It's frustrating. I wanna touch every female I see (except the really old ones) but I can't because I would need clones who share sensory perception.Pic unrelated. How would you know if I didn't tell you?
Not responding to your retarded text since you just wanted to post this image but its a dumb comparison. Rightoids not only are the main ones you see committing terrorism or mass shootings but for most, they have to restrict themselves to just talking shit online since most of them hold borderline psychotic views in favor of genocide and enslavement that most people would be freaked out by.
>>80088900ah the peaceful BLM riots, good times
>>80089108Everyone is racist and whites are objectively the best race.
>>80089108most rational left winger
>>80089148>Derp everyone is a racist edgelord like me btw omg why are ppl so anti-white!?!? This isn't right it must be joo programming
>>80089174>there's no anti-white jewish conspiracy
>>80089174yeah MS-13 are definitely edgelords.
>>80089195>Herpaderp only joos are responsible for programming, white people(Especially not nazis) have never pushed propaganda or fabricated or revised history in their favor EVER! Holocaust denial certainly doesn't exist either nope This is why rational people see through you
>>80089264most people aren't given the opportunity to see through since they are already propagandized by mainstream media
>>80089108Source please? Why would a Christian commit a mass shooting?
>>80089264The Nazis were full of Jews, Hitler was a quarter Jew through his father.
>>80089264Holocaust literally didn't happen. I already image dumped to prove this yesterday. Have 1.
>>80089264What do rational people think about making it illegal to question or investigate something you insist is so obviously true? What are you worried they might uncover?
>>80089108genocide and enslavement are the most normal things in history. You can thank white people for stopping that for now
>>80088900The LW example was entirely condoned by the state, to the point where elected officials would openly tell police not to enforce the law on the rioters. It was sanctioned by the powers that be and the media ran cover for them non-stop.The RW example, depending on which country you're in, ranges from socially anathema to outright illegal, despite the countries all claiming to support freedom of speech. Those found to be doing so face dismissal from work, de-banking and threats of violence against them.The LW example was not extremism in any sense of the word. The RW example was and still is.
>>80089582You mean like this original pic?