I have some friends who are women and one suggested to me recently that I try more dating sites. As a man, I told her that dating sites do not work well at all for men. She seemed confused which kind of boggled me. Are women really not aware of how ass dating is if you are a average to potentially below average dude? I told her that being a guy on those sites is a infinite fight against fucking bots, flakes, and struggling to get a word in with women are inundated with messages. Its complete ass. Just how out of touch are women when it comes to dating from a mans perspective? She seemed literally confused when I told her dating sites do not work well at all.
>>80070134Dating sites aren't as bad as people meme. In fact most of the time when anons who actually use them talk about them here they're getting results and just complaining that they don't like fat women, or ethnic women, or single moms.
>>80070134You will NEVER find a woman understanding a man. Stop hoping.
>>80070154OP here. I will say that I have had only 1 date on a dating site. And that was after using the same one for 11 years. Coincidentally, she was the first woman I ever kissed too. It just sucks that it took basically 11 years of me consistently using the site to even get a match that ended up leading to a date. I think the real issue is that the sites have really imbalanced genders on them. I think men outnumber women considerably obviously. Think its something like 80+ percent dudes on dating sites. SO I won't say dating dates don't work. I guess thats dishonest. But they definitely are not in your favor.
>>80070134When I still had female friends, I learned that their dating consists of just existing and knowing men will approach you either irl or on a dating app or social media. As a man, you compete against the world and bots, and you're expected not to complain about it lest you be deemed an incel. Tbh it's a cope but modern women seem like too much effort for not enough reward. I can just jerk off and watch gf asmr vids.
>>80070221>11 yearsNo fucking way. Do you not live near a major city and/or you just didn't put much effort into it?I'd understand going an entire month with no results but 11 years is insane.
>>80070134nyc is full of pretty women like pic related. it's crazy. they all want chad thundercock tho
>>80070154No they are worse.But lets take away the "but I get no attention" argument... these sites sell your data and purposely fuck with your feed of who you see.Add to that they want you to download apps and won't even let you browse the site anymore.>Last time I used one was like 15 years ago>Met 3 girls off of it but talked to maybe 2 or 3 different girls a week>One was a one night stand who got pissy and cut contact cause I said something that irked her.>One was platonic and we actually became good friends until I moved.>One was a fat girl who sucked my cock within a minute if meeting her then we went to get lunch together. She got a bf eventually and we stopped talking on good terms.I stopped using them then cause it was still kinda annoying. Girls suck at maintaining a conversation or communicating. They play games to stroke their ego cause a "cute boy" is talking to them.Now it's worse, and I say this as a dude who did match with girls and get laid.And it is 100% women's fault.>Want an example of how?>Tinder started as a Facebook extension>The explicit stated purpose was casual hookups and it let you swipe on friends and informed you that you matched if they also swiped on you.>Women begin getting curious how many guy friends like them.>Then they start complaining all people want is sex>Tinder starts focusing on dating>Women then start trying to get free dinners from guys on there>Tinder is now just a self esteem boost for women and way to trick desperate guys to buy you free shit.Women single handedly ruined Tinder cause they don't understand how to use anything properly
>>80070349Problems exist but it definitely isn't all women on dating apps who are scamming you for free dinners.
>>80070269I live in a city of about 60,000 people. Next to my city is a larger one of about 200k I think so still not much compared to places like NYC or LA etc. I was using it consistently and would send messages out only to women that I actually liked. I would never do the wide net cast thing because I felt strangely bad about that. Like I wouldn't message a obese woman just to see if she would respond because I found that dishonest. I did have definitely some conversations on the app but only 1 ever went on long enough for a date. I was happy it eventually worked but its soul crushing to see how often women get dates from online dating. I use to watch those youtube vids of dudes making a fake womans account on the apps and it really fucked up my confidence.
>>80070349I never understood the scamming for free dinners thing. Not saying women don't do that but I think its very few women that do. It seems like a colossal waste of her time.
>>80070365It's not ALL women.Problem is you are being spammed with bots, shitty people, and catfishes.This is why 15 years ago even if I didn't like it, I could respect it. Worse thing you dealt with was a catfish of a old photo and some poor convo.Those decent girls you mentioned aren't just the minority, they are single digit minorities who have their filters set to insane standards cause they get so much spam.So yeah, Dating apps reputation is well earned.
>>80070448It's definitely true that any female listed dating profile will get tons of likes and messages.But most of that is non-serious spam. If your exclude all the "show vagene" low effort shitpost messages it becomes a less extreme difference. Most women aren't going to look much at the likes or messages of guys who are trying to hit up every woman on the platform. Your competition is pretty weak on a dating app despite being large in number.
>>80070469>Waste of her timeLol!You realize in a girls mind going out to eat IS and event right?What do you think a woman does most of the day? Work? Go to school? Study?It's an easy free meal and all they have to do is be polite while a guy they aren't attracted to acts as entertainment, then ghost them after to avoid the akward "letting him down easy" bit.Rinse.Repeat.This is why guys stopped taking bitches to dinner on a first date and started walks and coffee.But now women are tantrumming because they can't hold a conversation and aren't interesting... so now they are reminded they suck at life AND they aren't getting a free dinner.
>>80070134Dating apps/sites are good. Without them I Would have only half of the bodies I have now
I honestly think I would actually do pretty good with dating if I could even find women to date. Preferably in real life. Its so fucking barren in real life man. I look around at grocery stores and all I see are haggard soccer moms.
>>80070134Dating is a waste of time.Just meet people naturally.
I used to meet women off dating apps but now I'm old and all my pictures suck so I only match with gay men which is incredibly easy, but I just do that for an ego boost mostly because if I didn't I would get zero matches
>>80071558Being old makes it easier. Most dating app users are older. Zoomers have the hardest time on them.
Women are not just very stupid and incompetent. They are also evil. I mean this literally. All the things they do and say are saturated with malice. Nothing less than a sincere, all consuming desire to see harm and misfortune befall others. After lust and greed, cruelty and sadism are the only driving forces behind them. The only good woman is a dead woman. This is an exaggeration of course. Women go to hell when they die because of their actions and who they are as people. But it is good that they are in hell. This severely limits their capacity for harm.I think it is worth remarking on the fact that every religion mentions hell's population is overwhelmingly female; from Islam, to Buddhism, to zoroastrianism. This suggests the wickedness of women persists across all ages and all cultures. Much to my disappointment, there is no way for female behavior to be attributed to a malady of the culture or times. It's is not symptomatic but emblematic.
>>80070134My best friend's wife set me up with a profile one time on Tinder. She got unbelievably frustrated after about 2 or 3 days. She hasn't given me any crap since.
>>80070134No, they aren't aware. Most women live in bubbles, both offline and online.
>>80070134Theres a girl who looks like that in my class, and i cant stand looking at her. Of coarse shes super social justice leftist.
>>80070154They're even worse. They're bot farms designed to keep you in as a paying member and sell your personal data.The last thing that they want is you having any success because you would stop being a client/generate new data
>Women arent awareAre men not aware that women are not aware of this? wait till you find out many women and men arent aware how high an average mans sex drive is compared to a woman. lel
>>80070578A tiny minority of women use men for free food, and in response men decide to make themselves massively unappealing to a lot of women with that brokeboi walks and coffee shit. Nice job dude!
>>80073739Most long term relationships are just glorified findom. Women can only truly love chad.
>>80073739>A tiny minority of women use men for free fooddelusional, it's far more than a tiny minority, captain save a ho>and in response men decide to make themselves massively unappealing to a lot of women with that brokeboi walks and coffee shit. Nice job dude!yes. fix your fucking shit before you even think about demanding more from men. stupid cunt.
>>80070154Well yeah, why would I date some whore 10 years older or 300 pounds than me when Im a good looking young and fit dude with everything in life going my way? I mean dont get me wrong the 10/10 model girls with no bios dont interest me either, I would only ask for a girl with a 5 or 6/10 face who shares some interests. I dont even care if she works or not, as long as we love each other.
>>80073739>brokeboiWhat kind of foreign logic is that? Thats the most anti western phrase I have ever heard, like something you would hear in southeast asia. Literally the opposite of Christian morality in prioritizing the well being of the poor.
>>80074078>he thinks Americunts actually read the Bible or understand Christ's teachings.
>>80073739I think that is what is referred to as an arms race. There's game theory too. The problem is men and women have opposing desires. Men are looking for someone young enough to still be a woman(as in non literal medical definition of geriatric pregnancy on babby number 3), virgin, not fat, no tattoos, kindhearted, and obedient to a man's authority. This is so that he can marry her and build a life together. Woman are looking for any age of man(apparently underage is a common preference if headlines are to be believed). Extremely strong preference for nonvirgin men, extremely strong preference for fat men, extremely strong preference for tattooed men. He must be cruelhearted. Instead of gaining obedience through being an authority figure he use violence and manipulation. This is so that she can get fucked by him until she manages to find a married man to seduce and be a homewrecker(commonly considered a feather in a woman's cap), then repeat.Men want a legacy, to, build something, to uplift everyone and make the world better. Women want destruction, chaos, turmoil, and despair to full every, corner of the world. In the past the classic dinner date, then movie was a winning play. Women were all about the same; shitty people, but in a way that is tolerable. Cookie cutter like, anyone is about identical to another so looks was all that matters. Better times. Now you have women who haven't acted or spoken with honesty since they were out of pull-ups. Some have a weird axe to grind, others have a different weird axe to grind. They're all shitty, but it is not evenly distributed and some women will be be much less shitty and in tolerable ways. Dinner date does not work because that's $100 and 3 hours on the cheap side. As a, man you want to know Asap if she is irredeemably evil, stupid, disobedient. It's a numbers game and you could go through fifty women until finally finding one who is only bad. Better to spend $5 and 20 minutes on coffee. $250 vs $5,000.
>>80070134Women are retarded and almost completely incapable of self awareness. The only reason they can recognise their reflection in the mirror is sheer force of narcism
my friend's wife confidently announced to me that the reason so many males were lonely was because they didn't have enough bros to talk about their feelings with so they creep all the girls off by overloading them with feels
>>80074117Women get the ick when men express emotions other than the ones shown by their brooding romance novel protagonists, so for a woman, she's being a little bit more realistic than they usually are.
>>80070134Dude women don't know you exist. I saw a tweet earlier about male virgins being super rare.
>>80070134When my cousin is looking for a new girl or a fun weekend he reaches out on a couple apps for a day or two and finds something almost everytime. Including his last two proper gfs. He seems pretty average to me but he does seem to have good game I guess. I had no idea it was so rough for guys because the few times I tried them myself(female(female) I got mostly creeps or men that are clearly just talking to too many girls at once and are only really worried about whether or not you're dtf, even if they say looking for a LTR. Truthfully I've never really seen a guy on there that I thought could be an r9k poster. I wonder if some of the apps algorithms gauge initial interest and then push the less popular profiles to the back, so if you're unpopular to begin with you're unlikely to be seen many times without you matching with someone first. I've never found a dateable guy on an app and the one date I went on was so incredibly awkward that nothing ever came of it. Our texts the next day went like this Him: HeyMe: HeyaHim: SupMe: About to have some breakfast I have blueberry biscuits! Him: Uhh OK lolMe: What are you up to? Him: Stroking my cockThis was after a really bad awkward date. I thought his awkwardness was cute bc I thought he was just shy but I am pretty sure he was just bored and going through the motions to get laid and following up since he didn't get any the night before. I'd honestly be wary of any guy that is supposedly not just looking for a hole because it's all I've ever seen on there. I don't think apps are good for meeting people even if a lot of couples found each other that way it seems suboptimal and inorganic in a way that just doesn't work for a lot of people. After talking to some people there I started to find the couple of nice polite guys a little creepy because I fell Iike they were being sneaky by not being outright perverts. I wouldn't think that way if a guy I'm working with is just being nice yk?
>>80074203You think your cousin is average because your shitty gender thinks top 16% is "average". Nobody here cares what you have to say or what your retarded womanbrain thinks. You should stop posting on this board.
>>80074230You should care about my perspective in a thread that is asking about a females perspective. You really only stand to gain by trying to wrap your head around a bigger picture. My cousin is kind of dopey, only okay looking, can't keep a job in his late twenties, and lives with my mother. If he is part of the top 16% that is absolutely a male problem. He is pretty charismatic and friendly, to me that pulls him UP to average, if those things alone put him in the top 16% then men need to look inward more.
>>80070134>Just how out of touch are women when it comes to dating from a mans perspective?a lot of them never gave it a thought
>>80070134Generally women aren't aware of men's struggles or problems, because they're too preoccupied with women's ones. Add to that that they may be a feminist, and hearing that men may be disadvantaged in some area on a societal level, while women have the advantage, simply doesn't compute in their worldview.
>>80070154Going on dating sites/apps to find love is like going to a crack house looking for vitamins.