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/biz/ - Business & Finance

Displaying 460 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
58703574should I send my resume to mcdonalds[View]
58701922more and more people are waking up every day. what happens when everyone is too informed to be trick…[View]
58703280cry about it: cry about it[View]
58703549is it over[View]
58698664Will this ever go back up?: Biz hardly talks about it anymore.[View]
58701857What will happen with the dollar quotation in Brazil after the Northern Hemisphere gets all nuked?[View]
58703406This past bull market SUCKED![View]
58703327Here cums the mandatory ETF outflow diarrhea dump[View]
58702167If the State gave a fuck about us subChads they would give us free Sky Bri tier hotties on a daily t…[View]
58699756>Be Blackrock, Vanguard, etc. >Buy BTC OTC, so that it may NEVER, EVER affect the price in ANY…[View]
58700107Frenlandia thread: So any thoughts on this? Pros: their website is decent and it might be a game abo…[View]
58702401How do people who take advantage of the welfare system and collect SSDI manage to also bring in exce…[View]
58697900Energy is the next play: >current AI models require as much electricity as a small city >to m…[View]
58701746we were supposed to make it: Turns out that someone of you fucks deviated the clown timeline. I want…[View]
58702633Is crypto dead?[View]
58703210Exchanges are secretly dumping ETH: This is like the ICO dump vol 2. Get out before this gets public…[View]
58699037make it bags: so i start >FTM >ID (everest) >bananacat(eth) its that easy…[View]
58700478What happened to all the RLC shills? I never see oil threads any more.[View]
58703182the fuck are all these faggots talking about?[View]
58699431POLKADOT SOON[View]
58690629AVI: >Everything is bigly soon, wink nudge! Lots of excitement about onchain summer! Coming up is…[View]
58701677Should I live with my parents to save money?: Currently work and make around 83k a year plus overtim…[View]
58703105When is the staking pool increasing?[View]
58700493Bachelors of Science chemical engineering: job hunt is rough bros...[View]
58702856Check the SOLBTC chart[View]
58701929What do you do when your immediate family wants to spend time with you, but you don't really ca…[View]
58701862>nobody has EVER beaten the S&P 500 >nobody has EVER made money swing trading >nobody h…[View]
58698428>get let go by content/editor job >cant find any new job for 3 months >check old job'…[View]
5870285415m and 12h btc chart look the same: dump? whats that?[View]
58701909sometimes I forget that I'm going to be millionaire[View]
58700445???: Quick! You have to finish the list. What are the THREE iconic frog memes that will define this …[View]
58696130Will politifi coins be listed on Binance? its the next big thing[View]
58698605>Kleros: What went so horribly wrong?[View]
58695392>millimeters away from ATH >/biz/ is silent…[View]
58701841it looks like there are no more greater fools to buy your bags[View]
58699731i've just hit 9 figures, now what?[View]
58702645Is now a good time to buy TIA?: It was at $20 a few months ago and now sits at $5.80. It has to turn…[View]
58699507I want the economy to collapse.[View]
58701546French Montana scams fans: Hello everyone, French Montana scammed his fans with new token launch. Yo…[View]
58701533Small question: I bought into GME at $28.70. Am I fucked? (Image generated by gnuplot)[View]
58700883I don’t get the point off having children with serious illness and deficiencies? Seems to me it a to…[View]
58702528Where did all the kendu inu fans go? All gone after shilling their coin?[View]
58701166Does this have anything to do with Jasmy? Does anybody know?[View]
58698322The bull run is back on the menu boys.[View]
58698811I'm receiving fake phishing emails concerning LINK, stay safe anons[View]
58702405NEET Crypto: What's the best crypto for day trading? I just wanna make small profits every day …[View]
58701995So, is this basically going to keep crabbing? Do we have to wait until the run-up to the next earnin…[View]
58702474Every pullback is an opportunity[View]
58697558It's about to pump violently isn't it[View]
58700793I am running out of jobs to apply for.[View]
58699776Happy Monday, anons: I just started my work week and despite knowing I have a day off this week for …[View]
58698495What if...: ... this is just a giant bull flag?[View]
58701586is boxabl a good investment?[View]
58694818/ourguy/ has stopped streaming bros it's gonna be a very rough cycle this time around...[View]
58697982So, is it over for the shitcoins?[View]
58702027The fed is literally never going to cut interest rates until shit seriously hits the fan. Look at th…[View]
58701177Thoughts on prayge? Spammable twitch guy He’s on eth and dextools was updated with a CTO 14k mc, 29 …[View]
58700341What's the basic gestalt on forming a business plan: My friend is a freelancer techfag looking …[View]
58701587what's the approximate percentage of negroes browsing this god forsaken board in this very mome…[View]
58698589NO ETF FOR YOU!!!: When did you realize that there will never be a stink ETF.[View]
58691691I have $6000 saved.[View]
58662561/smg/ - Stock market general: crab market general edition Brokers: https://pastebin.com/F1yujtVq (f…[View]
58702193Gambling Addiction: How do I stop giving Fanduel my paycheck every 2 weeks? I owe everyone money, fe…[View]
58702190this is it. this is finally it![View]
58702187I like trolling around various internet boards to find people who have a lower net worth than me and…[View]
58696074Reddit melting down over this post: All the top replies are calling the OP a virgin mooch and saying…[View]
58695727Shh don't wake him, he's sleeping[View]
58702124I'm holding all the Top 20 coins except Link.[View]
58700462link marines are so old they are starting to think about funding their Roth IRAs with their potentia…[View]
58702060Best way to convert a paycheck from USD to CAN?: Opportunity comming up for me with an American comp…[View]
58702037so /biz/ what did you like most about bitcoin's latest cash flow statement and balance sheet?[View]
58701882Dogecoin: Wow edition[View]
58701986I only have $1000 in Pepe should I just rope?[View]
58700301##### SAFE INVESTMENT THREAD ##### I have, after 3 years of wagecucking, 55k USD in my savings accou…[View]
58701953okay one more leg down tuesday and wednesday but after that its off to the races[View]
58701905new poll dropped[View]
58698668>live in California >federal capital gains tax 40% >state capital gains tax 15% I literally…[View]
58698268When Bitcoin started promoting lightning everyone immediately told Bitcoiners to kill themselves. L2…[View]
58701788Thoughts on USDV? How safe would it be to hold it for a few days?[View]
58701217Day 1074 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 100k[View]
58700852the most retarded coin: we have an ICP competition at last[View]
587008081 - 15th July, the most bullish time of the year.: We are in the best two weeks of the year traditio…[View]
58701700I don't understand the complaining around Chainlink, Its a good investment that's not mean…[View]
58698991whats the hate bout, chads, am i a retard holdin onto my link bag? r oracles still the move or did i…[View]
58701667I'm in.[View]
58697009Someday you go through the raaaain And someday you feed on a tree frooog This ordeal, the trial to s…[View]
58701150When the FUCK are they going to lower interest rates?[View]
58685217Is there any hope left for LUNC?[View]
58699762Celestia is getting cheap: Wtf is this coin supposed to do? Anybody knowsthe narrative behind?…[View]
58687692kek apoos btfo on twitter. crypto whale who had a chain made of Pepe says its Pepe not Apu.[View]
58701292>head and shoulders >cup and handles >bear trap >bull flag…[View]
58700592>$100 >lose 25% >$75 >gain 25% >$93.75 Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.…[View]
58701377HBAR: What went wrong?[View]
58700582I hold LINK: How could you tell?[View]
58701313Bullish at resistance again huh[View]
58698930One anon has shilled me quilibrium, currently sold as wquil when i asked about potential gems of upc…[View]
58701307daily EMA 100 become resistance: >do with this information what you vvill…[View]
58691116LINU: >casinu incoming >multiple kols >lunc chads buying LINU >18K in the wallet for sh…[View]
58698186Big Mike on Base: Bonding now on Ape dot Store Based af devs working to erect this hard before Big M…[View]
58701211How should I diversify my investment account? Right now I have more than 10 stocks in Gold/Silver mi…[View]
58701137My consultant fiance only knows me as a big dick coomer who gave up in the middle of university.[View]
58701182how much did you win at the lottery last week? i didn't win anything[View]
58698657Alright cut the shit. This thing needs to drop.[View]
58700916What to do: I'm familiar with creating web apps and interfacing with APIs etc etc. What can I d…[View]
58698911When will bobos understand that there is no more liquidity to gather from longs and now there are bi…[View]
58698423There is only one BIGMIKE and it’s the OG on ETH listed on CMC with 300k in daily volume and it’s go…[View]
58692928now that this bullrun is officially over and crypto is dead forever, itt we post and discuss our big…[View]
58701053How this is not a bad sign[View]
58698691I'm out of the loop (took a few years off from trading). Is Bitrue off limits in the US now?[View]
58701017>tfw $100 to my name >to afraid to invest and lose it >to afraid to spend and lose it…[View]
58700452I am buying and holding PEPE, INJ and KASPA: >yes. That's a man…[View]
58697855I opened my first short position 3 hours ago and i'm already liquidated[View]
58698000What do I even buy at this point? I'm stuck between trump, apu, pepe, and kaspa[View]
58692579Volume is vanishing, interest is gone It's unironically over[View]
58696311what would you do with 24k tether that's sidelined?[View]
58698753$rivn will be $137 next week.[View]
58698121Data Analysis: Is it a worthy field nowdays? I currently work selling in sensora to monitor BigWater…[View]
58700503lmao: kek even[View]
58700364Exchanges are dumping ETH. Only getting worse. Get out before it's too late[View]
58697464I was a weekend early in >>58690817[View]
58700559>coin im long in tanks far worse than any other shitcoin by 3-5x more than the rest of the market…[View]
58699659>Kaspa is gonna finna hit 20 cen- ACKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!![View]
58698742Green day friends WAGMI?[View]
58699919>I'm making fake resumes and I'm flooding the job offerings to make HR roasties lifes m…[View]
58699295Redpill me on LINU.[View]
58697138Should I sell peak bullrun 2025 or wait until 2030 for more gains? Pic related[View]
58699055/GME/ - Dino Crisis Force Field Edition: >Basic Information https://gme.crazyawesomecompany.com h…[View]
58700229I pay to post 6 figure IT jobs on indeed larping as a successful startup. I then ask people to do ou…[View]
58696406Bitcoin looks primed for a pump why do altcoins look like shit?[View]
58700265Not a bad day eh mumoski? Just thought I'd remind you about the absolute mountain of bagholders…[View]
58698065hey bros, 31 yr old normie here, sitting on 10k in savings. what's the play to 10x my stack lon…[View]
58695528oh wow I've lost money again today what a surprise heh[View]
58698609Could earwax replace gold one day?: I genuinely believe earwax can and will replace gold. I've …[View]
58697797I missed you pieces of shit: I stopped browsing biz because of the retarded mail rule, anyway I was …[View]
58700260in 24, 32bitcoin.org released THIS: a whyt paper?[View]
58694633everyone who owns link shall experience impoverishment[View]
58700000After years browsing biz I left for 8 months, I stayed IRL, I realized that normies are disgusting a…[View]
58693651LINK future derivatives…. NOT….. ONE… SINGLE…. BREAD: Amazing how fuders will fucking jump anytime t…[View]
58692254Insider here: There'll be a cyber pandemic in the first and second week of January, this is why…[View]
58698739Beginner trading methods: Quit my job about a week ago. It wasn't necessary it was just a summe…[View]
58699626Can I buy now without getting rekt?[View]
58699092if you bought Chainlink: - in the middle of December 2017, you're up around 10x against BTC - …[View]
58699310I trusted this man with my entire life savings... and I lost everything.[View]
58699030What's the most you would allow yourself to spend on a car if you had 100k €/$: Please no meme …[View]
58694043do what you what with this information[View]
58699705Hadrian coin: For everything money related[View]
58697397chainlink would be so great if it were coin and not an ethereum based token.[View]
58697765Every pullback is an opportunity[View]
58698600I am officially over chainlink. Sold my 10k make it stack and put it all in index funds. I suspect I…[View]
58699614WZRD: oldest BTC meme soon to be converted into runes, any ETA? are WAGMI frens? ops i forgot to go …[View]
58697355How many shitcoin charts do u have open at once biz?[View]
58698574How does a country prevent companies from leaving, even if they have given them tons of benefits (su…[View]
58697746if you had 200k what would you do?[View]
58693544oooo linkies: If you own LINK... You are based. Don't let third world fud spam get you down.…[View]
58697705Is it ever ethical to lie in a resume?: What's the worst thing that could happen if you get cau…[View]
58699454This is the new shit: You may have noticed a few of my negative posts about Tether recently. You pro…[View]
58696759how do exchanges trade against their users? picrel[View]
58698792is 5k enough to invest in crypto to not work again? i only need like 300 a week[View]
58698526My mom and her husband(not my dad) won $3 million USD off a scratch ticket. Would you give your kids…[View]
58699073>be me >sent 200 CV's to job recruiters >nobody even read it Its over Im going homeles…[View]
58699154would you buy this chart?: >this[View]
58697702I am investing in rental properties.[View]
58698821What stops businesses from creating great products and selling them at cheap prices? cheap price = m…[View]
58696106There's no rolex for you face[View]
58694055When are you going to sell?: This game will be released around November 2025 which should line up wi…[View]
58689933Bitcoin is not quantum resistant[View]
58696387is anyone actually up yet this crypto cycle?[View]
58699007Can y'all explain to me again how is this totally normal for SHIB to crash that much? How will …[View]
58697953Side-gig general: How's your side-gig going, lads? Mine is good. You... do have a side-gig, don…[View]
58698144>he is STILL working a job in 2024[View]
58698693>low volume pump over the weekend See you at 50k, bulltards.[View]
58698783so much work to do[View]
58698320Why biz do not CTO this?: >Dev sold >Hit 1mil in just a few hours >40k market cap Pog on ET…[View]
58698501Can someone give a straight answer for once? Just tell me the truth, should I buy Chain Link or not?[View]
58699095Is the ETH ETF just going to be another situation where institutions stay delta neutral by buying ET…[View]
58698985your little exit pump ends now[View]
58698044Would you buy this chart?[View]
58698705Insider Alpha. I won't shill an individual project BUT I have insider knowledge on the Cabal th…[View]
58699031'Y'hah Cthulhu!'[View]
58698735140k bitcoins will be dumped on the market this week.[View]
58698685What career would guarantee me 100% work?: I don't want money, I just want you to recommend me …[View]
58698478I have 35 shares of GME what should I expect?[View]
58698960Your make it house? For me it all depends on how much i make, hqve 180k usd rn in crypto My 3 option…[View]
58697073All of cryptocurrencies end up being -95% below its max price or worse.[View]
58697238Bitcoin entrypoint $BTC: I'm new to crypto, but according to all of the information available I…[View]
58698910Black&milds cost me an arm and a leg.[View]
58698868I seriously don’t get the linkie obsession. Is it an autistic thing? Is it a meme? Do you truly beli…[View]
58698049There is no volume baggies, it will dump again, and again, and again.[View]
58697996how many bps (betrayals per second) can the Chainlink technology achieve?[View]
58697817I just made this on pump.fun: DLVpMfBHjnkZHQygDFnXddgDau3tWzFe3yHoPbdipump How do I make it grow? I …[View]
5869767362k REJECTED: bear market confirmed[View]
58697477Stripping started in Africa, long time ago long long long time ago the white man went to Africa and …[View]
58697458What's going to happen to the market when he gets sentenced to prison in 11 days?[View]
58698059Apologize: Greatest crypto macro trader of our times[View]
58698642will we have the green market this July?[View]
58698461>mfw literally gambling on the wheel is better than daytrading its so doomed no wonder all daytra…[View]
58698653sirs is this indian coin good money buddha?[View]
58698520ARCHIE who tf that guy: I just realised I thrown all of my last bucks buying Dips there. Fuckkkkkk s…[View]
58698455this is hilarious: even if link moons, i still wont have enough to make it[View]
58697779HAPPY JULY SIRS[View]
58696810Woah, sick alt run bro[View]
58697937Day 1073 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 100k[View]
58698325>15 years >still no use cases[View]
58695567>just rugpulled 150k dollars worth of solana >swapped to DAI thanks for playing…[View]
58698365Is unemployment even worth it? It seems like a lot of work filling out forms and applying for shit a…[View]
58698062Linksisters I don’t think I can go through this again. I’m losing my hair line, my tooth hurts, I’m …[View]
58697491>see YouTube and twitter shilling >'this coin solves scalability problem buy now we're st…[View]
58698229And just like that BTC will never be below 63k again[View]
58697803How we doin today boyz?[View]
58696833bookmap anon here. walls are extra fat today. prepare your anus[View]
58697838Kek fuddies: You have no power. You are as impotent as Sleepy Joe.[View]
58696706>uhh uuhhh I'm so smart I buy crypto and I make money uhhh uhh I'm smarter than most pe…[View]
58698209The illusion must be defended at all costs, because the illusion is all there is.[View]
58697810>tfw “see you in the sky in July” anon was right[View]
58698098She priced me out of home ownership forever. Why should I keep going?[View]
58697999Bitcoin monthly chart: Presented without comment.[View]
58697324day 1148 of snailposting till doge hits 1$[View]
58695643/GME/ - Spiral Mountain Edition: >Basic Information https://gme.crazyawesomecompany.com https://f…[View]
58692303How are we feeling about Utopia ICP bros[View]
58697749>be me >sold everything yesterday Uh... its going lower, right? You niggers said we were in an…[View]
58695772Dogecoin: Mooning soon![View]
58697729There is one last ticket for a shib-like play and its the chad thundercock you virgins. frogs are in…[View]
58692967Can someone give me the tokenization clearpill[View]
58698029It's already crashing again, but enjoy this if it helps you cope. You're going to need all…[View]
58698041So, after the trannj yannies crateded the views on this board, they decided to step back from the ma…[View]
58696340No amount of money will save you from STDs from roasties once you make it[View]
58697255(You) are not bearish enough Post top signals[View]
58697796This weekend OI went up back to before the dump over the last two days. It's not even Monday. I…[View]
58697445AVI moon: What are the actual projections for AVI? 1 cent, 10 cents, 50 cents, a dollar? Anyone have…[View]
58697874this is a bombshell for Chainlink: is it over?[View]
58695994BREAKING NEWS!![View]
58693329Chainlink: I'm so excited for you crazy kids[View]
58696221How do I scam FHA income documents or get into a house and renovate it with zero money down[View]
58697347Has someone conned you into thinking working your whole life is a good thing ?[View]
58696252>just work overtime for 80 years dude[View]
58697225>Le wifey called it 'our bitcoin'[View]
58695818Can someone help me get the PayPig app to work? I downloaded the APK but I'm not able to instal…[View]
58697672Recommend me something on eth to buy I want to hold on to spot eth for now but my eth stack is very …[View]
58693844So, according to this chart this cycle's top will be in 2026? Too many things happen at the mom…[View]
58697107I recently paid $1700 for a luxury silver pendant and football jersey. Was this a good financial dec…[View]
58691644Holy fuck[View]
58696578I need 59c to break even.[View]
58696568Does algorand has a chance to moon ? what do you think of that coin ?[View]
58697594Hello sers! Buy chainlink token sers!: Token price go to moon![View]
58696321How good it is to be on the right side. kek: I created and posted this video in 2023 for fudders ano…[View]
58691921I'm an engineer with a degree a decade deep into the full-time career, and I utterly fucking de…[View]
58697394Are bitcoin runes forever dead?[View]
58695864>you have debt? well, you gotta eat rice and beans, pick up another job. your life should revolve…[View]
58696468last big pump of the bullmarket starts in an hour[View]
58696376is Avax or Xrp more likely to moon ?[View]
58697476Insider here. I am J*net Y*llen's lover. Seeing how these russian Cheapfakes and other Internet…[View]
58697470>t. /biz/[View]
58695690beware the biz and icp scammers shilling this coin dont end up like me >inb4 piss fags damage con…[View]
58697356Bitcoin will pump like a shitcoin this month.: Bitcoin will hit a new all time high this month, prob…[View]
58696052Why are Boomers like this?[View]
58693777If I buy this house, or another one like it, am I allowed to live in it? Or will the government forc…[View]
58696314is digibyte or xrp more likely to moon?[View]
58697366How can I close a joint bank account that I share with my abuser?[View]
58695386>crypto is too volat- ACK!!![View]
58696337Housing is unafford... ACK[View]
58695395.20 WAITING ROOM: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/kaspa/ https://kgi.kaspad.net/ https://kas.fy…[View]
58695737What’s the average link stack? Seems like people have baby stacks compared to the 100k anons from 20…[View]
58697060Is 22% down in a month Linkers will defend this[View]
58697263token not needed?: wtf is with this piece of shit[View]
58695743I have $8000 saved.[View]
58697169Credits cards: good or bad?[View]
58695246what music do you listen while trading?[View]
58696641Its been 3 years since the bullrun. Crypto is long dead. Why are you still holding?[View]
58697220$60,600 is: Iron clad, double titanium, triple reinforced, quadruple forged, ultra strong graphene s…[View]
58695072I have an idea for a gig perfect for 2024 degeneracy. I know people are sick with loneliness and aba…[View]
58697186If you’re still holding electronic Chuck E Cheese tokens (crypto) in this economy honor compels me t…[View]
58695230*slaps you*: No euphoria no top[View]
58696166You don't need an early 18th century grandfather clock with an eight day striking movement, bra…[View]
58696006How are zoomers coping in this time of financial era when all the zoomer girls have been snapped up …[View]
58697164Waking up like a champ: >that feel when you wake up with a hard boner made of steel YES SIR We’re…[View]
58697100give me upcoming Layer 1 coins, so far I have just Peaq, are there more ?[View]
58696866Tax help: I have a significant amount of Fetch that I bought when it was 20 cents. Later next month …[View]
58689900kaspa: /biz/ coin[View]
58697059Kim Jong Un is announcing North Korea has achieved AGR[View]
58691957/biz/ The bounty era is restarting, let us unite and start the hunts. >The Bulgarian-born German…[View]
58696207NEVER DONE MY TAX RETURNS AT 26YO: Ausfag, never done my returns, how fucked am I? Should I go to a …[View]
58697078>most of the business leaders and supervisors of the world will be dead by 2050 There is HOPE Jus…[View]
58697071wow semester and quarterly closes absolutely bullish[View]
58691756CCIP v1.5 audits starting soon: how come nobody is posting about dis?[View]
58696143/V-Shaped Recovery/ General: LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOoooooo[View]
58696932Textbook Wyckoff Top. Can't believe nobody is talking about this[View]
58687895Six figure hell doesn’t even get you a decent looking women… What the hell…[View]
58696847Many will be financially free once BTC hits 87k. Are you going to be one of them?[View]
58694240Are memecoins a net benefit for the crypto space?[View]
58695668>buy SOL now >sell it next year for $1000…[View]
58695436I'm the only person in my family and friend group that has any significant amount of crypto. Ho…[View]
58696908It's Time[View]
58693045What is the scientific or psychological reason for why it’s so much easier to buy high and sell low?…[View]
58696379Can someone please tell me how to read this thing?[View]
58696944How do I invest in rare diamonds?[View]
58696921check the 1M Stoch RSI[View]
58693615Tax help for token mergers?: Fetch.AI is doing some stupid merge thing to ASI. What are the tax liab…[View]
58696480So now that crypto is officially dead: which stocks should I invest in?[View]
58695569Fuck you bobo: bad day today. threw in my last $250 just to be left with $42 which I took out to buy…[View]
58694222Is 22% down in a month Linkers will defend this[View]
58694972Acting weird again: I don't get this coin. It doesn't want to take part in any of the pump…[View]
58693927For the love of god zoom out you fucking faggots. Bitcoin did the EXACT same thing last cycle. If yo…[View]
58696686>nobody has EVER beaten the S&P 500 >nobody has EVER made money swing trading >nobody h…[View]
58694443Four months more and the bullrun will unironically start. Accumulate now. Trust the plan[View]
58696708what are some interesting non-crypto, finance-related topics to study during the downtime of this bo…[View]
58695058I miss good ol' days: Remember when XRP, XLM, Link was first shilled here. Stellar Marines... 2…[View]
58694037TCG General - Charmander Edition: day 18 of posting my charizard collection until it grows to $1mil…[View]
58678482I'm doing this tonight: Any recommendations before I ape into the following? I'll probably…[View]
58696249Why shouldnt I use my profits to convert to Islam and marry 4 wives from different races and have 10…[View]
58693979Show me your holding face.[View]
58696232Tattoo's have to be the dumbest thing people spend money on. No one cares about your Ink bro.[View]
58685928why is everybody fading this: >blackrock partner >rwa >outperforms everything >strong as…[View]
58695942Why does it never touch the short liquidations? Do whales protect their entry and dump harder before…[View]
58692283coinmetrobros... i dont feel so good[View]
58694775Is this crypto run over?[View]
58695285This hedge fund job posting for a cryptocurrency just went up. Hedgies are expanding[View]
58696341What causes my 20x long to get fucking instantly liquidated 2 minutes after i open it? Lost 70k[View]
58694162is the SEC suing ConsenSYS a big deal: https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2024/06/28/sec-sues-consensys…[View]
58693503chainlink is dumping, again. it's dumping AGAIN omg i can't get over how much link DUMPS. …[View]
58692137Bitcoin is a disgrace. A slow, unhypeable dinosaur coin.[View]
58693212Is it over or is it just beginning?[View]
58696243I only made a 2.317x when I could have made a 3.8223x[View]
58692392I can't remember what it feels like to be optimistic and have a green portfolio. Any time I see…[View]
58694133https://youtu.be/fSWGHAZh4Xw?t=1434 Federuger just confirmed, that with every integration, end used …[View]
58695781Why not force retailers to show their cost for items beside the price so we know if we are being pri…[View]
58695366Raise the min wage, gain more jobs, economy is absolutely booming. Chuds eternally BTFOd.[View]
58696010>quit job >break lease >spend $8k moving across country to Utah for a new job >they rug …[View]
58695463In the depths of crypto's darkest night I found a token, shining bright and light Chainlink, a …[View]
58694986bitcoin is literally doing the same thing as every cycle except with less volatility, y'all sho…[View]
58696082it's over[View]
58692980Guess who's next on the SEC's list?[View]
58696045Will someone please explain to me what the hell is going on?[View]
58695782Nice stack bro It would be a shame if someone passed an executive order forcing you to give it to me[View]
58695784remember: chainlink will never increase in value from here[View]
58696030Learn Trade JEFFRY: It's enough!! Stop Buying sh*itcoins Bruhhhhhhh.... You poured whole lot li…[View]
586943350x60 CRAB- The Giant Crab villain from Matt Furie's Night Riders story: Anyone catch this befor…[View]
58695204>No gains for the past 4 months and a half. Im going to stick this crowbar up my ass if nothing h…[View]
58695506NO DIVVY, NO BUY[View]
58694351I'm starting to believe we humans do have a 6th sense: I've been LP farming with USDe from…[View]
58695652Thinking of investing in digital land through Atlas Earth. Have any anons invested in them before?[View]
58695907What would be the impact of changing thr graduated income tax to a flat tax?[View]
58695467How bad is it? What do I need to remove/invest in? Serious answers only.[View]
58695166Do you have any /biz/ related tattoos?[View]
58695867Why don't you move to the first tiny home friendly town?[View]
58695762I get $2000/month in neetbux.[View]
58695339>triple top after 3 years well done bobos[View]
58695829Day 3 of posting captchacoin until we hit 10% of the supply and 17USD per cap.[View]
58682606Oh no, cold piss bros... What went wrong?[View]
58694547Every pullback is an opportunity[View]
58695654Day 1072 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 100k[View]
58692065staking is pretty retarded anyways. These fags want money for nothing. They should be deploying capi…[View]
58693736You want money right?: Get your dogecoin bag now faggots. This shitcoin is about to absolutely rocke…[View]
58695728Sir, i would like you to sell me your bags.[View]
58695287'we expect a letter of recommendation from a supervisor': Any MBA / grad school fags here? I could u…[View]
58695100Will bitcoin stay above 65k-ish area: Any fortune tellers here?[View]
58695703I made money today[View]
58695512MAJOR BITCOIN BLACKPILL: This guy probably gave the best speech at the bitcoin cope fest in 2022. He…[View]
58695279House Buying And Remodel Help: So I just scored. BIG. House in a small town in east Texas. I can buy…[View]
58695532Self employed: What kind of business do you own? How's it going so far? Surely you don't…[View]
586955962 more months of 2.5k/business day. Feeling okay but poor for my age. How you guys holding up?[View]
58694839How much money did you put on crypto? I'm not talking about how much you have now, but how much…[View]
58693707Going off sick with depression (as a bong with actual employment rights): I've been a project m…[View]
58693523First ever Art piece created by the founder of Pepe: The first ever peice of art or meme that Matt F…[View]
58667537/xsg/ XRP Schizo General #2270: previous thread: >>58638996 >Buy XRP on: Coinbase, Binance,…[View]
58695273>assblaster >frenchbro >willy >polish whore >capslockanon >uncleoldfag >favelan…[View]
58686269What happened to WFH topics?: What happened to the daily WFH topics. Did everyone lose their WFH job…[View]
58692962Pepe sisters... how do we respond?[View]
58695263USDe is depegging what the fuck is going on[View]
58693596>housing is unafforda-AAAAAAACCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKK!!![View]
58693977It's over.[View]
58694963Why did reverse repo suddenly increase by almost 300 billion this week?[View]
58694374>Entire portfolio bleeding >MUMU pumping[View]
58695250Put dem efferiums in the bag whitey[View]
58692905not to be antisemitic but who takes the money if its sent to the wrong address?[View]
58695254I'll take a pound of bit coin[View]
58695131Chainlink: The fate of Chainlink price[View]
58695214This just happened to me I’m sitting in a strip club enjoying a drink. I overhear someone say “Hair…[View]
58695200What do you make of online only banks?[View]
58693456I just bought millions of acres of metaverse lands at over 99.99% off[View]
58694737>be me >working at Durgasoft, living the coder dream >heard about this crypto called Chai…[View]
58695185my haircomb stays quantum strong I'm claiming it all night long[View]
58695041This is my only major holding. I buy more every week.[View]
58693653Livin dat good life[View]
58693331Tips on using a cold wallet for storing your crypto seed? Do you guys use a metal one? Put it in a s…[View]
58693997Is ethereum the best alt to buy now?: And i said 'altcoin', not shitcoins please. Dot, ava…[View]
58694706imagine still thinking there is a bullrun while this piece of shit begins to moon[View]
58694969I like to trade in my one's for two dollar bills :)[View]
58691453>dude I can't make money trading so nobody can! >The market is efficient and NOBODY has …[View]
58682259What are the perks of renting forever and not buying a house? Won't you just have made your lan…[View]
58692233/GME/ - End of the Month Edition: >Basic Information https://gme.crazyawesomecompany.com https://…[View]
58674885Chink Scam Stock (HOLO): Some unfortunate price movements as of late, but it's seemingly stable…[View]
58691589>boss told me to get off my phone[View]
58694597crypto winter has just begun and you don't even realize it[View]
58692619BTC is not doing the Friday post-market bounce[View]
58692586Serious business oriented thread: Share your plans, ideas and experiences. What doesn't require…[View]
58694231Migrate?: Have to change apartment. This morning got a 30day eviction notice. Basically the turistic…[View]
58692934My future existence depends on losing my virginity this year.[View]
58694777Give me anything that will x100 in less than a Year. let's fucking moon[View]
58691522This Who Mumus Listen To: Some fat, bald chink who plays with LEGOs and have been yammering about ho…[View]
58692626What you think of Truefi, is it a good time to buy? i'm looking for a multiplier in the next t…[View]
58693837>all my alts are down 50-90% Fellow ausfags, is it worth selling and rebuying just to claim a tax…[View]
58694025Did Celo do a pre-mine?[View]
58694089Would a time based currency actually work if implemented on a large scale?[View]
58687830Eyepatch for work?: I have work in an hour and, unfortunately, I gave myself a brutal black eye last…[View]
58688516Consider the following:: When the Switch 2 releases, this could have its price dropped down to even …[View]
58694538Can someone help me get the PayPig app to work? I downloaded the APK but I'm not able to instal…[View]
58693941The whole backbone of the economy is the rent. Every dollar that is not spent on rent can be spent o…[View]
58693374I was doing laundry today and noticed a brown stain on the back of my jeans and I’m not sure if it’s…[View]
58693966I love the smell of a 1000 BTC long in the morning[View]
58694418Why it looks like Bitcoin is about to dump against ETH? It's already so far from ATH, I'm …[View]
58693826I found a project that is Kaspa level of innovation. Actually a lot more than Kaspa and its a very s…[View]
58690881Boogie2988 Vs. Pump.Fun: Are you investing in FaddyCoin?[View]
58693937PEIPEI: What are you thoughts on PEIPEI faggots ? I bought tonight and 2x in the last 8 hours. There…[View]
58682351Early 30s, never had a job How do I get a job I don't know if I can I have no skills I'm p…[View]
58688800How will your 30s look like?[View]
58692707except trading do you have other sources of income[View]
58690817tinfoil hat thread Jan 26, after a similar massacre, bitcoin printed a similar chart on PCE day, a F…[View]
58690408I’m lost in life financially: Dead end job, 220k liquid assets, nearly 30 years old, skinny fat phys…[View]
58686479Liquidation cascade within the next 5 days. After that we going back to 70k.[View]
5869265014,000 XRP burned in the past four days, is something brewing bros?[View]
58692592Everyone got comfortable in the 60s. Now we're get comfortable in the 50s. It's all part o…[View]
58692294and Bitcoin is still a solution in search of a problem: Prove me wrong.[View]
58693084this dog is a good candidate for being the next billion-dollar shiba inu[View]
58694155Another day sending CV's to get a job[View]
58685495My future existence depends on $100 LINK. I can't take it anymore bros.[View]
58690272How the fuck do I make money without getting a job? I have a degree in mathematics, I can code in se…[View]
58690222Billions must buy: chud on sol 7 milly mcap You thinkin what I'm thinkin?[View]
58694205Are you sufficiently allocated into AGI betas to hedge against it taking your income, anon?[View]
58694031All of us are absolutely miserable aren't we. We have short bursts of hollow and soulless eupho…[View]
58692871Why we are dumping?[View]
58692572My future existence depends on $50 DOT. I can't take it anymore bros.[View]

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