I categorize people into three categories. Incomprehensibly stupid, well spoken stupid and well spoken intelligent. That's it.
i take it youre incomprehensibly stupid
>>80067497I'm a fourth, previously unknown category of stone-cold retarded.
There are the atheists and the non-atheists.
>>80067507I'm imagining dropping a serving of hot fudge into your mouth and you enthusiastically chewing up before swallowing. Checkmate.
There's only one category; BBC spade queens.
>>80067497Did you think you were well spoken intelligent when typing this out
>>80067534Mmm... hot fudge in your mouth right now.
>>80067497Three is an uneven number, make it four; Incomprehensibly stupid, well spoken stupid, incomprehensibly intelligent, and well spoken intelligent.
>>80067519Slidding down his fucking troat?
>>80067556Hims troat ib sore abteri fed hi mthe fugde