looking around for new tenants to rent half my apartment to, seeing a bunch of successful young couples that are good looking and highly educated is demoralizing, I'm literally so behind in life it's brutal
I know you wont care and probably heard it a million times but youre not behind in life in any regard, people simply have different things and goals and milestones they will reach at different agesIf everyone did everything at the same time, the world would be robotic Dont let it get to you man
My life became so much better when I accepted I wasn't normal nor destined for normie shit, and stopped comparing myself to others
>>80086441>but youre not behind in life in any regardAreYouSureAboutThatJohnCena.gif>people simply have different things and goalsyeah I didn't care much about anything being younger but now when you are older you realize you wasted your time and did not put the basic necessities into place and your parents failed you and now you are paying for it dearly and are a failure in all regards>Dont let it get to you manonly way to solve this is to make a lot of money and simply breeze past everyone, until that day I will feel inferior, simple as>>80086443I don't feel normal or want to normiemaxx, I want to be way better than them, not worsecurrently incredibly fucking worse off than normies thoughI feel like I should have realistically made it long ago, but shit I don't even have basic normal necessities to live normally