If men could get pregnant, they would do whatever it takes to raise their offspring. Not abort them.
>>80088689I raise my wife's children by another man.
>>80088689I wouldn't have sex(not that I do it now)
>>80088689No, I would definitely abort them.
>>80088689If men could get pregnant, they would find a way to be obnoxiously competitive about it.
>>80088823look at mommy groups on facebook/other sites where they trash other women for having epidurals or having to have c-sections. Even when talking about motherhood women are still catty bitches to each other.
>>80088775Ya idk wtf OP is smoking I would just abort it.
>>80089025It's like OP hasn't heard about the countlessly many men who've paid their girlfriends to get abortions so the don't need to deal with a child.Maybe zoomers don't do that as often, but back when I was in high school in the early 2000s there were plenty of cases like that. One of own my gfs from the time had an abortion her prior bf paid for before I met her.
>>80088689I'd absolutely abort lmao
>>80088689If I could get pregnant I would do so and then get an abortion over and over again. Then I would document it on social media just to troll christcucks including posting pictures of the dead babies (I would need to ask them to let me keep the fetuses)