am i a weirdo for showering every time after i shit
>>80065885no that's awesome i wanna smell ur butt
>>80065885not really, it makes sense, my booty kinda stinky rn, but i just put pants on, and now i cant smell it
>>80065885I do the very same
>>80065885Depends how often you poop, once a day that's normal but more than twice and you're entering into weird/ocd territory. Just get a bidet.
>>80065885You shower multiple times a day?
If you're regular and only shit once a day, that's not too unusual. I've heard of people doing that.
>>80065885Nope. You're beyond humanity. Or you're gay.
I am on the same level of OCD as you, OP, however, I also piss in the sink, so I guess I am fucked all around in various directions.
>>80065885Completely. Let your anus air dry for 20 minutes, then clean the area with your fingernails or by squeezing and releasing your sphincter until any residue falls off NATURALLY. >Why waste water or toilet paper?!
>>80066462Ladies and gentleanons, I present to you the guy smelling up this thread with his unwashed ass.
>>80066233Sinkpissing is based and trad
>>80065885Its a little excessive, why not just get a bidite and some dis-solvable wet wipes?
>>80066462Damn it smells like ass in here.
>>80065885how the fuck do you shit in public then?
>>80065885Does it make you feel like the universe is yours? Does it make you feel like a god?