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/k/ - Weapons

Displaying 209 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
62124185Glock carbine kit: So /k/ looking for a carbine kit that is similar to SIG P320 flux raider but for …[View]
62148957/DRONE/: Post stuff about drones here im trying to start a general for this shit https://x.com/tt12…[View]
62116264Did I fuck up?: I spent the day spray painting camo patterns on the stock of my 10/22. Its a magpull…[View]
62144790Civil War weapons: Test firing of various long guns used by the United States Army during the Americ…[View]
62144213ROK confirms 6th gen with Saudi Arabia and UAE in final negotiations: > The proposal for the two …[View]
62141130/hg/ - Handgun General #1327: Smith N Welfare edition Guide: https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf Pas…[View]
62144304Lockheed MQM-105 Aquila was the first small battlefield drone developed in the United States during …[View]
62122822https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRtnPFyqRy0 What do you think of the reforms developing in the Frenc…[View]
62142850Cannibal warfare: >Mali army chief launches investigation into video of soldier 'cannibalism…[View]
62143422>some (((people))) think surface ships are more interesting than submarines lol lmao, imagine bei…[View]
62135055Controversial Opinions: >All assault rifles should have a 25mm grenade launcher >dedicated gre…[View]
62084437Post your groups: Inspired by another thread. Dedicated thread to post your groups. Over 100 yards e…[View]
62143832what if we attached bombs to tiny drones and shot those at the enemy instead of bullets[View]
62147607I have 19 long guns and 8 handguns and am about to be moving 4 hours away from my current home. What…[View]
62143348ziggers outwitted by an RC car[View]
62139523AS50 vs. AK50: These are basically the exact same fucking gun, convince me otherwise.[View]
62140668Private Army Ace Combat Style: How expensive would it actually be to have your own mercenary air for…[View]
62147520https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/tr/pdf/ADB297807.pdf You have to read it to believe it.[View]
62146994The roller delay system on the stribog sp9a3 seems like a gimmick to me.: Like what is it even doing…[View]
62147142Even the Secret Service has to use braces? https://youtu.be/XwBygHmIZ6c[View]
62145626D-30 mod 2024[View]
62146593C-UAS Thread: How will you defend yourself from drone swarms, /k/?[View]
62143077>russian vehicle explodes on landmine on the road >a second russian vehicle comes up >there…[View]
62146122Reloading Thread: I'm poor and can't afford mk262: My 23.6gr H335 75gr BTHP load has been …[View]
62142335Best Covert Soft Armor Carrier: So I was looking at different options for covert soft armor carriers…[View]
62146202Cursed Weapons: Good morning.[View]
62141988/arg/ Armed Rightwing Gentlemen XI: Throwback Thursday Edition Pastebin https://rentry.org/sa6c4m T…[View]
62128127Military Rites & Rituals: Any modern units in the US military or other militaries practice secre…[View]
62143165Why is machete more common among criminals than other short swords? Do they believe carrying somethi…[View]
62141481>give these to Ukies >toss guided weapons from afar >profit???…[View]
62121540How the fuck did Pakistan get nukes? I thought you needed to be a first world country or have a semb…[View]
62138516Modernization: How do you feel about modernizing old guns?[View]
62142518AG36 vs M320: in their underbarrel states, which is better?[View]
62145087FN Reflex & Micro 9s: Does anyone have experience with the FN Reflex? I’m likely going to pick o…[View]
62139644Hypothetically speaking, what is stopping NATO/America from parking a few carriers near Iran and jus…[View]
62120216What is your favorite Soviet vehicle?[View]
62143488I was thinking of getting a bolt action 223 (nz fag) I have a 22 already and mainly just shoot rabbi…[View]
62135431air rifle yes or no?: What do you guys think of air rifles? Was thinking of buying one for pest cont…[View]
62139325How do you defend yourself in a gunless society?[View]
62139013It's back and a 3 position FRT Trigger will be cooming!!!!: FUCK!!!!! BOI!!!!!![View]
62139554MBDA new VSHORAD & CUAS stuff: MBDA released new Sky Warden shit at Farnborough Air Show. One is…[View]
62142913Houthi equipment: What are currently the top BMs and UAVs in their arsenal? they successfully invade…[View]
62125741Navy aviator scores first air-to-air victory by a US female fighter pilot: Why is there no thread ab…[View]
62143125SAAAAAAR: What’s the strategic advantage of deploying premium bharatian tactical footwear in Ukraine…[View]
62132946Should Japan be encouraged to develop supercarriers and other expeditionary capabilities? Would Chin…[View]
62141704get new battle rifle or modernize old battle rifle?[View]
62141965I realised, these tacticool training videos, bad guys like the cartels could be using them. >but …[View]
62143516What is Your Favorite Weir Defense Research: Why why is it 'Transformation Optics'? >In electrica…[View]
62128902anyone know or suspect a new 10mm release? the market is fucking bleak right now. the FN 510 was va…[View]
62136187Spaz 12 hook: Is it for choking people to death with?[View]
62141073New K-LOGIR / Poniard footage: Once a US program, now a korean one. https://navalnews.com/naval-news…[View]
62137249nuke thread: How would a full out US nuclear first strike against Russia look like? What weapon plat…[View]
62101151/meg/ - military enlistment general: Lying about medical history: YMMV Lying about criminal history:…[View]
62141984french FUSHYB mystery gun: So the french military has some internal innovation thing. Funding. Their…[View]
62141844Hope this is the right place to ask: where can I read about wars being fought right now without cons…[View]
62143426average day in the balkans[View]
62141739Hezbollah Air Defense in Motion: Weird to see the evolution of Hezbollah from using AA guns to Air D…[View]
62133979MPS vs. ACRO: Which is the best overall, in terms of durability, visibility, battery life etc.? Hear…[View]
62140604>Oh my heckin' Stalin![View]
62143191CHECHNYA WARS FOOTAGE: Compilation of combat/daily footage during the wars[View]
62132481The Korean War Week 005 - The Allied Cluster fuck at Taejon - July 23, 1950: IT'S UP!: https://…[View]
62143235(we have to go back): >they took this from you[View]
62140614> every car is a crossover > every company logo is minimalist you are here > every plane …[View]
62142034>Bolt Action machine gun.[View]
62134047Russian Buk got HIMARS'd.[View]
62145012This is Jonathon Furgeson, keeper of firearms and artillery at the Royal Armouries Museum in the UK …[View]
62140932Effectiveness of Air Assault & Helicopter CAS: Wondering if we can get an in depth discussion ov…[View]
62142207Why does /k/ still use wireless guns? Aren't you concerned about input delay?[View]
62141857I've never seen portrayals of anyone using shields for melee combat besides Europeans and Afric…[View]
62136725Is the danger of war overstated? Look at something like D-Day, for example. Out of a 150k troops 'on…[View]
62127971What, if any, advantages did Soviet aircraft construction and design in the late Cold War have over …[View]
62141944Nuclear Engineering: I collected everything I could figure out about nuclear engineering. Anybody in…[View]
62123597Buhanka: Why do Russians have such a strong fascination with this shitbox van? Why do they use it fo…[View]
62140749Anyone know where I can get this O-Ring?: My co2 bb gun gasket wore out and leaks now. Called daisy …[View]
62134074>Future wars in Hollywood >Space lasers >Robot mechsuits >Mach 10 airplanes >Future w…[View]
62130866NOT GUILTY: >it was le bad because ummmm our pilots sucked Literally a skill issue. USAF required…[View]
62135544DON'T CALL IT A COMEBACK: https://ukdefencejournal.org.uk/british-carrier-hms-queen-elizabeth-b…[View]
62137526Which EMALS tech will win in the end USS Ford (AC) vs Type 003 Fujian (DC)?[View]
62134803SAAR DO NOT REDEEM THE MIG: More seriously I recently discovered this australian photographer on Air…[View]
62126360/AK/ communism: Previous thread >>62113161 https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/402682-4chan-sou…[View]
62091862Its fucking over https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KWxaOmVNBE[View]
62141503Am i the only one who likes fondling their guns while watching tv: I cant be the only one…[View]
62017451WKR: Haven't had this thread in a while. Thinking of replacing the food/drink section with unif…[View]
62141575the sheer length of our category is our display of dominance against other, weaker collectives[View]
62139097Why was everyone so afraid of the Soviet Union? The US alone could have beat them in a Cold War gone…[View]
62132957It's in the bag: I ran into a problem recently; I went on an extended range trip and I realized…[View]
62138868Barrel Length on Accuracy: I’m interested in buying a 28” Sharps reproduction and putting a period a…[View]
62116862Warship Thread: Do we agree that the Bismarck was overrated and the Scharnhorst class was better?…[View]
62138190Autism rifle general /arg/: Doing the things edition Old >>62134031[View]
62140441Let's say that an American carrier group from the '60s or '70s suddenly materializes …[View]
62141688Car bomb attack in Moscow maims Russian military satellite chief..: In the northern part of Moscow, …[View]
62141371What would be some elite units (both Russian and Ukrainian) in the Ukraine war?[View]
62138855In 1944 Lachhiman Gurung held off 200 attacking Japs using a bolt action rifle with just one arm aft…[View]
62103747>nearly non existent recoil >eats any ammo never jams >bloody accurate, even for a novice …[View]
62119723>Portugal, Paraguay and Uruguay ordered new Super Tucanos within a month. Tucanobros we eating go…[View]
62138870Every fucking knife. It's almost like a divinely enforced tradition.[View]
62129220I'm own a small farm and euthanize animals for meat. I had a couple questions that the board mi…[View]
62116363Kaga lives![View]
62140768bullpup bolt action: is this the final solution to the desert tech srs problem? >double stacked n…[View]
62138245Good books about William Knudsen.: Absolute WW2 industrial chad. Dude was an automotive industry exe…[View]
62135793/hg/ - Handgun General #1326: Revolver Revelation edition Guide: https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf…[View]
62137599Help an old vet.: I have an old US Navy veteran in the family who is dying. He wants his ashes inter…[View]
62088172/gq/ - Gear Queer - Tactical Gear General Thread: Post gear. Discuss gear. Previous >>62041474…[View]
62139798When are we going to be seeing these in Ukraine?[View]
62137373New bullet idea: >230gr so its long as has a higher ballistic coefficient >.38 meplat, .40 dia…[View]
62130249Post interesting trivia you think not enough people know: Anon is going under for surgery in couple …[View]
62137054They mocked us, pistonchads...: Who's laughing now? >Newer carbines outperform M4 in dust te…[View]
62134198What do you think of handguns which are cool but too big to carry?[View]
62133669What happens if the russkies drop a tsar nook on Yellowstone?[View]
62135557Weapons/flags/culture: Can we have a thread we we post weapons on or near flags or symbols of religi…[View]
62139906philippines combat footage with m1 carbine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85k5ceujuyw https://www.…[View]
62131416>”whoever dies first is a faggot” >dies Is there any situation where motorcycle cavalry could …[View]
62130515Japan's latest self-propelled artillery: As soon as it was deployed, it became outdated[View]
62135037directed energy orkz: First trial of a laser weapon on a british army land vehicle - HELW on Wolfhou…[View]
62134348Plate armor before the renaissance: Why did the heaviest armor provide so little coverage before the…[View]
62131978Best container ship defence weapon? Automatic and high-calibre weapons are not allowed https://files…[View]
62116985who actually makes the best 5.56/223: So many manufacturers from nations all over the world make 5.5…[View]
62116271MT-LB extinction: per new Covert cabal video: >pre war MT-LBs: 2966 >current count: 488 How mu…[View]
62117125Why do we shoot copper? Isn't that a bit expensive to be shooting? Why not aluminum?[View]
62129241/rg/ - Reloadin General: Post reloads, data, questions. baking bread so I can ask my own question: t…[View]
62120677Over-rated weapons: A thread for weapons which have stellar reputations but which, in reality, weren…[View]
62134032And you call it a Shenyang J-6 despite it clearly being a MiG-19.[View]
62132091FM 100-2-1 THE SOVIET ARMY: Operations and Tactics 1984 FM 100-2-2 The Soviet Army: specialized Warf…[View]
62129383What is your personal favorite SKS variant? Price aside, rarity aside, all that stuff aside, just th…[View]
62134101Taiwan's new tactical vehicle: Taiwan's new 4×4 was seen in beach trials. Prototypes P3 an…[View]
62102909US Army wants hypervelocity howitzer!: The world's ONLY army needs YOU, anon! Because what…[View]
62134240Why do swords look more badass when they're asymmetrical?[View]
62136243Chinese SWAT team publicizes mother and child FPV drones: Several small FPV drones are mounted under…[View]
62137073What type of gear is this guy wearing on his shoulder?[View]
62131783Where is the catch: I'v gotten it for 20 euros in Mostar, but the same knife on the web is 100 …[View]
62134108There were 10 German bombers in the air, there were 10 German bombers in the air. There were 10 Germ…[View]
62128604I bought pic related because ai'm retarded. What's the most retarded optic I can put on it…[View]
62134441North Korean nuclear weapons, 2024: FAS / Bulletin of Atomic Scientists nook book: nork edition. htt…[View]
62112913>sinks your entire Formosa invasion fleet How will the PLAN cope?[View]
62136381>Naval meta has been nothing but submarines and aircraft carriers since the WWII event >Update…[View]
62131287Troops from Ukraine's 425th 'Skala' Separate Assault Battalion counterattacking in Niu-York on …[View]
62138426what that optic ?[View]
62138231Pantsir vs HIMARS: Is Pantsir a capable AA system? https://files.catbox.moe/64nzu9.mp4[View]
62135297What's a good running gun? I live in a shit neighborhood and I like to run at night. I'm …[View]
62128850Houthis are training Al shabab on how to manufacture drones and missiles What are the potential hap…[View]
62134506Could /k/ beat a true weapon master like pic related in a fair fight?[View]
62129621>gives your plane to the US Why did he do it?[View]
62134031/arg/ Armalite Rifle General: Listen to Teddy edition. previous >>62130056[View]
62129379Iranian Aircraft carrier new picture: New photo of Irans Shit box carrier[View]
62137545What are the tactical advantages of strapping a knife like this? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VlMni…[View]
62093582/k/ games: i've been playing alot of il2 again recently and will post some pics/webms post abou…[View]
62108541The Yamato: Would she have been effective if she ever saw real battle? Let's say she was presen…[View]
62122373we have everyday carry threads, but what is in your go bag? do you prefer a backpack or something sm…[View]
62121663big ukraine thread on /gif/. lots of webms with sound >>>/gif/27527383[View]
62115010Is there still a place for .38 special in this world?[View]
62127288Beige here, Khaki there. Why is everything so BROWN nowadays?[View]
62134293Taiwan's new USV: Taiwanese shipbuilder CITIC has a new USV, described as a universal testing p…[View]
62134893After a bit of a career in the Swiss armed forces, i’m looking for a radio that would be compatible …[View]
62134777>People's Liberation Army Navy Air Force[View]
62124924Which military canteen is the best?: Aluminum or plastic? >Durability >Capacity >Concealm…[View]
62073365/qtdtot/ ask stupid shit edition.: what the fuck is this shit.[View]
62125519>2011+13 >Not using compound optics You must be poor or retarded, right?…[View]
62126678This is my new build please say something nice about it :)[View]
62133832Is the sp9 a3 reliable?: The latest rifle version is so beautiful that if it is reliable i might hav…[View]
62120398Is this a common loadout for Ukrainian liberators?[View]
62128129/hg/ - Handgun General #1325: The .44 magnum is a monster edition Guide: https://files.catbox.moe/9g…[View]
62119579How viable are Aztec obsidian blades? Drip aside, looking at this from a CQC perspective[View]
62126227Lesser known special forces: I wanted to create a thread about special operations or security forces…[View]
62113920red pill me on axe throwing[View]
62126490What makes it so deadly that it's only available to law enforcement and military?[View]
62136063is this sustainable for a global military superpower?[View]
62132126>paul hates the 300 meter zero >doesn't know what the IBSZ is doesn't anyone else t…[View]
62132708Taiwan Army infantry tactics exhibit. ROCMP Taipei garrison showing how to 'guard' a bridge from Chi…[View]
62132694I saw picrel in: https://www.thoughtco.com/the-invention-of-the-crossbow-195263 Any idea why the bow…[View]
62132313What are the best high-end fixed-point knives?: Handmade, high quality steal, etc.[View]
62128857>people say howard leights are mid >pop them open >chop up some little foam plugs and fill …[View]
62120798>west could figure out number of German tanks by the serial numbers I'm too lazy to find the…[View]
62129791>Hero City of Pisky >Pavlov's Techno House >Superdimension Fortress Kodema Hill >Ol…[View]
62133940what is this rifle ?[View]
62132294Where to find replacement kevlar inserts for my vest?: I have a Second Chance ballistic vest. Not su…[View]
62133179PLA robot dog coordinates with a quad copter to eliminate foreign devils from the Middle Kingdom.[View]
62130827could Germany win against the commies if they weren't bombed to oblivion by the Allies and with…[View]
62130056/arg/ ATACR Royalty General: elcan'ts eternally btfo'd edition previously on /arg/ >…[View]
62130853Which group/organization is the closest to a real world John Wick in terms of skill?[View]
62127920How good was the Shturmobik[View]
62128524Guns That Just Look Wrong: Underfolder Carbine isn't real; it can't hurt you.[View]
62115822Canada General - /CanGen/: Canadian firearms General >New here? Read this: https://pastebin.com/N…[View]
62132706Polearm appreciation thread: For me it's the humble halberd. Intelligent, nihilistic and with a…[View]
62123132Why doesn't anyone make a semi-auto revolver?[View]
62115285T-62M obr 2024[View]
62129516Are H&K made SP5s really worth it over the turkshit clones? The price on both is the lowest they…[View]
62132768>Cuban T-34 with a 122mm D30 Howitzer Will we see them being used by Russia soon?…[View]
62099764It happened again[View]
62119975>what ya got there son, can I try it? How do you politely decline?[View]
62121689I own a shotgun, an AR and 2 target rifles. talk me out of pic related as a first handgun[View]
62116938Is the Alfa the coolest sub class ever? >Sanic fast >Tiny and light >Stuffed with 70s high…[View]
62126493How can you counter mountain missiles?: > Egypt continues to actively build launch sites for ball…[View]
62132499Why can't I find a Zastava 9mm to buy anywhere?[View]
62125673>russians and allegedly adding motion detectors to their claymore mines is this a good idea?…[View]
62132863YABBA DABBA SCOOT: What are the tactical advantages of escooters being used by militaries?[View]
62128426Why didn't the soviets bother making light aircraft carriers?[View]
62132652What's the tactical advantage of sending your mobiks in tightly packed columns when the battlef…[View]
62119638>target close >use normal rear aperture >target far away >flip to L for long distance ap…[View]
62117031>Your power has suddenly shut off. Your phone doesn't work, your stove doesn't turn on,…[View]
62129371Whats a good gun to carry if you are an old man in a country that is not for you?[View]
62129753Russia added smoke dispensers on the back of their bikes, thoughts?: https://x.com/simpatico771/stat…[View]
62117852Two floor cage.[View]
62112466Who would win between Britain and Japan? No nukes or mechas. Britain >130 Typhoon >34 F-35B …[View]
62130306Just bought a knock off surefire M300 flashlight. what am I in for boys?[View]
62117277Why bullpups never became mainstream?[View]
62131420Look at him brrr. Sneak peek into daily bobr lauches. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1h6QYkng8I…[View]
62124893Hunting Stories: Hunting season is right around the corner and it gives me nostalgia about all the t…[View]
62127560What went wrong?[View]

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