I invented a way to combat basedquoting.When someone attaches a bald man next to your post, just rewrite the post (without memearrows) but attach the anime girls, so you look like this (an anime girl) and say this.Can someone basedquote me to demonstrate?It's going to work weirdly on /r9k/ due to no exact reposts rule, but trust me, it works in my mind.
>>80070207>I invented a way to combat basedquoting.>When someone attaches a bald man next to your post, just rewrite the post (without memearrows) but attach the anime girls, so you look like this (an anime girl) and say this.>Can someone basedquote me to demonstrate?>It's going to work weirdly on /r9k/ due to no exact reposts rule, but trust me, it works in my mind.org
Anonymous 01/15/25(Wed)23:40:01 No.80070207>>80070257#I invented a way to combat basedquoting.When someone attaches a bald man next to your post, just rewrite the post (without memearrows) but attach the anime girls, so you look like this (an anime girl) and say this.Can someone basedquote me to demonstrate?It's going to work weirdly on /r9k/ due to no exact reposts rule, but trust me, it works in my mind.>>80070257thanks man
>>80070257Yeah op LOST after this onebig time
>>80070257Ohhhhh GOTTEMThe house always wins.