>at 20 I was single and was told to go out and "chase women">at 30 I am still single but I'm told if I go out I am "preying on women"
it may seem that we live in a sexually permissive culture, but we really don't. The only thing that changed since the 1950s is that back then you were expected to be married by the time you were in college, now young people are given a free reign in promiscuity during their college years as well, but once the signs of (physical) aging set in you are expected to remove yourself from the spaces where the young and hot mingle. This is why age-gap relathionships are becoming taboo. Marriage is still expected precisely because our societies need a containment board for the aging and unattractive, and without this institution in place, they see old geezers running amok in bars and clubs. In a culture where everything is catered toward the young the old are hated like the lepers once were.