sad and utterly boring.
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if you think that's lashing out you're too thin skinned to be on the internet. you're miserable and without personality
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I guess I'd say I don't like travelling much either. I feel safe and secure when I have a home, hotels and air bnbs don't cut it. I hate airports and planes.
Keep posting the frog, I'm certain thats a sign of a personality on the internet
>youre miserable and without personality
>says the person whose so boring and devoid of personality made going to other countries his personality
More projection. Youre pathetic holy shit.
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you're seething, but i do hope you find happiness buddy
Traveling is cool. Exploring new places is fun. That's all there is to it
>more projection
Your seethe is sad to see.
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your seethe is palpable... i'm just trying to help you
Lmao go out touch some grass. Stop seething already.
When a woman says "i love traveling", she means "i love going on expensive holidays to tourist traps to get drunk, and get shagged by exotic dick".
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you keep replying, so i think you do secretly want my help. i'm here for you anon
I know that's the conventional wisdom but I dont believe it. There must be SOMETHING else that compells every women apparently on earth to worship travel. It can't be that simple.
Well, there's also the fact that they think advertizing that they love travel will get them a bf who does a lot of travelling. But only because a man that does that is guaranteed to be rich, and it's a way for them to imply they want a rich man without specifically stating it and appearing shallow.
>still projecting
I accept your concession troll. You can stop seething now.
Yeah I'm more inclined to believe the mathematics of this, and of course you can combine this with the sex tourism angle. Is that all there is though? Seems reductionist. Women REALLY love traveling, is it all a con to get a guy with cash or fuck foreign chad? I'm still not convinced.
>you should just be rich bro
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>you're projecting, trolling and seething
heh, typical non-traveller schizo babble. you're a funny guy anon, remember i can still help you
My thinking on this is women think
Implies sophistication, which is a dunning-kruger position basically for those who haven't travelled a lot. So it's basically a red flag for immaturity, although immature women won't know this. They'll think its some glamorous nonsense
>more incoherent seethe and projection at people who dont want to engage in his hobby
Geez I didnt know you were this butthurt.
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hey now, if i have this much of an effect on you maybe you should buy me dinner
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this >>80083659
this >>80083661
and (I'm particularly fond of) this>>80084082

1. The running about from place to place, is not dissimilar from mindless swiping & other addictions. "Experiencing another culture" represses the unconscious reptilian itch for novelty. The overwhelming change in scenery distracts them from the fact that, no matter where they go, they bring themselves along for the ride as well. They are trying to escape themselves because they cannot stand who they are.

2. Many squander any savings they have on stupid holidays to share with the world that *they* went *there*. In Don DeLillo's 'White Noise,' there's a scene where two characters visit "the most photographed barn in America." Thousands of tourists visit it, just to take a photograph and play a part in this endless charade. The crux of the dialogue I'll copy here because it captures the frivolity of tourism better than I could:
>"No one sees the barn," he said finally.
>"Once you've seen the signs about the barn, it becomes impossible to see the barn."
>"We're not here to capture an image, we're here to maintain one. Every photograph reinforces the aura. Can you feel it, Jack? An accumulation of nameless energies."
>"Being here is a kind of spiritual surrender. We see only what the others see. The thousands who were here in the past, those who will come in the future. We've agreed to be part of a collective perception. It literally colors our vision. A religious experience in a way, like all tourism."
>"They are taking pictures of taking pictures," he said.

Lastly, you should reflect on this: what most people call "travelling" is not actually travelling. Travel used to be upon the open sea, or by cart. It was long, risky, and hard. Nowadays "travel" amounts to a glorified waiting room in the sky. Wanderlust is a manufactured anxiety; the airlines and hotels profit.
Didn't read but I can tell you're a loser
Based don dellilo bro
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>Wanderlust is a manufactured anxiety
Quality baudrillard-esque statement
>mind expanding cultural exchange, especially valuable when done young
>meeting other travelers and sharing experiences that form lifelong bonds and valuable, international connections
>discovering a new and exciting place to put down roots
Yeah gosh anon, I can't imagine the appeal.
The butthurt about travel on this board is pure cope tbqh
>too much of a faggot to reply directly
Call me a loser, at least I'm not scared of this or that reply getting more (you)'s than my own (because I know that I have the Truth on my side).

He manages to work the cultural psyche into captivating stories. A true artist.
I should try get around to reading underworld this year
Do these words hold some special power for you?
>more projection
Keep your seethe to yourself and go out of your basement for once.
Top kek no
>mind expanding
No it just makes you consider how shit some parts of the world are
>sharing experiences that form lifelong bonds and valuable, international connections
Kek no muh avid traveler are vapid attention seeking cunts
>new and exciting place to put down roots
No it just makes you relativize on how less shit your country is.
t.worked in africa, asia and oceania
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but anon, i'm currently travelling in another country. you should try leaving your desk some time, getting out is fun!
>immediate seething reply
I probably go out more than you basement dweller kun
Both of you should shut the fuck up and kiss already - I had probably dwelt within more basements, catacombs, oubliettes, and cetera, before you two were even old enough to wipe your own bottoms. Oh, a small, dark dungeon? Yeah, I'm hopping in, dwelling there a bit, vibing out the humid, black damp for a bit. Ambient dripping? Neat. That's my proverbial jam.
Based and true, mindless ghouls that can't differentiate experiencing from knowing
No point in travelling. Only vapid cunts do it.
>Any man who didnt was slandered to and had no chance of having his contract renewed.
This never happened, you fucking retard. If it did, the company would've been sued for violating labor laws and it would've been an open and shut case with a guaranteed payout for you and anyone else who presented evidence.

The Italian mafia got shut down for extorting money and threatening people who don't pay up, and they were a lot more powerful than some random local company.
>This never happened, you fucking retard.
Thats how i left. I refused to pay 100 euros for a girls round the world trip.
Not even making that up
>the company would've been sued for violating labor laws and it would've been an open and shut case with a guaranteed payout for you and anyone else who presented evidence.
No because noone gives a shit, the company works like that and the boss fucks a lot of the employees.
So all in all instead of ruining my life completely and getting into a 10 years legal battle and just switched companies
>more powerful than some random local company.
I worked in one of the top 5 banking groups in my country
becasue they can sleep around with the foriegn locals and come home a virgin waifu lol
I like the dopamine of experiencing new places and the freedon of being a complete stranger. I wish transportation and housing was free somehow. I would just travel around the world for something to do. Be in a new place every week. But it's way too expensive to wageslave your life away just for a shitty vacation once a year. I agree with you people way overrate traveling but it's better than sitting at home day after day to me. I'm just too poor to justify it.
>stay in a fancy hotel
>eat shitty tourist trap food
>go to the beach
>pretend to be rich while your boyfriend and/or parents pay for everything
Women love spending money on nonsense, so it makes perfect sense that they'd want to travel
By traveling you mean traveling OUTSIDE of your own home country right?
Im a complete shut-in sometimes but even i like driving around the U.S
They hope that it will make them feel good about themselves and give them a sense of accomplishment.
Nothing compares to home but it's good to travel so you can share the stories of your adventures back home
Yes, ie, involving a passport
Dating apps are fish in a barrel once you realize all you have to do is talk to a girl about travel for a few messages then she'll be interested in you
>I've done traveling let me tell you and NOTHING compares to being home
how come you did it so many times if you don't like it huh
i see how it is, you did your traveling and now it's time to settle down to one location? fucking whore

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