how do you realistically become him? he is so masculine and alpha and /r9k/ers have a shot? don't you wanna be an attractive based sigma like him who grinds all day and has sex instead of playing videogames?
>>80062297He doesn't "grind all day." He sits in his office and pretends to do something important. He barely knows what his job even is.
>>80062315nah he is a true sigma who works out a lot and makes money.
become a narcissistic sociopath
easy. here it is anons. a non-ai guide.
Embrace the male struggle. right. now
>>80062297be actually a super giga schizo, and psychopath wrapped all into one
>>80062315dumb fuck he works in finance and does trading, high iq and difficult job thats way about your head nonnie
>>80062448this is funny, chatgpt is based
>>80062297he is not a role model to be followed nigga
>>80063499He sounds based nglDesu for real
>>80062315you will never be a true sigma