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/biz/ - Business & Finance

Displaying 1,126 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
59778593Bitcoin to 100k?[View]
59777919Are you enjoying the altseason frens?[View]
59777326Day 1293 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 1M[View]
59778536I didnt think it will end this way... Everything wont stop dumping...[View]
59777286it's being pumped prepare for the dump[View]
59778530Give it to me straight bros, is it a good time to buy ETH?[View]
59778506Would this be the ideal time to be buying alts?[View]
59778033>ruins crypto >destroys solana's reputation…[View]
59776602How are you feeling?[View]
59778190I've been holding my alts down 80% so far. At what point do I just cut my losses? I mean BTC is…[View]
59777392It's literally over. The pump can't be pumped[View]
59778421who are we blaming this time?[View]
59778309Yall niggaz really gonna let a bunch of zionists bleed you over and over again on eth and solana ins…[View]
59776519Whar caused this recent crash[View]
59775662Remember how the 2021 bullrun ended; prices were crabbing slightly down and shitcoining became signi…[View]
59778347Elon Musk wants you to work 120-hours per week. You work 120 hours per week and you will be happy. h…[View]
59776085What memecoin should I buy /biz/?[View]
59777765Annnd we're back!: BTC is back at 100k![View]
59778136Can you smell the anxiety?[View]
59778283What approach should be taken to get a job back if you stormed out of the office in a manic fit a mo…[View]
59777706ETH bros.....[View]
59777656For those about to rock...bottom: I watch the charts fall every night and day, Bitcoin’s diving, it…[View]
59773315>bitcoin loans by banks are coming[View]
59775741What kinds of shitcoins does /biz/ hold? Y'all pessimistic af and talking about huge loses, I…[View]
59776395SVMAI opensvm.com the larp or not - leak: a friend of a friend, the fucking anon that got me involve…[View]
59777742Actual finance guy here. My only mission in life is to have as much money as possible and to have so…[View]
59778162One last push and you should all quit. That’s what I’m doing. Last one above 100k and it’s bobo time…[View]
59777114Best ways to indicate if you're at the peak?: I know a few are: Google word trends (didnt reall…[View]
59777346Might as well play the lottery.[View]
59778181I'm down to my last $1.5mil: I am all in a coin under 20mil mcap. If it fails I am FUCKED and w…[View]
59777993President Donald Trump's involvement in launching a 'Bitcoin Plus' ETF comes from recent announ…[View]
59778144Loan just got approved from bank. 75k. Just in time to short BTC. I will make it this bear run.[View]
5977719230 years old, 550k NW how the hell is everyone around me driving the highest trim cars and going on …[View]
59777677>he's still bagholding lmao why?[View]
59777143>it's ok, once my porfolio hits this arbitrary number my real life will begin…[View]
59778000Give it to me straight: When will 1000 Trump coins buy me a new BMW M3 Competition?[View]
59776181crypto is over whats a good thing to buy now?? stocks? gold bars? bonds? diamonds?[View]
59774678Asia pumps europe crabs and america dumps... When will all 3 make up their fucking minds and pump in…[View]
59778060Remember when you had six figures. If only you would have gotten to 7 then your real life was going …[View]
59777876WE ARE RICH: Now that we all sold the top we can finally celebrate It was a great bullrun, we went f…[View]
59778034I think we have to accept that bitcoin has already topped out and we are never going to be above 100…[View]
59777861When a shitcoin dies.: Goodbye wif. You were the goodest of boys.[View]
59777971I need a runner /biz/. lemme know.[View]
59777361Yes, I have shorted Trump coin @90 how could you tell?[View]
59777870this is the end of crypto[View]
59777946hatin link it's a thing that i do yeah[View]
59777379This is pretty bad huh?[View]
59777942Every pullback is an opportunity[View]
59777881Serious Question: what is taking so long for it to break $2680? Whose keeping it above $2690? are we…[View]
59775217even chainlink advocate is acknowledging blockchain is all a meme joke scam[View]
59776890It's never coming back up btw[View]
59777716>*wraps your btc as an erc-20 token* problem, bitchud?[View]
59776503My parents expect me to help them with buying a new house but I am all balls in on TRUMP coin. I nee…[View]
59777792>> IT'S TIME TONY >> Tony, It's time…[View]
59777781I just stopped the market from crashing. >but how, anon? I sold. No need to thank me.…[View]
59777220will he sell his SPX6900 stack?: He already lost 20 mil, do you really think he's going to be f…[View]
59777759S&P500 at 6000 by the end of 2025[View]
59775158You are all a bunch of pussies. It's time to fucking buy, I'm going all in.[View]
59777732Who ordered the 'no alt season ever again' smoothie?[View]
59777711Ah, another day of delta neutral dumping. How are you guys doing today?[View]
59777372It's over, isn't it? What else is there to pump the price at this point? I can't beli…[View]
59777621As we say in Norway >the futt went out of the balloon[View]
59777213It's so fucking over, don't forget to capitulate at 35K and sell me your bags With all the…[View]
59776331Why don't you work a good job and just dca into BTC? Why mess with alts when they'll likel…[View]
59777696>he bought ETH[View]
59770792I don't know how much longer I can do it, bros. I've lost all motivation. I'm in a de…[View]
59777642Big things are coming[View]
59777652no pinkjack for this situation[View]
59776884chainlink is the laughingstock of not just crypto, not just investing, but of the entire world!![View]
59777613If I sold in 2023 I would have more money than what I have right now... Seriously considering end my…[View]
59777395Pennystocks: What pennystocks you in? Sub 5 In IVVD, lookin good medium-long term reddit shilling SP…[View]
59777496Where is my refund? I WANT MY MONEY BACK NOW!!![View]
597774912025 is our year boys[View]
59777237I just want a comfy minimalist house with very few personal possessions. Why do I need to be rich?[View]
59777360Feels good that the dump is over the wackoff accumulation is ending the triple bottom confirmed and …[View]
59777490only memecoins can save me: i decided to start my own business. i thought i had the money. i did my …[View]
59777325>something happens >dumps >nothing happens >dumps…[View]
59777458This guy is almost 2 millions down in 2 days.[View]
59777177Should I be happy with my crypto gains and move on? I bought some Solana and BTC 2 years ago but 1 w…[View]
59774395I posted to you back in 2024 that people would frontrun the halving. I also posted the same to reddi…[View]
59775055If apu went up 100x I would have 3 million dollars[View]
59776725It's rare to see an actual smart and honest post on X[View]
59773867Wives be like: >”You need to be maxing out your 401k!!”[View]
59777253so that was the mother of all bulls...woah[View]
59777203what are crypto investors (gamblers) afraid of exactly[View]
59776032fuck alts, im a bitcoin maxi now[View]
59777318>that guy who hasnt sold everything because he's waiting for 'alt season' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…[View]
59776624fat man is having a meltdown on xitter because eth keeps dumping lmao[View]
59773394/GME/ - Comfy Wednesday After-hour and Late Night Edition: >Basic Information https://gme.crazyaw…[View]
59777247my faith is wavering: so much 'news' but is it actually anything substantial? nothing moves this tok…[View]
59777216Is thrift reselling still profitable?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTUt0Cv3zvs[View]
59777208CHOP: Dev hosts x space 7pm every night and provides latest alpha on Sui network. Truly a group of h…[View]
59777002Sponsor a child in a developing country for 39$ a month: You can sponsor a child in a developing cou…[View]
59777194Sorry mumu, you're not welcome above 96k anymore. You just throw your little fit outside.[View]
59776927Day 143 Of Bobo Rekt in Anus Posting Until BTC is at 180K[View]
59777069we just need to cool off for the next rally[View]
59776610Snake only drinks the liquidations of longs. Never goes for the shorts. Anyone else find this odd? T…[View]
59775259clown world is ending. Don't hold memes past September.[View]
59776967Question: >mfw almost entire portfolio is ETH Should I just fucking kms? Just a year ago you peop…[View]
59775853Buy MSTR when BTC is at 96800. BTC is now 98300 and I'm at a loss on MSTR. I'm done with t…[View]
59777085Worst 'Bullrun' Ever: This fucking bullrun was front run as fuck by whales, and I expect 107K to be …[View]
59777089You stacked cash right? Cash is king.[View]
59769877Memecoins are the worst thing that happened to crypto: If you fags are also fed up with memes, get o…[View]
59772206Bros I am so erect right now. Insanely bullish doesn't begin to say it https://x.com/unusual_wh…[View]
59773459I need to make 4k in 10 days serious answers only: I'm going under medical treatment that'…[View]
59776646JELLIED: Bros...[View]
59774555How to get rich without shitcoins?: Shitcoiners are not allowed in this thread[View]
59776940The bleeding will end only when (you) sell[View]
5977682475K here we come[View]
59776752You were being warned for the last two years: >media drumbeating warnings of market correction in…[View]
59769262/cmmg/ Got mining stocks and physical metals?: What are your top excuses for not investing in te mos…[View]
59776832this market kinda gay[View]
59775884Why are so many retards attracted to this token? They're worse than the ICP losers . At least t…[View]
59776774>Removes the 'Micro' Does this mean my profits & gains will stop being micro?…[View]
59773333Being a speculator is a tough job but someones got to do it. Without me how would anyone know what t…[View]
59776898It's dumping chat[View]
59776891TCG General - Counting Zards: day 157 of posting my charizard collection till it hits $1mil Prismati…[View]
59775375This piece of shit: This fucking piece of shit killed entire bullrun. Let that sink in. Everything i…[View]
59768577Day 83 of DOGEPOSTING until DOGE is at $2 USD: We're almost getting there, trust the proccess. …[View]
59776836Look in his eyes and tell him why are you investing in overvalued techstocks or crypto (which has no…[View]
59770623David Schwartz doesn’t know why XRPL went down: I thought the downtime was by design and XRPL worked…[View]
59776808ICP: Checked back in on my bags after a year. Is this scam dead finally? -Massively centralized 'new…[View]
59770865Portfolio Thread: Post and rate each other's portfolios. Give feedback as well. I'll go fi…[View]
59776813BOTTOM LFG[View]
59774925ITT: Recent Top Signals[View]
59774314Hedera's time will come. besides Bitcoin, it's the only that makes sense. 160k bag here[View]
59775606>he actually thinks this is the top: >He doesn't have >140 IQ pattern recognition and …[View]
59776785/biz/ official music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zm_o7wMq9dQ[View]
59775443data is beautiful[View]
59776588Why is btc hypersensitive to the US market?: It's supposed to be global, not exclusive to fucki…[View]
59775481Chainlink: The market owes us LINK @ $2000 by EOY[View]
59775312Remember this piece of shit?[View]
59776304xmr > btc snail day 9[View]
59776540You had time to make the right choice, have fun staying poor Next stop: 35K[View]
59776689We're going out for breakfast champ! Get your shoes on and give the chart a quick check on your…[View]
59773919Day 84 of DOGEPOSTING until DOGE is at $2 USD: I'm so demoralized I'm starting to think $1…[View]
59775941I only got into crypto at the begging of this year. I'm more or less -33% down in my lifesaving…[View]
59776609Did Trump coin bring in fresh baggies or were they mostly experienced shitcoin gamblers?[View]
59776456Some of you are alright, come to the market tomorrow and don't leave until february 28th Captc…[View]
59774853why is everything so quiet[View]
59769832What’s coming, altseason?: Donald Trump bought $200M ETH Fidelity bought $49.75M ETH yesterday Blac…[View]
59776586Let me guess, you need more?[View]
59776414where is the trump bullrun? what about the 4 yr cycle?[View]
59776348What is happening this is worse than covid and ftx Things never have been this bad it's absurd…[View]
59776579Will it make me rich?[View]
59776567Thanks for playing: Richard Hex taught us to sell our positions when BTC leaves the parabelic curve.…[View]
59775978Massive debt maturity wall starts in 2025.: Us treasury bills, corporate bonds, high yield junk bond…[View]
59776476Why are you 40+ and still not in a management position?[View]
59776460Day 66 of snailposting every day until ETH is at 10k[View]
59776467My Son is Bullied for His choice of Investment: My son is in school and he buys Loblaws stock, Bank …[View]
59772932>predicted Bitcoin in FUCKING '87 HOLY SHIT[View]
59775934Oh my god, the bullrun is actually over, isn't it...[View]
59775869When you least expect it, this thing is going to have the same capitalization as DOGE between 2025-2…[View]
59776233>Opened a 10x long on ETH 12 hours ago >Now And that's how I lost 5k within 12 hours.…[View]
59776458Check the Weekly MACD[View]
59775960Do you put cash aside for a vacation fund?[View]
59774911>crypto market sentiment turning bullish again >ETH/BTC ratio skyrocketing and others are foll…[View]
59776388Thank you Goyim for the exit liquidity[View]
59775448>does not involve Chainlink at all[View]
59776378Schizophrenic here, whoops I mean insider I'll give you a hint on the next meta: It starts wit…[View]
59775042Imagine getting psyopped in a day by aqua teen hunger force posting The memecoin supercycle is a jok…[View]
59776275kek shitcoiners[View]
59776316Are retards ever going to stop leverage trading BTC? We are stuck in a pattern of liquidating levera…[View]
59776385I’m a bad babysitter, got my boyfriend in the shower: Woop. I’m makin six bucks an hour.[View]
59776158>Americans wake up >Everything dumps OH FUCK OFF COME THE FUCK ON MAN…[View]
59775822The XRP community are in shambles after the last network outage: We have seen every excuse like: …[View]
59771525Lost money during the bullrun: Last March I bought: 10 ETH 100000 KAS 400 AVAX Tell me it's not…[View]
59776283My meeeemeeecoins!!!! From the 'supercycle' (citation needed)!!! They keep going down!!!! All the te…[View]
59776287I am being financially raped[View]
59775268Are these good rules to have for your employees?[View]
59775755I'm so demoralized. Please tell me a braindead business I can start with 50k capital. I don…[View]
59775636/ETH/ - Ethereum Bagholders General: Inflationary again edition[View]
59775292If you had bought a suicide stack, the REAL suicide stack (10K LINK), you would have had $500,000 at…[View]
59774382Insider here.. something big is coming for the king. You've been warned.[View]
59775512why did chainlink go from being so loved at /biz/ to being so hated?[View]
59776214The Orange retard just officially ended the golden bullrun: I sold everything before everything tank…[View]
59775979I exited 3 months ago and made 20 000euro, and can finally afford a house[View]
59776109All defy related coins are down between 30% and 50% since last month What can be the rational cause…[View]
59776163for people who hate him , i got some good news . i am ready to do it but can't talk much here c…[View]
59773838Black Rock buys $276M ETH: https://dailyhodl.com/2025/02/05/blackrock-buys-276200000-worth-of-ethere…[View]
59776081This is unbearable[View]
59773837What's your relationship like with your parents?[View]
59776126>golden bull run[View]
59775780got diagnosed with icp which is cholestasis in pregnancy. I’m scheduled to get induced march 11 by t…[View]
59775942>burger wakes up >market sells on coinbase so he can afford days McBreakfast How do we fix thi…[View]
59772789It is my lifelong dream to hold one bitcoin.[View]
59776098You had a chance: I’m in it for the long haul when will you wake up and smell the roses anon[View]
59775962bussng or sussng?: no cap fr fr[View]
59774393What's your plan if alt season never happens?[View]
59776019> slurp the dip > it dips deeper When will this end biz? or is it over already…[View]
59774917Does anyone else here make money by selling shit on Ebay and other platforms? Reselling and Dumpster…[View]
59776070MSTR chart is bearish as fuck: It looks like it is going to crash down any day now. This suggests th…[View]
59775732You didn't take profits in this cycle and now your bags are down 80 %. You don't even need…[View]
59773414I'm thinking about creating a tinder account for the third time to see if I get any matches. I…[View]
597741402 weeks[View]
59775989SmartCon 2030 is going to be on Mars.[View]
59775747Ethereum is centralized premine scam: > buy beetcoin saaar![View]
59775882MAKE IT STOP[View]
59775901I bullieve: I bullieve[View]
59775678Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.[View]
59775657Is RLC dead?: Went from £1.87 at Xmas to £0.99 now. Is this a good opportunity to slurp, or has the …[View]
59775904Red red red red RED RED RED: AND MORE FUCKING RED!!!!!!!!!!!!! No wonder Wall St shorters in general…[View]
59775721> Nobody will pay 500$ for an eth tx! Solana won![View]
59774492We tried to warn you, but the only response was anger and malice. Name calling. You thought you knew…[View]
59773138No venice.ai thread? You know why that is? Because /biz/ doesn't want you to make money, that…[View]
59775764This is why we dump[View]
59775761There is really no escape. If you take profits, you will keep thinking about all the missed gains. I…[View]
59775559My bags are getting too heavy[View]
59775720I'm bullish now what are you?[View]
59774603I just got a letter from the bank saying I defaulted on my credit card and they closed the account. …[View]
59775771*SNIP SNAP*: The sound of bobos and mumus getting liquidated[View]
59775750Look at all these scams[View]
59774891Where is the golden bull run we were promised[View]
59772150There won't be a brutal 2022 style bear market again: Just like there is not a 2017bull market …[View]
59773426ETH vs Gold: Since Ethereum and Gold are now at parity, should I buy an ETH or an 1oz of Gold? What …[View]
59775697MAKE BSC GREAT AGAIN: Can we? Or is all hope truly lost???[View]
59775687Now that memes are dead: which top-shelf utility plays will you be stacking? for me, it's KILT…[View]
59774208Unironically I believe that the best thing that can happen to the crypto space is for the $LINK toke…[View]
59773191Memecoins will die just like NFTs, won't they? It's truly all just noise[View]
59775652> Inflation based mining[View]
59772559Where are we going[View]
59773015Never… and I mean NEVER use crypto.com for ANYTHING As soon as you tell these kikes that you’ve bee…[View]
59774955Fucking europoors you better stop selling or else[View]
59775583>the eternal crabdumping market[View]
59769708kaspa wtf bros: halp sar pls[View]
59773077So what's the market waiting for now?: Anything special? FOMC in 40 days? Or just crabdumping t…[View]
59761682Ethereum: How the FUCK are we still not at a new Ethereum ath? This is absurd. Imagine these news la…[View]
59775554Every pullback is an opportunity[View]
59775364Bitfuck is gaining dominance again: will this nightmare ever end?[View]
59775519Would the silver standard work to rein in the US's inflation?[View]
59775344What are some work from home gigs that don't require you to talk to people as a constant portio…[View]
59775527Even seen a more pathetic attempt at a coin?[View]
59771783How do we get rid of the infinite growth economy?[View]
59775332Did he abandon Dogecoin for good?[View]
59775388I'm holding so Sergey doesn't have to.[View]
59775147How do meds have so much savings?[View]
59774772>eggs were once a thing >dollar was once a thing >crypto was once a thing >metals were o…[View]
59761143WORK: i'm so FUCKING confused about retirement. why is it put on a pedestal? what the fuck is t…[View]
59771123We are in hell[View]
59775308Let’s be honest bobo. You missed on btc/alt coins, now you’re constantly fud posting.[View]
59769067/xsg/ XRP Schizo General #2349: Previous: >>59765631 >Buy XRP on: Coinbase, Binance, Bitrue…[View]
59773920Day 105 of cyber/cypherpunk posting until Bitcoin hits 1,000,000$: #105 prev >>59767307[View]
59775282>don't worry you didn't miss the top, alt season is still coming…[View]
59775222Despite all my gains I am still just a wagie in a CAAAGGGEEEEEEEEEE[View]
59774217It’s been 1 day since the last XRPL outage[View]
59775207Got reminded this exists from some poo in loos seething about it on Twitter, They've been 'clos…[View]
59775124how would yall feel in his place[View]
59775187>rugs your token >takes your job for 5$ an hour >stinks up everything in a 5 mile radius …[View]
59774843>tfw you’ll never make it[View]
59775144Muuh Institutional Adooption: What are the odds ? I think it is highly likely. Though if it would be…[View]
59775053I have .10 BTC what should I expect?[View]
59775024We are miserable because we are poor[View]
59775076Sentiment is atrocious but ETFs and WLFI are buying billions. I’m buying ETH for the first time in 5…[View]
59774933What will the FTX retards do with their collective $19 Billion dollar repayment next week? >gambl…[View]
59773776So did DARPA cook ETH in a lab and give Vitalik frontman status? It’s getting more obvious that the …[View]
59774741trump is going to burn 80% of that $trump in an ultimate show of support or celebration of victory i…[View]
59760814I'm just a thirsty little Piss Snake, of so thirsty! So Thirsty for yummy piss! What's tha…[View]
59774989WEN NOT THIS GIF?!: I am tired a bit....[View]
59773169/tapbit/: what's the verdict on tapbit? i need a reliable exchange that i can use in the us ins…[View]
59773330>billionaire >president >buys eth at the top >now forced to work at mcwagies Don’t do i…[View]
59774001ETH BTC will rocket soon: Around 4 years ago, March 2021 was when it more than doubled. 4 year cycle…[View]
59763163The DTCC released their platform to manage digital assets: https://www.dtcc.com/digital-assets/compo…[View]
59774073Is selling stock options a good way to make money?[View]
59774872Would unemployment rate report help or fuck us? Feels like its gonna go up after the deportation and…[View]
59773701WLFI LINK Holdings: Trump WLFI only held LINK for 2 months before selling at a loss. Buy high sell …[View]
59774846You have to pay taxes on crypto??[View]
59772182If XRP was in fact used by banks, then how come not one bank complained it was offline?: B-b-bros?…[View]
59774696Best gold exchanges?: I think I'm old enough to buy me some gold. or silver, whichever will mak…[View]
59774256>rarely ever trade (years) >knew PDD was going to go down today >couldn’t get into any of m…[View]
59774695How do I get out[View]
59774000Why does it look so manipulated?[View]
59774323Has anyone tried making software startup? Is it a retarded idea i cant get a cs job. I wonder if any…[View]
59774749Who here is still holding memecoins lol[View]
59774759I am bearish on ETH. >gas fees >king shitcoin Why buy this, seriously?…[View]
59774685No, Blackrock and Fidelity did not buy $500 Billion dollars ETH this week. The dishonest press is ju…[View]
59774577whats the use case for quantum computing other than stealing people's money and data? Are there…[View]
59773845/CPL/ Corporate Political Lobbying: When did the US crypto czar become friends with Ripple's CE…[View]
59769950Realistic sell targets EOY: LINK: $81,000 XRP: $5890 HBAR: $69 BITFUCK: $0 (ZEROOO) bitFUCK is goin…[View]
59774699Firearm Manufature and design,: I don't know exactly what /biz/ is for but I guess this thread …[View]
59774521>didn't buy ETH @ 2k maybe everyone is right, you are stupid[View]
59771205Trx is better than solana and ethereum That's the gist Last thread we had a guy come in and say…[View]
59774558Been annoyed at my life. I'm stuck, probably checkmated and need to do something drastic to cha…[View]
59769592Sam Hyde debtmaxxing: is it a meme to take a bunch of debt and start a business/move to South East A…[View]
59774547Can't we all just get along?: Well?[View]
59774429After a year of looking for a job, I finally got one![View]
59774530If you own 1 bitclin you basically own more than a kilo of gold if you think about it[View]
59774532>I'll have the spicey tomato juice >Oh yes I'm here on business…[View]
59774295I just lost $70 trying to trade meme coins after spending the past 7 days researching how ama[View]
59774511Portfolio Rate: Portfolio Rate: >1.2 BTC >22 ETH > 2500 ADA…[View]
59772888> Inflation based mining[View]
59774216>I could’ve just been a dentist >instead I got a history degree and now I dabble in shitcoins…[View]
59774443fuck all stinks. they're the worst people around. fuck all stinks. they think they're grea…[View]
59774468I think I dun goof'd investing in this meme coin. I invested in this after my friend told me an…[View]
59774439Damn, when you put it like that, the American dream really is achievable![View]
59774025How do I even get neetbux? Tell me your secrets.[View]
59774425New Stonetoss just dropped.[View]
59773599Unbelievable psychological and emotional manipulation: Chart is extremely bullish, December felt bad…[View]
59773673You’re all parisitic middlemen that provide nothing of value for society. There’s no difference betw…[View]
59773854Crypto influencers are capitulating is this bullish?[View]
59774087First tether print since december: Is this bullish or bearish?[View]
59774077Every investor I know made a killing profit in this bull market, my total wealth is still $10, am I …[View]
59774203*buys DOGE*: Because of the hype around the department DOGE. What happened instead (BECAUSE I bought…[View]
59774138What's the best way to fake a resume to land a decent job?[View]
59773664every coin is forming a bear flag wtf do something dumb ass bulls[View]
59773844Anyone here try to build a business running a custom Deepseek for local businesses? Thinking of doin…[View]
59774301>ETH can keep bleeding until QT begins >ETH can put a lower low into the logaritmic regression…[View]
59774300>see LUNC trending on CMC >WTF WTF WTF >+0.02% the universe is taunting me…[View]
59773707I'm getting FUD: I invested heavily at $108k, now the mean people on /biz/ call me a bagholder.…[View]
59771848We ain't gonna make it are we altcoin bros..[View]
59774137What's the alpha?[View]
59773899What’s this mean[View]
59773700Solana or base?[View]
59773265/biz/ more like /mizz/, as in /biz/ misses another 10x. I posted this the other day to zero replies.…[View]
59773093Is it actually over? THAT was the bullrun??[View]
59773607>TSLA with this stock im 50% in the camp of calling it an overpriced memestock and 50% calling it…[View]
59774109hating link. it's a thing that i must do. that being said, any chance of mooning in next 2-3 mo…[View]
59773468Ethereum is the top performer in the top 20[View]
59774097Votre CNY pump, monsieur[View]
59772397BTC rug pull incoming[View]
59771616You ain't seen nothing yet bros. I'm hard af rn https://x.com/tier10k/status/1887201532224…[View]
59770712Thoughts?: Thoughts? https://x.com/BitcoinMagazine/status/1887160197811937423?t=pfI21FB4rcll66Y328p4…[View]
59766595Charles Hoskinson, live right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMotDSKbUVI[View]
59773460This guy just got sniped, right?: How does this work? Did the whale just steal his money?[View]
59773786I will try to never buy any shifcoin on Solana ever. I don’t want to do it it’s dogshit way to lose …[View]
59768186what the fuck is going on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ciB6VaP_mY[View]
59773806there are no more bullish narratives left >trump already bought >blackrock already bought >…[View]
59773637when is satoshi going to drain the crypto swamp?[View]
59773163I didn’t know stablecoins could blacklist. What the fuck is this shit[View]
59771698I just sold. I'm leaving this board as well. Goodbye.[View]
59771863Day 1292 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 1M[View]
59772173Ideahazard said he'd call the milady dev if I didn't stop posting about them being gay ped…[View]
59773951Insider Trading?: How do people know when a stock is gonna do good without inside information?…[View]
59773966It's going down: I'm yelling NIGGER[View]
59773915Remember: We're just 9 months 25 days away from END OF CYCLE: And Bitcoin and alts haven't…[View]
59755701/BBBYQ/ - Overstock acquires Buy Buy Baby: 'Beyond has acquired the IP, website, and databases of Bu…[View]
59773825I get 10 weeks vacation per year[View]
59772766Reserve Rights RSR: Remember this shitcoin and how shills were telling us how it was Peter Thiel…[View]
59773596Part time job with full time salary: Found this job that pays a full time salary with part time hour…[View]
59773129>compulsive gambling is the uncontrollable urge to keep going despite the toll it takes on your l…[View]
59773661Why isn’t anyone talking about the imminent flash crash?[View]
59771741I think US government and financial institutions are intentionally impeding this bull cycle so that …[View]
59773350Im officially demoralized and capitulated[View]
59773592New Bogdanoff Token: >There's a new Bogdanoff Token that was launched a couple of weeks ago.…[View]
59772748are you paying attention?[View]
59773247Launching Bitcoin clone: Can I just copy Bitcoins white paper, change a couple numbers and launch so…[View]
59773363Who's anus is rekt now bitch?[View]
59773294ITT: Worst bussiness names of all time: Take a break from getting rugpulled and share some truly ter…[View]
59773443New Bogdanoff token was created by actual Bogdanoff insiders: You heard it here first.[View]
59772927Bobos Get Ready!![View]
59772908>hold eth for 2 years as it bleeds out >capitulate during last dump >eth finally wakes up a…[View]
59773376I lost 50% in 30 days. My trump gains gone.[View]
59773375what are your thoughts on picrel? will it create generational wealth for billions or financially sha…[View]
59773372I live disgustingly frugally and have $10k to DCA per month: What should I put it in? Considering sp…[View]
59773101Is Gold worth keeping in a portfolio? I've been stacking BTC and VTI, but thinking of allocatin…[View]
59768199What's stopping us from just shorting shitcoins on binance like Shkreli?: Anyone else tried thi…[View]
59772787Just got off the phone with the cabal!!! They said 'yes we know ideahazard and every single other pe…[View]
59772868why is there so much fud?[View]
59773257are we there yet?: asking fo a nigga, ya feeling me[View]
59773044Looking to dump 800USD into something tonight What will it be boys?[View]
59772733Can Bitcoin Break the $90K Support??[View]
59768188I own both XRP and LINK. I win either way.[View]
59773216Where’s my money biz you promise me rags to riches!!! https://voca.ro/165VNtowUuGO[View]
59773052This is what 'winning' looks like: Congrats on this, seriously[View]
5977313118, just got 400 usd for working at my dads place. What is the best way to spend this money? (Of cou…[View]
59772420LINK whales selling: Link sisters? Our response? https://www.coinspeaker.com/chainlink-whales-in-sel…[View]
59773158The silver schizos were right[View]
59773069Fuck meme coins. Only 5 meme coins have ever been decent holds. Looking at graphs all day and having…[View]
59773140Does Anyone Still Believe In “Alt-Season”?: Anon, how old are you??[View]
59766274What is it like to live off crypto ? is it really as glamorous as people make it out to be ?.[View]
59773079how can we get more people to use ethereum? gas fees are already really cheap now[View]
59772798Mid day coffee break: Take a 15 minute downtime and enjoy a refreshing mid day coffee break. Come he…[View]
59770791What is the highest probability way to get rich in 10 years?[View]
59772615>the ATH was 4 fucking years ago Go up you piece of shit. GO UP. GO UP. GO UP.…[View]
59772356sub $1b utility gems: made low 6 figs off memecoins this cycle, what's the utility gem to get m…[View]
59773068So uh, strategic reserve bill is confirmed says Saylor![View]
59772662Moldova rate hike: The cannery in the coal mine is spazzing out again. Cycle is over already, don…[View]
59772645Solana double topped: Target is 70 dollar[View]
59772959LINK only dumped $1 today, im happy[View]
59772672If we drop any lower we're basically in bear market territory.[View]
59771609Just now realized that we can't print money out of thin air and the stock market cannot grow in…[View]
59772981Alts are undervalued[View]
59772978Where are my fellow goldchads at? It feels so nice. I love me[View]
59772168I don't understand why eth is performing so bad You may say shitcoins aren't made on it bu…[View]
59771894I think we're way overdue for a black swan event...[View]
59772915Did the printed /biz/ exist?: Anyone remember about 3-4 yrs ago, anon said they were going to print …[View]
59772794Meeting minutes from earnings call. Mike speaks. >I'm gonna buy some more BTC. As much as I…[View]
59772817>pathetic 1.5x on BTC >most alts can't even hit old ATH >retail locked up in thousands…[View]
59771709How does money circulate in the economy if people choose to save instead of spend?[View]
59767846What consensus did /biz/ arrive at on the size of a mstr suicide stack?[View]
59771744>be me >try trading coins for the first time ever >lose 120 bucks Can I make money by walle…[View]
59772074Call your shot, kid. You’re the new hotshot at this firm and I’m looking for some advice. We’ve been…[View]
59772489>dump it >dump it again >again >again >again >again…[View]
59771896see you at 75K gamblers[View]
59770096day 7 snail posting until xmr worth more than btc[View]
59770913Ask a bitcoin whale anything: Please keep the questions civil.[View]
59772492US Treasury Blockchain: So what blockchain will the US Treasury use? https://x.com/WatcherGuru/statu…[View]
59769669Does anyone here make a living in crypto working for projects? For devs, is there a demand for graph…[View]
59771961>Spend three years waiting for the 2025 bullrun >It doesn't happen I want a refund.…[View]
59772242SHIB blessing thread until 0.001 DAY 17: Reminder that SHIB has just partnered with the UAE's m…[View]
59772567>be me >work my ass off >government takes 20% from my paycheck every week >made $80k las…[View]
59772629VELO: what do you think? Will this coin free me from being a slave? If my theory is correct, XRP is …[View]
59770851Was this coin one of the biggest cons?: Seems like almost everything Craig said was a lie[View]
59766477WE WON: It's really that shrimple sorry linksters, there's no 2nd place consolation price…[View]
59772621Welp, it’s over.: The dream is dead. The bull has been slaughtered, cooked, and served with a side o…[View]
59771300I have $14837.17.[View]
59767127XRP adds clawback feature to its 'Decentralized' ledger: >this is good for xrp lol…[View]
59770154fuddies, what is happening? why is $TRUMP mooning?[View]
59766212Worst bull market ever.[View]
59772353Best gambles for small money?: Where can I trade on margin in the US with only a couple thousand dol…[View]
59768792Why is bsc shitcoin casino dead?: Genuine question. I've left this board around 2022, I'm …[View]
59766015PEPE: It's only up from here, PEPE bros.[View]
59771689MicroStrategy is now Strategy. https://www.strategysoftware.com/press/microstrategy-is-now-strategy_…[View]
59745707Bullrun no more: It looks like there won’t be another bullrun, so sell your altcoins before they go …[View]
59772365I am a stinky linky for life and I'll never sell. I remember when you used to put 'chainlink' i…[View]
59772053OOOOOOOOOO: We only dumped 3.58% today, lets gooooooo.[View]
59745780New narratives: Since it's a new year, can we expect new narratives to emerge? I made good mone…[View]
59769958If you're so rich, then why aren't you smart?[View]
59772265I've been here since 2017 and tried to gamble on coins with utility but zoomers went all in fuc…[View]
59771199What stops you from finding whatever is the most hype and getting out at a conservative profit? Rins…[View]
59768999FUCK THIS FIDGET SPINNER LOOKING ASS COIN: >premined garbage, Ripple printed 100 billion tokens o…[View]
59769795Everyday he says some retarded shit which makes the market dump. There is no reason to assume he won…[View]
59769207The market is fucked who buys shit like this: You thought Canada is bad? Have a look at EU 300k Euro…[View]
59769649Is this normal? I found a youtube video about some bald dude talking about his net worth in his late…[View]
59770963Why are artists like this?[View]
59765492We won[View]
59772129Why isn't /biz/ talking about Solana Social Explorer? https://x.com/usetapestry[View]
59771639Be honest: Whos all in alts right now[View]
59772138The stock market doesn't even go up adjusted for inflation.[View]
59771889Why is this beta male poorfag shit suddenly showing up on my feed all of a sudden?: I have a high pa…[View]
59771385should i sell now and buy back in lower?[View]
59772128Undisputed blessed king of altcoins[View]
59771306some alpha for you niggers: this just broke out[View]
59772080Son of a bitch I bought MSTR today looking to make a swing trade but I've got absolutely butt b…[View]
59772116>dude you should hedge with crypto >crypto goes down when the markets go down ??????????????…[View]
59771280*gluggg glugg glugg* Yea g-guys just max out your credit ca- *slurrrrrp glugg glug glug* URHJGJ BF …[View]
59770687>bitcoin >literally 300$ per single bitcoin wtf? what are we waiting for? why is nobody buying…[View]
59770301>dilution Memecoins are dogshit but the dilution narrative is peak Redditor midcurve. Firstly: it…[View]
59772090Anyone have a JD and is doing something with it that doesn't require bar passage, but it's…[View]
59772079I want off mr. Trump's wild ride.[View]
59771345Why is this shitcoin crashing again?[View]
59767140BTC is the only coin worth holding. The more time passes, the more alts bleed against it.[View]
59771531Bear market officially started: Like I predicted last month.[View]
59771807Are they really pushing Congress to ban China's Deepseek? Are Amerclaps really that insecure t…[View]
59762481WHO THE FUCK IS DOING THIS??: Back in the trenches, lads. Every time I think I’ve got this market fi…[View]
59771936Anons I learned something truly remarkable >ywn be as bad at biz as Gordon Brown >who made UK …[View]
59771566MUH AI: Fuck this grifting faggot History is about to repeat itself and Saylor will go bust AGAIN…[View]
59768396why do you retards celebrate when a shit ass memecoin pumps to 2x or 4x? the odds are still shit. it…[View]
59769527I sold my 1 billion PEPE and went all in on Giga and SPX6900. Did I do bad?[View]
59771915/biz/ i need your help: Okay bros, i want to hold BTC, ETH, XRP and 2-3 more currencies. I will set…[View]
59771900Make Wall St. mad with this one simple trick! Banks hate it: Pay attention to absolutely nothing exc…[View]
59771847Hustlin': Anybody got any good hustle ideas? I wanna work for myself. Ideally not sitting in a …[View]
59771880I'm financially shidded and farded[View]
59770835GOLD: What the FUCK?![View]
59771836I can’t take much more of this bleed. I diamondhanded the last spring high, last summer crash, I dia…[View]
59771816Heed, it commands, heed my will Bleed, it says, bleed you will[View]
59771819Seriously guys can you pump BTC back over 100k so I can buy again. It's been over a week and I…[View]
59765046/GME/ - Afternoon Squeeze (2hu) Tuesday Edition: >Basic Information https://gme.crazyawesomecompa…[View]
59771775your beloved wedfrog: IT'S WEDNESDAY MY DUDES. you know where to find me. WEDFROG[View]
59762393Ethereum Rally Turns into a Tariff Nightmare: Eric Trump tweeted about Ethereum, and I had this wild…[View]
59770514financially speaking, what coins can I buy so I can afford eggs?[View]
59771752Then I Told Them, “Buy In Boys, I’m Gonna’ Pump The Market!”: Teflon Don rug pulled you niggers.…[View]
59766311Can We Now Admit The Bull Run Is Over??: Every move Trump makes sells the market. There is nothing l…[View]
59771720COIN earnings next week: AI and Crypto have been so fucking profitable for Q4 and it isn't pric…[View]
59771373Shitcoins: Is there a way to tell how many coins the dev holds on dexscreener? Or any other things t…[View]
59770350Be honest - who else is going to go into the office and do a big poo on the boss's desk and wal…[View]
59771688Loosch posting: Why did they scam us with the fake and gay 'memecoin supercycle' (now down 80%, the …[View]
59770650When Do We Break Out of this 10 Week Crab???: My Alts have lost 80%. I’m so fucked.[View]
59771533Every pullback is an opportunity[View]
59770621Gone awhile. Whats your analysis of the year so far?[View]
59770838Market makers are trying to ruin my life. That is simply all this is.[View]
59771573$50 is a lot of money.[View]
59771606it might be bad but at least I don't own GME[View]
59771563What went wrong?[View]
59771471what if instead of following bitFUCK everyone just bought and never sold and we mooned and got rich …[View]
59771384FUNDS ARE SAFU: I trust our Worshipful Masters will save our funds.[View]
59771222Is it normal for your portfolio to be constantly in the negtavie? Yes im a gamestop and Trump token…[View]
59770868you know what this means[View]
59745600New coins: I haven’t been lucky investing in newly listed coins on different exchanges. I thought th…[View]
59768885Is crypto straight up a gamble or is a there an actual strategy?[View]
59771539The bear has arrived.[View]
59765156Day 1291 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 1M[View]
59768421>buy crypto >tear up and shred seed phrase so you can't panic sell >Price goes up even…[View]
59767864reminder you cant take your money to heaven[View]
59771467TCG General - Pokemon BULLRUN: day 156 of posting my charizard collection till it hits $1mil Prismat…[View]
59770549Algorand /algo/ general: ALGORAND ticker ALGO > No downtime since launch, 6 years & counting.…[View]
59770790Bitcoin suicide and make it stack?: Bitcoin suicide and make it stack?[View]
59771126fuckin idiot: >>sold one of my kidney to a rich family >>used all the money to buy at $…[View]
59771052I can't afford 1 BTC: Even if I sold everything I have. Go on without be bros... I'm ngmi…[View]
59770294the 2027 altseason will be glorious[View]
59771375NEW ATH: >entire market crashing >memdex up 14% I told you at 0.009, I told you at 0.01, I tri…[View]
59770667How's the job hunt going?[View]
597704622025 script just leaked[View]
59769378These people made sure crypto won't go mainstream this cycle by making it intrinsically associa…[View]
59768477XRPL went down earlier for about 15mins: LMAO! What a shitcoin. The future of finance everyone. htt…[View]
59771165MOVE BITCH, GET OUT THE WAY: >Mumu this >Boba that…[View]
59771296>waiting for a bear market for the past 3 years Is this the real trick? The 'bear market' doesn…[View]
59771293Fartcoin still needs to lose another 80% like its fren GOAT.[View]
59768454need advice: help me out here frens. my folio ATH was march 2024, but now it's -85% down. im wa…[View]
59768694BAT / Brave browser: >600 ads viewed in January >1.5 BAT received Luckily brave is a good bro…[View]
59768972I think my wife is robbing me and possibly cheating on me I made a terrible mistake and that was tru…[View]
59771147What do they know what we don't we know?[View]
59769988Ethereum had 307 million etf inflows yesterday: If you calculate it for marketcap thats like Bitcoin…[View]
59768715she makes a very good point you know[View]
59769996What happened to Germany?: Its real GDP in 2023 was the same as in 2019, it didn't grow in 2024…[View]
59770479Losing my hair.[View]
59770988Day 65 of snailposting every day until ETH is at 10k[View]
59768143Just wanted to remind everyone, if you're in the red, sell and then buy back immediately to at …[View]
5977105194k is inevitable, then much lower next week.[View]
59768967I didn't hear no bell, nigger.[View]
59769882LUCID CARS UP - BUY NOW BEFORE RED.DIT WINS!!: It's going meme[View]
59770307Why aren't my coins recovering? I thought we'd bounce back this week but it's not hap…[View]
59765703Linkies are being harassed worldwide[View]
59770993dogshit2 is a token that is going nowhere. It said so in its pump dot fun launch description... it w…[View]
59769187If you didn't realize crypto is a pyramid scheme by now, here's your sign: https://finance…[View]
59770955Fucking Conveyancers It feels like a right of passage in house buying to have an awful experience w…[View]
59767734Be honest with me. Did i sell the bottom?[View]
59770500STABLECOIN BILL DROPPED >GENIUS ACT 2025 >CTRL-F 'Link' >0 Results https://x.com/EleanorTer…[View]
59770731What's the newest version of this[View]
59770769>we need immigration due to skill shortage! >no one with a non meme degree or good resumé can …[View]
59760142/pmg/ - Precious Metals General: Recent Intake Edition >Why Gold? https://youtu.be/i3S4rl6ehiI ht…[View]
59770734Chainlink - so after months of worshipping Trump: the CL team casually admits they have no clue and …[View]
59762563/SMG/ - Stock Market General: Börse Frankfurt Edition: >Educational sites: https://www.investoped…[View]
59770665>I hear Bitcoin is now worth 100k, you must be so rich anon! :)[View]
59768279How can I start an online marketplace business to compete with Amazon?[View]
59769791When is my time coming if I hold pic related only?[View]
59769200What price will chainlink reach this year?[View]
59767145I am 23 and have a net worth of about 20k, all in crypto, and a car I don’t know how valuable it is.…[View]
59745910No to memecoins: Some of my memecoins are already going down the drain. I don’t know if they’ll reco…[View]
59765934How is that job hunt coming along /biz/?[View]
59767019everyone on here is so emotional i have never seen so many borderline people in one place[View]
59770467listen, you fuckers, you screwheads. here is a man who would not take it anymore. here is a man who …[View]
59770151why crypto market in shit right now?: when pump?[View]
59770527It's red...all of it. What happened? Is the bullrun really over? Can we pin point what killed i…[View]
59770423QT and QE: People have finally begun paying attention to this metric. This is the link btw https://w…[View]
59770129Socialism. These countries are just socialist. That's why all growth is halting. The moment you…[View]
597670701 million dollars is fucking nothing[View]
59770417I just bought Bitcoin so it's going to dump.[View]
59769670Did you know that investment bank Cantor Fitzgerald CEO Howard Lutnick, who is also a banker for the…[View]
59770332You're the smartest guy I ever met. But you're too stupid to see, the bear cycle started 2…[View]
59770338'Enjoy the party but dance near the door': How much time until the crash? Do we still have another b…[View]
59770255I just wanted a 13% yearly return ... nothing can provide me that[View]
59770302SHORT RDDT Subrddt purge ongoing to shirk subpoena. Shit's going nuclear.[View]
59769492when can the waging cease? >t. 24k link[View]
59767006Wtf is going on with NVIDA, its so fucking over. Bought at 145 and its still dead at 119[View]
59759400Tariffs on Canada now also paused. NOTHING EVER HAPPENS[View]
59768203are you guys ready?[View]
59767793When will /biz/ stop falling for Solana rugs?[View]
59767402EOM Price predictions?[View]
59768820ETH is now inflationary since the merge: Gas fees at 1 Gwei (because no-one is using it). Congrats …[View]
59769991THIS IS THE TOP: Trump could say that he puts a Bitcoin in his ass every morning and the price would…[View]
59769171how do i make money with masturbating and playing video games all day[View]
59770164Where is SmartCon 2025 going to be? I'm guessing Texas. To flex not just being back in the US, …[View]
59768019No sell = no loss[View]
59765780It’s all going to crash, isn’t it?[View]
59765631/xsg/ XRP Schizo General #2348: Previous: >>59763257 >Buy XRP on: Coinbase, Binance, Bitrue…[View]
59769376>Larry is buying $275m >DUMPS[View]
59770115>this market in the next 6 months[View]
59770078Good morning, anon. The bull trap worked perfectly. Sell while you still can, we’re crashing what’s …[View]
59768129BTC: Do you think this coin could get rugged?[View]
59769408Is it true that the entire mutt economy is based on fake money?: How do I profit from this as a Euro…[View]
59769949Day 142 Of Bobo Rekt in Anus Posting Until BTC is at 180K[View]
59768498What are the biggest actual risks to Bitcoin over the next decade?[View]
59769915Abstract: What's the deal with this? Any interest? More than a pile of memecoin dogshit?[View]
59769889I am embarassed of working How do I stop feeling humiliated every hour of the day?[View]
59766715Hi, uhh, biz..: Do you think we can, uh, try again... and bring it back, but uhhh.. do it right this…[View]
59767131Sacks said he'll 'look at' the possibility of a strategic Bitcoin reserve, but I told a man try…[View]
59767079So this was a scam exchange?: Thanks a lot biz.[View]
59769719I am sinking further, not even in terms of money but everything is just sinking around me It must be…[View]
59769129What mix of BTC/SOL/ETH should I hold?[View]
59767653If we've had a BTC only run - can we have an alt only run in the future?[View]
59769480I fuck my money up so much it told me that it came[View]
59767505hey linkies remember when you were comfortably above $20[View]
59769658The Petro$hib takeover: Signs of a Shiba Inu rally amid UAE partnership https://bravenewcoin.com/ins…[View]
59768335Why did yall niggers have to vote for trump? He literally killed the whole market, it's so fuck…[View]
59768863when is this going to happen[View]
59767638Uh guys something tells me eth is about to moon[View]
59767081Thoughts on this portfolio? Bull market: 45% BTC 45% VTI 10% Gold Bear market 50% Cash 50% Gold I…[View]
59769327Lmao: >finally issue their digital asset platform >doesn't use link…[View]
59767814well this sucks[View]
59768122>he bought? Load xe trade embargo[View]
59768236when this thing is filled we get bullrun?[View]
59768437youtube edutainment: is there any jewtube influencer that makes content with actual value and no pay…[View]
59762878forex anon here. Anyone know what this pattern means? IFYKYK you're welcome faggots[View]
59769268i have hypothetically received 15 grand that was acquired through hypothetically less than fully leg…[View]
59767927Chainlink: LINK will never hit $100 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYSxoLW9QR4[View]
59769532Hi, It's me, Martin Shkreli. I am posting here to remind you, if you have less than 400k in yo…[View]
59768485What’s Trump’s Next Play To Crash Markets?: >Jan 17 Trump memecoin >Jan 19 Melania memecoin …[View]
59768595Superb owl pump There will be an ad for a coin When it shows ..well I hope /biz/ is ready[View]
59765073tesla is probably fucked financially so how is the stock not crashing? who is propping it up? there…[View]
59769519/EBX/ - EarthBucks General: Why the FUCK aren’t you mining EarthBucks, anon? www.earthbucks.com Pric…[View]
59768745Check the charts[View]
59759225/xsg/ XRP Schizo General #2346: previous: >>59753501[View]
59768808CRYPTO BROS, WE NEED TO UNITE AGAINST RIPPLE XRP: So yeah, I did some research and it appears that t…[View]
59766865Anon how many times are you going to sell the bottom? You do realize BTC is going to ~$500k right?[View]
59768810Why is the board being invaded by rugpull scammers?: We had a good month with none of this shit…[View]
59768813I made this many money today[View]
59769220Do you guys option trade? Is it possible to turn $100 into $10k-$50k?[View]
59769106IT JUST STARTED GUYS - Say nice things about Halts[View]
59767597ehhh? you sold the fakeout dump? Kimoi![View]
59769277What ahappned?[View]
59765441How are you making money right now?[View]
59767580Cryptocurrency: You guys are why I'm in therapy: Ah yes, the cryptocurrency market—where logic …[View]
59767858Currently sitting on about $100,000 and I want to invest it in something safe. I am sort of risk ave…[View]
59768001Why is LINK cooking?: Whales seem to love buying chainlink. Why is this? Who could be buying?[View]
59767710/HG/ - /Homelessness General/#1: In this thread we discuss potential ways to prepare for, survive, a…[View]
59767957And just like that, US and China trade is being cut off forever[View]
59761693Can I retire with 200k in Southeast Asia assuming I never date a woman and eat as cheap as possible?[View]
59761122Daily reminder the 'memecoin supercycle' was a deliberate scam!!! Every single person involved to th…[View]
59768058Hi, blackrock insider here. I have some good and bad news...the good news is that we will reach an A…[View]
59766110Ponder with me for a moment >Conservative elected as president >Conservative government seeks …[View]
59766630>mfw top happened on 18th of december and we thought it was a correction…[View]
59764190God protocol: Do you see it yet?[View]
59765363well, you heard it here last[View]
59765779When does it end?[View]
59767468Things normies do that you don't to get ahead: I'll start >having kids >moving out p…[View]
59767955Was slavery good for the American economy? Were there any stocks for slavery?[View]
59767096Crypto is a proxy of liquidity, and liquidity is drying up.: The music is slowing.[View]
59768142What is the stock market going to do this year?[View]
59767800what did they mean by this: Why delete the video sars please don't delete don't deleteeeer…[View]
59767607So Tesla is going to have access to everyone’s tax information and the power to audit them at will? …[View]
59767997online income: is anyone on /biz/ making money online by selling things, being a consultant or creat…[View]
59765382HBAR: This shit is dead and has no future right?[View]
59768100when does the pump happen?[View]
59768060Ethereum Classic: I have a few dozen ETC. is it worth hanging on to these long term? What exactly is…[View]
59767883How much do you budget for the month?[View]
59767511VISA stock: All you ever had to do was put money into Visa instead of the bank.[View]
59768067why devs promise you the world on telegram and then rug?[View]
59767933Why always dump when I buy, pump when I sell?[View]
59768031I luv crab markets :): Guys I love crab markets desu. Once you find the range it’s so easy to trade …[View]
59767048>deports illegals faster than hitler deported Jews >25% tariffs to trading partners out of now…[View]
59767935So where does the money to make the bull market even come from? Everyone who cared about crypto is a…[View]
59767510I've bought this shit, did I just donate money or what? Am I that stupid?[View]
59767209Will this be bearish for the market or bullish?[View]
59766661I thought the tariff fud was resolved?!: What is this bullshit ass market?! AAAAAAAAAA[View]
59767877What's a good crypto podcast to listen to as I'm trying to go to sleep? Doesn't have …[View]
59766412you call yourself traders!? the bobos are too late don't you understand, too late! bobo is beat…[View]
59767894He's going to make you rich.: Seethe you fucking nigjeets![View]
59766648can we stop pretending bitcoin is a store of value? everyone is literally waiting for a crash[View]
59766393Dogecoin General: Going to Mars very soon edition![View]
59767016Pawns.app: So, whats the deal?[View]
59767519Did anyone else slurp the Sui dip?[View]
59766952How do i convince boomer parents to give me money so i can actually afford to buy a house? they own …[View]
59767366Trx is better than eth and solana There's the thread[View]
59765185Get in here faggots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MOfL6iq6Eo[View]
59766835LoL at retarded newfag poorfags who are still holding / buying rn..: Im filling bags of LUCID MOTORS…[View]
59766851If I sell right now I'll have lost $20k. Should I just suck it up? Move into LINK or ETH?[View]
59767015What happens if i never sell at a loss?: What if i refuse to sell at a lower price? Will i win in th…[View]
59767735Why is equifax stock down today but transunion stock is up today?[View]
59767211muh nairo[View]
59751776What is the best coin to invest in right now?[View]
59767045Realistically how high are idiots and insiders going to pump this garbage: to try and prove their po…[View]
59764715Insider here, in about 70 minutes a huge announcement will be made regarding a huge American based c…[View]
59767153Would you rather buy FET or NEAR?[View]
59767250Poompfun being sued: Lawyers made a token and documented it in lawsuit to show judge how it works T…[View]
59767307Day 104 of cyber/cypherpunk posting until Bitcoin hits 1,000,000$: #104 prev >>59761170[View]
59766321SHIB blessing thread until 0.001 DAY 16: SHIB is now partnered with a country. The UAE's MINIST…[View]
59765984What a waste of time.: Why did they even bother with that 'conference'? Complete waste of time I…[View]
59767090this was pretty funny[View]
59767116every rally is getting sold off[View]
59766792>2025 alts[View]
59766892COMMENCE NEW ATH: We just started the next leg to ATH and beyond You had several bottom signals so d…[View]
59767178Do you have a doctorate in blockchain in Stanford sir? No? End of discussion, clowns![View]
59766986White line anon here... I apologize... I was wrong... please forgive me if you sold... am I still we…[View]
59766646I buy every time I see a pink wojak on this board. Simple as.[View]
59758426>bro just trade crypto >earn less than what I would make working at an amazon warehouse Why fu…[View]
59764018How did he predict Bitcoin 25 years ago? https://x.com/pete_rizzo_/status/1886391766460330376[View]
59766797Did Anyone Here Really Think Trump Would Pump Your Bags??[View]
59766756There won’t be an alt season[View]
59763409why people scam?[View]
59766165I'm tired[View]
59766895Leverage Trading: I don’t understand the leverage trading fud. Yes, obviously if you’re using 500x l…[View]
59766413slurp status?[View]
59765978I hate mutts so much it's unreal[View]
59766572Im gonna go sleep and wake up to $14 LINK[View]
59766471below 20 again award: and the winner is.........link[View]
59766603>a fucking President of the United States releases his shitcoins >he didn't immediately s…[View]
59764942XRP short general: GTFO IN HERE BOBOBROS We are shorting xrp here, the schizos expect to be added to…[View]
59766710>bought eth dip at $3200 just fucking end me[View]
59766523it's ogre guys. we're just gonna have to get jobs or something. crypto is fucking dead[View]
59765958I just sold all my crypto. I can't take the dumps anymore.[View]
59766491This family >robbed you with $trump >robbed you with $Milena >robbed you of your alt season…[View]
59766243Commuting 5 days a week for measly pay is the pure definition of insanity. Why do oomers don't …[View]
59766563i have been financially heemed[View]
59763005any predictions what this kike is going to announce?[View]
59766634Master shake wants a hand written apology from ideahzard for being a gay pedophile zionist jew!!!! H…[View]
59766637it's over: cme gap at 77k, my alts will be anihilated[View]
59766628>Grandpa watching you from The Kingdom of Heaven spend all your dollars on digital bleep bloops i…[View]
59766357A list of demand for the serial ruggers currently handled by ideahzard, the gay pedophile who decide…[View]
59766594alts were a scam all along[View]
59765514Did you make it?: What is your story?[View]
59766592Kill linkies. Behead linkies. Roundhouse kick a linkie into the concrete. Slam dunk a linkie baby in…[View]
59765860Is he unironically the best trader in the world?[View]
59765384why red candle always goes down like pooooooo but green candle goes up like beep beep beep beep[View]
59766551I can't believe Shkreli shorts the bottom on every coin that's already down 90% and he man…[View]
59766568unironically waiting for the last push so i can get out and i long for the bear season[View]
59766548Bitcoin really needs a flush down to 70k to start the bull run[View]
59766556ONLY MONETARY POLICY MATTERS. As you observe by now, 'news' driven market means nothing and is nothi…[View]
59766468ETH has made my life nothing but misery, it wasn't supposed to be this way.[View]
59766205Let's post hopium/copium for the bull run[View]
59756472Day 1290 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 1M[View]
59766253ethereum: >90% of portfolio is ETH I’m gonna fucking kill myself. It wasn’t meant to be. Life isn…[View]
59764836so why is nobody talking about aigg? they gonna send this the same way they did with ket on avax …[View]
59766084Would you buy this coin?[View]
59766026FEDERAL SCAM RESERVE: > Hey I heard you got rugpulled by Eric? > Guess I should regulate crypt…[View]
59766443Reminder that Bitcoin is an IQ test.[View]
59766442Just dump to $1500 already kek: Get it over with[View]
59766441I'm through with standing in line to clubs I'll never get in: >It's like the botto…[View]
59766437YWNBX You Will Never Be XRP (or Bitcoin)[View]
59766436i give up. its over. probably killing myself this year. yes i hold eth[View]
59766426See you at 88k mumu[View]
59766312They truly capitulated us 1/4 of catalog is suicide threads[View]
59766194ETH dumping the least: Federal reserve stablecoin will be on ETH ETH is powered by Chainlink™[View]
59761288No one under 35 can afford a house.: Isn't this something we should be fixing?[View]
59766387Its over: Its over no im not selling[View]
59766380I am posting this bobo without comment because the meaning is implied[View]
59766382See you at 70K[View]
59764832white people be like 'i have $100k saved at 24 years old and i've never known real struggle in …[View]
59762914$melania: Some retard pumped 10mil into $melania in 3 hours and is now top holder https://solscan.io…[View]
59764557This kid predicted Bitcoin 13 years ago while you were posting about jooz just a few years ago when …[View]
59764228Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.[View]
59766345Question time. How do you actually grow your money when you're following the strategy of gettin…[View]
59766224Murad: whats that fool Solana address, did he dumped those shit coins already ?[View]
59766332>He bought? Activate Tariff 25.[View]
59766322You are poor, although you claim that you know all the answers on becoming rich.[View]
59766315I've got my spine, I've got my orange crush (Collar me, don't collar me) I've go…[View]
59766214if the bullrun is over i'll probably kill myself: ill be old by the next cycle and i lost money…[View]
59764524Partnershib - UAE and SHIB: SHIB PARTNERS WITH A COUNTRY! It will use its tech stack to power their…[View]
59766231>There are people on this board who genuinely, unironically believe we're going higher than …[View]
59756686Why is crypto mega pumping all of the sudden?[View]
59766003Every pullback is an opportunity[View]
59766203THE GRID - Claim Your Spot on the Blockchain!: THE GRID - Claim Your Spot on the Blockchain! Tired …[View]
59766153crypto status check, year 2025:: >old politicians in suits at a meeting to discuss future meeting…[View]
59764600What happens in 1½ hours[View]
59765008ITT: shitcoins you fell for What is the heaviest bag you are holding?[View]
59766134It's okay bros, 4 years isn't a long time to hold[View]
59761178>Applied for a job >Somehow got an interview >Check on glassdoor for salaries >It's…[View]
59764477Honestly I just pray i can recover my losses in a few months Forget about making it I hate myself f…[View]
59760233Dead cat bounce.[View]
59766010Thanks for the free $100mil suckers lol Yeah, you guys lost everything but he made 100mil, seethe a…[View]
59766013Online biz: What’s a good choice in 2024+1? I imagine pint on demand, drop shitting, amazon resellin…[View]
59760903What the fuck happened to Canada?: Canada's economic growth tracked the US's until 2015 wh…[View]
59764487No more brother wars!: Lets focus our hate on BTC maxipads instead, fuck those niggas fr[View]
59762176Homelessness & Autism: How does one realistically survive and eventually escape homelessness? I …[View]
59765153Mumus: 'My electronic coin is six figures' The 6 figures: 100,679.91[View]
59763634Are you bags packed anon? because were leaving soon[View]
59764503Snake piss is angry: If you retards stopped getting rekt by the piss snake with your longs, we would…[View]
59765938He fell for the bull trap AGAIN![View]
59764501I just opened up a $878,000,000 short on btc at $99,200 We are headed down to $66,000 now you'v…[View]
59765897Trump deregulates banks: https://www.npr.org/2025/02/01/nx-s1-5254186/cfpb-consumer-financial-protec…[View]
59765579Why was there a dump just now?: I don't permanently keep up with the news, what just happened?…[View]
59765839>$100k rejected >dumping even more after Bitcoin committee basically said crypto is useless an…[View]
59765872The saying about Swing traders is true. I've copied this trader to test the copy trading featu…[View]
59760472is the stock market ever fucking crash? what is this bullshit?[View]
59765189David Sacks digital assets conference LIVE NOW: https://x.com/i/broadcasts/1dRJZYjjdrzGB[View]
59765828https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lWJXDG2i0A YEAH I'M FREE FALLIN' RED DILDOES ON THE WAY…[View]
59765825They can't stop the manipulation even for a day?[View]
59765281How do you cope with being poor (under 7 fig net worth)?[View]
59761258>crypto dies overnight over tariff war >Monday back to 101k like nothing happened huh…[View]
59765364There need to be laws against rehypothecating Bitcoin.[View]
59765352the saudis and shibbaggies are back: Sage their threads. Ignore their posts. Don't let any low …[View]
59765044i'm shorting everything at a 10x leverage in 20 minutes[View]
59759951Memecoin supercycle... More like super scammers!!! They fuck kids!!! Who are the operators? Master s…[View]
59763257/xsg/ XRP Schizo General #2347: Previous: >>59759225 >Buy XRP on: Coinbase, Binance, Bitrue…[View]
59765657WE'RE SO BACK HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HaK8MsAFNw[View]
59764677/biz/tards with kids, how much do they cost you per year? I am trying to see what the minimum I can …[View]
59765560They said INTERNET OF VALUE[View]
59764747based or cringe?: linkies are getting dumped on by this absolute dork[View]
59765448a butterfly flaps its wings: >eth dumps[View]
59765202>>59731387 Did you listen to me last week?[View]
59760968What's your plan to get rich?[View]
59765315$ETH: You had as obvious as an accumulation window as XRP had. I understand that this sounds like je…[View]
59761978Wtf is going on? Is this the end or just the perfect chance for us who were late to ape in altcoins?[View]
59762366>there are mongoloids selling their Bitcoins, Ethereums and Chainlinks 10 hours before strategic …[View]
59761508Even if I pay off my mortgage I still need to pay >$300/mo maintenance (averaged) >$400/mo ut…[View]
59765296Sell the news: remember, internet magic beans are not real money all this market is just manipulate…[View]
59765015Never sell a coin: Advice for my bros, never sell a coin, I was holding HBAR in the pits of despair …[View]
59765252Ready.. set.. SHORT[View]
59763482It’s face-melting gigamoon time.[View]
59763081Chainlink cult in shambles as Trump prepares: to sell his measly stack after massive losses.[View]
59765084>and then we made em believe its going lower[View]
59764777THIS IS THE TOP: 'Crypto president' is fucking furious because his retarded son bought Ethereum at 3…[View]
59763851I have no idea how any of the things I'm buying work.[View]
59761965TAI Tailor Swift meme coin: will it go to a billion before the big game on sunday? it's at 6k o…[View]
59765116The biggest sell the news in human history is about to take place.[View]
59761252Why are we dumping? I thought the tariffs are gone. Doesnt make any sense[View]
59765136Trumpo enters play: >this happens Anon, I...[View]
59763321>We've noticed you have a half a nanosecond gap in your resume. Thank you for applying, but …[View]
59763834Trump holds 0.5 LINK[View]
59763829Day 141 Of Bobo Rekt in Anus Posting Until BTC is at 180K[View]
59763011THIS IS THE TOP: I warned you one week ago The son of the president of the united states of America …[View]
59765006International bank transfers can cost up to $80 + 5% of the transfer amount. Bitcoin is cheaper for …[View]
59762714Some Tariff makes sense: Like 5 to 15 percent balances price points so people consider making local …[View]
59765027The Golden bull run starts today[View]
59764726All I have. Am I finna make it? Be brutally honest[View]
59762732Selling my ETH?: I don't see myself as a weak hand but I'm completely demoralized. Any hop…[View]
59760905At what number can you safely say you make 6 figures?[View]
59764281Selling all my BTC for a Honda accord?: Thinking about selling all of my BTC holdings for a ~2020 Ho…[View]
59764194I just lost my 300k job: Been making 300k/yr pretax the last 4 years as a software dev, total net wo…[View]
59764469How's your net worth been going over time? Are you richer today than you were a year ago?[View]
59764924How do I cope with being a $trump bagholder?[View]
59764493Rice and beans for a thousand generations.[View]
59763090How do I invest in U.S. eggs?[View]
59764922Barstool Meme General /BMG/: Waiting room for the inevitable Barstool Sports meme coin. When does Da…[View]
59763085Mumu the fool![View]
59764611THIS IS THE TOP: You saw the US president and his wife launching tokens on Solana and you didn'…[View]
59764362If you bought 10k worth of ethereum 5 years ago now you would have 8k[View]
59760358Would ending the FED end US hegemony[View]
59763725Average price on Coinbase: Anyone having issues with average price being wrong? I calculated it in e…[View]
59762650I bought 3.018 BTC for 31.095USD in Dec 4, 2017. Never sold, never touched anything. One day 1 BTC …[View]
59764442Imagine you're in a situation where you must turn $100K into $300K in crypto by February—or you…[View]
59764705If you’re in the US you need at least net 8k a month (~140k a year pre tax) to live a middle class l…[View]
59764155How the fuck does this happen[View]
59764593Give it to me straight. Is this vaporwave ?[View]
59762890/TCG/ TRUMP COIN GENERAL: Helios Edition[View]
59764628All 'linkies' on this board are larpers from the XRP general trying to fud you out of XRP and make y…[View]
59763994TCG General - Zards: day 155 of posting my charizard collection till it hits $1mil Prismatic Eeveelu…[View]
59764655WTF WAS THAT[View]
59764170Day 64 of snailposting every day until ETH is at 10k[View]
59763031BREAKING! Diarrhea Anon Says We Are NOT At The Top! VERY BULLISH: Keep us posted.[View]
59764608Anyone have any low-risk index funds to recommend? I'm tired of participating in these high-str…[View]
59764434Undisputed blessed king of altcoins[View]
59762910relax: previous cycles have coincided with ISM peak. we are nowhere close to topping out on ISM, com…[View]
59763923i cant life so here: when to chain link price go for up? im drinking beer and yeah as you can guess …[View]
59760058Has Chainlink said if they will expand their staking pool or is the pool closed forever?[View]
59762763uuuh guys ... >>59757079 keep a record of that thread and see if he mentions or implements an…[View]
59763892He's right you know: Threads comparing the Canadian, German or wider European economy to the US…[View]
59763866We are going to 75k. >Trump Tariffs are not priced in. Too many possible ramifications. >All p…[View]
59764276ISO Blue Chips/GameFi: Shill me Blue Chips sub 25m mcap. None of the AI slop thanks, I'm lookin…[View]
59763379SPOOKFAGS, are we eating good tonight?: I can neither confirm nor deny. Kek.[View]
59762399>Sactioned Country Lists >Registered Terrorist Organisations >Tidal Waves of Money Launderi…[View]
59762848day 6 snail posting till XMR is worth more than btc[View]
59760361ICP General: ICP General. Bottom is in edition[View]
59761468>age: 30 >380k in brokerage >450k in retirement >40k in cash >60k in cars >50k in…[View]
59762636six figure hell: >2017, hit 6 figures for the first time. Full of dreams and hope for a bright fu…[View]
59763223What's the best cold storage wallet? BTC only help me out here faggots[View]
59755510I sold my entire crypto portfolio yesterday. Everyone here made fun of me, but I would have lost eve…[View]
59763917link buyer: how do I buy link? im new to crypto[View]
59762968What price will chainlink reach this year?[View]
59763551You use safe and effective stocks rather than risky and volatile crypto, r-right anon?[View]
59763883Things normies do that you don't to get ahead: I'll start >having kids…[View]
59763769If my money I invested is going to pay the chainlink employee salaries, does that mean I’m kind of a…[View]
59762948What do you think will get big institutions to actually adopt the idea of real world assets on chain…[View]
59761724Get ready to witness the biggest fall in the history of falling things TERMINAL VELOCITY[View]
59763120Buttcorn dominance.: Is it ever going to come down?[View]
59758454XRP is eating Link's lunch: XRP is eating Link's lunch[View]
59763126I genuinely wish for the last push. Maybe 1-2 months at most, let’s have a little alt season let’s s…[View]
59761259name a single development in crypto more important than this[View]
59763026andrew and tristan tate are selling, what a fags![View]
59760284Let's take a moment to celebrate the fall of Lilys coin With it, so does the reputation of Apu…[View]
59763770How to //poormax//: Since America is well on its way to being a third world shit hole like the rest …[View]
59760739Fed Buyout: what are the odds that trump actually pays feds the full buyout amount they are claiming…[View]
59761191Day 82 of DOGEPOSTING until DOGE is at $2 USD: That was very grim, wasn't it. I was traveling, …[View]
59763673Bitcoin is 100k and everyone is a fucking bear.[View]
59761781Slow ass, gay board Y'all gonna explain why everything is Dumping rn[View]
59763666be honest with me bros is 5000 units of link enough to make it?[View]
59756532/GME/ - Good Morning GMEntlemen Edition: >Basic Information https://gme.crazyawesomecompany.com h…[View]
59758249wagies, how much are you waging for, and what's your schedule? what are your plans to move up a…[View]
59763621This Lil Nigga Donnie Giving You a Gift: Er’ry time this gangsta open his mouth and swing his dick, …[View]
59763557I just zoomed out to see the past 3 months[View]
59763211Yeah, all ETH, all ETH, all ETH (woah) Wallet full, gas up, we don’t ever sleep (yeah) On-chain, big…[View]
59763132Why hasn't anyone made a Barron Trump meme coin yet?[View]
59761927Can /biz/ solve this?[View]
59762823My plan to maximize gains this cycle: >now all in ETH >ETH will be included in Trump's so…[View]
59762101Lets end this once and for all, are we at bear trap or bull trap?[View]
59760904you're going to see some wild shit the next few weeks[View]
59763455Why would anyone in their right mind invest in Ethereum (ticker: ETH)? They should really get their …[View]
59763069Day 3 of Mumu Rekt In The Anus Posting Until BTC Is At ZERO[View]
59761170Day 103 of cyber/cypherpunk posting until Bitcoin hits 1,000,000$: #103 prev >>59751038[View]
59761816it's over. red tomorrow.[View]
59762790Sisters when altseason? You promised me February But dominance keeps pumping[View]
59763218>find a neat indie artist on tiktokstagram >look up their entire catalogue on YouTube >each…[View]
59763097Ready freddy boys?[View]
59761012/shg/ - side hustles general: what is your side hustle, /biz/?[View]
59760807Programming applied to trading: Do you incorporate programming skills to your trading? By that I don…[View]
59763157It’s over?[View]
59763027Are these mofos the worst investors?: How can you be so dense? Just shows that they have no signific…[View]
59759660do we think link will go up[View]
59761224Is 8 ETH enough to never wagecuck ever again ?[View]
59760698It's Over for Eth: Adin Ross and Faze Banks are shitting on Eth to his 70k zoomer viewers. Advi…[View]
59760186>get shilled a shitcoin >Buy the top >Falls so hard I can't be asked to sell >No th…[View]
59760043What are the implications of this?: Something is a brewing eh?[View]
59758151*announced as the only coin in digital asset reserve*: Expect mass suicides among linkcucks, methead…[View]
59762980Every pullback is an opportunity[View]
59762911This project is a broccoli hair oriented exchange, I think it has potential for the next bullrun. Wh…[View]
59762927Gold making all time highs for five years straight, silver nowhere in sight...[View]
59762919Alpha: Two in-person court hearings in mid-February. This is not financial advice.[View]
59762843i might just go and kill myself thoughts?[View]
59760346Did I just fuck up?: I panick sold my HBAR at 19 cents..[View]
59762427What happened to the Trump general?[View]
59758368How is this obvious pump & dump by the fucking POTUS not illegal?[View]
59762395in next two weeks Bitcoin and some memes at binance will hit thier ath.[View]
59762416>23 >net worth $30k I will never make it, bro. Go on without me.…[View]
59762662We should have voted KAMALA: Who benefits from the tariff wars? Everybody gets rekt[View]
59762788>wake up >shitcoin is under 100k again He can't keep his dick hard for even a day anymore…[View]
59762726Made it big with Chainlink and bought myself a new Ferrari you fucking losers[View]
59757366>Trumps puts Tariffs on Mexican Tacos >'AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH MAAAAAAA GAAAAAAAAAAAD, I HAVE TO SELL…[View]
59762370Is this going to be a buy the rumor, sell the news event?[View]
59762542Oldfag here: I've been in since mid 2013 and have seen it all. Made and lost and made fortunes …[View]
59761721>have 450xrp tokens >thinking about selling half and buying solana with it bc its going to be …[View]
59760514How bad was the Great Recession compared to the Great Depression?[View]
59762598Elon should offer a 1% 'finders fee' for anyone that sends in wasteful govt spending that gets cut. …[View]
59758849How much to tip?: I have a $3200 chimney repair job, how much do you usually tip your chimney repair…[View]
59762516Will mutts buy the dip when market opens? Why would asia even make this move?[View]
59762168Vine inevitable?: https://x.com/wwe/status/1886588373931790772?s=46 Another big corporate account re…[View]
5975900860% of my portfolio is Bitcoin (Ticker: BTC), niggas[View]
59761480LMAO THESE BOBOS ARE COCKY: I'm sorry Bobo, but it's never going under 100k again.[View]
59762336Potential exchange listings? Last cycle the BEST and MOST RELIABLE pumps came specifically from coin…[View]
59762413The top is in: All the signs were there, you simply chose to ignore them[View]
59762354Annon, tell me you didn't fall for the dead cat bounce.[View]
59761399>WLFI (trump) buying en masse >Eric Trump literally shilling it on twitter >Rumors of inclu…[View]
59760506ETH Conspiracy Theories: >WLFI buys $300M ETH relentlessly despite market conditions >Scoops u…[View]
59762035should I convert currency?: Trump fucking the rest of the world scares me. Is buying $ with my € a b…[View]
59762374National fart day is tomorrow (Feb 5th). Will fart coins see a surge in activity?: Trying to build a…[View]
59761569Its accurate https://twitter.com/mazemoore/status/1886542436266061858[View]
59760232I got blindsided by the lump cause i was asleep. Lost 23k xrp. Decided not to buy xrp and got hbar i…[View]
59761929What will it take to end the scourge of crypto scamming once and for all?[View]
59762246BREAKING: Trump just enacted a 10% tariff on all Ethereum transactions, due to it being owned by a C…[View]
59762273I'm goin' down, down, down, down[View]
59761641How do we solve the TLD problem?: There's hundreds of tlds yet everyone wants to use .com or .o…[View]
59762093NFTs thread: NFT bros how are we holding up? ;_; I was a dumbass and ignored AI tokens in favor of …[View]
59758819Why do you guys like chainlink so much[View]
59759952ROSE 3 CENTS YESTERDAY: NOW IT'S 5 CENTS. WHO GOT AN EASY 70% PUMP??? LMAO. ROSE has never been…[View]
59761782If you had to choose between being a gay or having one whole bitcoin which one would you pick? Congr…[View]
59757030Hi, my phone was robbed out of my hands by a group of thugs in London on friday night. I had to make…[View]
59761105Need to do a quick 10x where's the smart money at?[View]
59761604why (((asia))) is 'selling' just a quick sip of piss ladies and gentlemen[View]
59761979What is the likelihood there was insider trading going on this monday morning? For example Trump tol…[View]
59761971Is there anyone in crypto more annoying than cocky Bitcoiners[View]
59761824how do we profit off of this?[View]
59761921what the fuck you fags did to my crab season[View]
59761902It's Over: That was B O T T O M[View]
59761870$99,244.43 brutally rejected[View]
59761303Stores your value (subject to 10% swings every 24h)[View]
59761868ive just been drumpfed by eric: why would he do this?...[View]
59758834manifesting it for us ETH bros[View]
59761822He is doing this to the market isn't he.[View]
59761820I am owed $77,682,807.[View]
59761780ITS DUMPING AGAIN: screw this damn crypto-coin-scam ! >dump all. get out and never look back1…[View]
59761667can i retire with $3 million?[View]
59755020/SMG/ - Stock Market General: ASX Edition: >Educational sites: https://www.investopedia.com/ http…[View]
59760123I’m working a retail job for the first time in my life after graduating college to save up some mone…[View]
59761653>it was a bull trap all along[View]
59761654Oh yes, 12am coffee. Not anxious at all about my degenerate short don't worry. This seems bad f…[View]
59761323I unironically want to make just so I can go to a country where prostitution is legal or widely avai…[View]
59761613Dead cat bounce[View]
59761602>he fell for the nothing ever happens meme[View]
59761601zero black swan events and can't stay above 100k[View]
59761581Do the five figure shuffle! Come on everybobo![View]
59760881How Can I Profit From AI?[View]
59755973how the fuck is nobody talking about this any time i come here. are you all fucking retarded?[View]
59757137ETH supply: uhm...[View]
59760192Trump is going to dump his ETH tomorrow: ETH is literally going to zero. It's over.[View]
59760755>fading $pmutt on superball week ngmi[View]
59759436Could eth go back to proof of work instead of proof of stake since it’s performance is more akin to …[View]
59761123>panic sold yesterday >fomo bought today >already dumping i can't take it anymore, cry…[View]
59761375My memecoin gambling wallet is finally zero. I can move on[View]
59761345This is my TFSA: Good or no? It's crypto ETFs[View]
59758296over 100k again: left leaning liberals sold their bitcoin at 92k yesterday due to trump derangement …[View]
59757968>BTC $100k, ETH $3800 >BTC $100k, ETH $3600 >BTC $100k, ETH $3400 >BTC $100k, ETH $3300 …[View]
59761074I have $14799.09.[View]
59760250>still only paying 10 cents per can despite everything tripping in cost. Are we getting scammed?…[View]
5976139896k is in play[View]
59761359can someone sell me on this? i like the product but it's already 10x since december, i feel wei…[View]
59761320howw does it feel to know chainlink has dumped to $20 :}[View]
59760579BTC moved 10k in 1 day. What does this mean?[View]
59761097Should I pay for my house? I have just over 100 grand to pay on it. 2.75% rate and pay around 980 a …[View]
59760777NEW ROSE PARTNERSHIP: This shit was 2b mcap in 2021 with no product (it's 250m now)[View]
59759059Burgers are waking up. They're gonna crash the market even harder: They need 7 McGoyslops, dona…[View]
59761061Everything i buy dumps everything i sell pumps this has been true for 8 trades in the past 4 months.…[View]
59760743What the fuck is the 'bull market vs bear market' distinction any more? As long as I've been al…[View]
59760485Is 350 ETH enough to never wagecuck ever again ?[View]
59761102I bought again today, and: It stopped pumping. AGAIN. Are the trading bots that fucking malcious? Ar…[View]
59756570Zoom out: Zoom out[View]
59761084im tired of this rollercoaster: crypto was a lot more interesting in the pandemic[View]
59760151the lebron james of crypto.[View]
59761067DONT WASTE (You)R TIME: on a Russian scam https://jmp.sh/sUQzpvtD[View]
59759289Hey, APUfags. I leave for like a month and now my investment is 1/3rd of it's value when I inve…[View]
59760736m1velocity: can be negative cash flow is king, the meta changed, abandon all capitals until 2045 ear…[View]
59760264mfw there's 0 hope of a bull run[View]
59757544I just went ALL IN on Ethereum. My bag is worth just shy of $500k.[View]
59760890>the stock market didn't crash this morning[View]
59759006WTF: Wait... It really was first sell off and a bear trap???[View]
59732486i got Fucking fired: Recorded myself roasting my cuck boss on my way out https://files.catbox.moe/14…[View]
59759148The sentiment has turned bullish. Nobody is fearful anymore. You know what it means.[View]
59758326Historical data: How tf do I get historical financial data? I need 10k's and/or 10q's back…[View]
59760900Spoiler Alert: Art of the trade, tommorrow: >Announces Bitcoin will NOT be part of the reserve …[View]
59759977why red candles when i buy, green candles when I sell?[View]
59760608Why do people come out with so many meme coins[View]
59760523Any questions?[View]
59758412BTC maxis are insufferable[View]
59760628Even this past month, with all the chaos, I still haven't sold. Not once. No panic selling and …[View]
59759068yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away now it looks as though they’re here to stay oh i believ…[View]
59757524US Bitcoin Strategic Reserve Announcement?: I think it's time lads... https://x.com/BitcoinMaga…[View]
59759494TRUMPS ARE AT IT AGAIN: BARRON/ERIC coin or ETH part of federal reserve tomorrow?[View]
59760658Why does /biz/ hates him?[View]
59759081>BTC is back above 100k >all your shitcoins are in the gutter Should’ve bought the king instea…[View]
59759156its so comfy to be bitcoin maxi in this market[View]
59759182Would you invest in big black coin? If not could you please explain why?[View]
59760676SCRT network?: Does this shit actually do anything? Someone told me it’s supposedly better than mone…[View]
59759139The higher they climb, the greater the fall[View]
59759840where we're going you don't need cars[View]
59758943When will this yellow belly get drafted and sent to the front line?[View]
59759224Fucking lol[View]
59758761Only real men uses leverage. If you have never been liquidated you are still a virgin and you don…[View]
59759928You get offered 100 ETH or 100 ounces of gold, which one do you get?[View]
59757851Every pullback is an opportunity[View]
59757427Day 63 of snailposting every day until ETH is at 10k[View]
59758986>Bitcoin recovers like literally nothing happened explain to me why you're still holding alt…[View]
59758767Is it worth buying Redstone purely on the fact that when Chainlink x Swift goes live, retail will be…[View]
59759498Should I go all in on DOGE or ETH?[View]
59760683Alright fuckers, what am I dumping my hard earned cash into today? Last time I asked, somebody told …[View]
59759898We Crabbin’: It’s easy peasy to make money in the crab market. >sell top >buy bottom…[View]
59756954>HE PANICKED SOLDEDED......................................... >......................... >…[View]
59760447>wake up at 12:41pm >water, supplements, drink coffee while sitting in the sun and bobo postin…[View]

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