Does anyone else here only befriend other autistic people?
People with autism are generally assholes, not worth it in my experience.
I befriend no one, I'm just too cool
>>80083297I like befriending autists who are obsessed with one thing and talking to them about that 1 thing.
>>80083297Yeah, I can't stand neurotypicals. They all seem to have some programming since birth to follow certain customs and they act like it's a great offense when someone else doesn't follow them. Like my parents would scold me because when I went to family gatherings I wouldn't go around and introduce myself to everyone in the family and try to have conversations with them even though I had nothing in common with them and instead would just sit in a corner and play my gameboy. They all recycle jokes from the same pool as each other in their daily interactions and make you force a smile and pretend to laugh or they'll think something is wrong with you. They do so many things for no reason other than "Because you're supposed to!"Half a year ago I had to go to a fancy restaurant for my mom's birthday and she was telling me that the forks had to be on one side of the plate and knives on the other. Like, what the fuck?! Why is that even a thing? Who actually gives a fuck? It's insane that people just go along with this and don't question the utter inanity of it all.