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/k/ - Weapons

Displaying 221 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
61992889ODIN thread?: >No Kum-sok >NoDong Can't have shit in North Korea.…[View]
61905140Battletech actually brings up a very good point regarding the limitations of tank technology that ca…[View]
61989642Is this not designed for ARs? I only have ARs and .22s and I feel like the spray doesn't actual…[View]
61986998>Meanwhile at Kel-Tec Aerospace & Defense >sniffs audible in the distance KAREN HOLD MY CA…[View]
61996134How the fuck did this happen?[View]
61978610>VDV has been replenished with K-4386 Typhoons looks like revenge o'clock…[View]
61992627What significance did the F-8u play in the Vietnam War? Most of the combat was done using F-5s, A-4…[View]
61980062We are now receiving unconfirmed reports that the cotton string of bore snakes destroy the rifling o…[View]
61969954New bikes used by the russian army for logistics and casevacs. What do you think?[View]
61979825Are there any good books or docs regarding British volunteers in the Arab-Israeli war?[View]
61978534>Should've bought Chinese[View]
61947016well /k/ what are you writing on your helmet cover and/or body armor when you're drafted?[View]
61984785>destroys your military superpower aspirations How is it that it took the Ukrainians to show the…[View]
61988890Are Ruger AR is really good, I think I settled on one hopefully goes on sale over here at rural King…[View]
61988414ADATS for Modern Mechanized Anti-Drone Work?: What exactly about the ADATS supposedly made it such a…[View]
61973990What’s the verdict?[View]
61983518What were they thinking?[View]
61989570I sold my glock and bought this instead.........[View]
61990898Help: What’s ideal? Buy a bunch of cheap guns or only have a few expensive guns? My dad buys all the…[View]
61990796if im allowed to conceal a pistol, why the fuck can't i kill someone with this in my own house?…[View]
61977013What the FUCK are you supposed to do under heavy suppressive fire like this? (russkies in vovchansk …[View]
61979829choose your fighter /k/[View]
61991027Any videos of ukrainian special forces taking on big orcs. So far I've only seen ukrainians cle…[View]
61973360With the increasing popularity of drones, do you think they'll start being used during home inv…[View]
61967697this IS a destroyer, get over it chuds, we're in 2024[View]
61981173Are dedicated recon units no longer needed? You can just give every platoon a drone for aerial recon…[View]
61985562Are immobile shitty towed howitzers obsolete in a peer conflict where both sides can do accurate cou…[View]
61991053I was reading a firearms magazine and was really perplexed by some of the terms used like 'Jugger' (…[View]
61990165historical pictures: post interesting historical pictures[View]
61958231Aesthetics peaked here and we're never going back. Kill me[View]
61990515ANOTHER WHATS THIS GUN request.: CAn someone identify the firearm the Eurasian soldier is using in t…[View]
61988601Knives: Just knives.[View]
61986340World war I weapons[View]
61989409what kind of a men who owns a MP-7 in the USA feels the need to rob a store. Also how exactly law en…[View]
61978120Why is the most versatile survival/home defense gun so underrated, and even hated, on /k/?[View]
61921661/BST/ old>>61836416: Cugir PSL w/ KNS piston, 3 mags, PSOP scope: 1800 Aero build fixed carry …[View]
61986694m17s niggas... I know you're out there how you liking your m17s[View]
61987195Is a compact S&W 9mm sufficiant to stop brown bear attacks?: I will be hiking in an area where l…[View]
61984202/hg/ - Handgun General #1305: aye lmao edition Guide:https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf Pastebin:ht…[View]
6198919666mm M72: When I 3d printed a rocket for my M72 exactly 66mm in diameter it didn't fit the inne…[View]
61986277what is russia building?[View]
61981018Crossbowcucks btfo: Uhhhh crossbow sisters, our response? >inb4 muh shot placement >Inb4 muh …[View]
61983154Patroling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter[View]
61989556Will the “Trump 47” desert eagle have left handed controls? I want to use them akimbo[View]
61989425Do you own guns just as tools, or are you a 'gun nerd' /k/?[View]
61990077https://youtu.be/ElGYfIQNZOw Nu-SIG at it again lads. JIDF, rev up your engines.[View]
61926101Shotgun General /SGG/: Shotgun, skeet shooting, hunting, target practice, slugging, shitposting, all…[View]
61979195Americans: >oorah >get sum >time for chow Danes: >contemplation >debriefs >textboo…[View]
61985674Quality survival food producers in EU: Any places where one can buy survival food without seed oils,…[View]
61898687Spooks Thread / Monster Hunting: I was listening to innawoods spooks stories and got to thinking: is…[View]
61988683t-55am: where are the t-55am? they should be in a similar condition as the t-62m but there are 0 on …[View]
61966317Sooo theoretically, what would the russia's military reaction be, if in a video that may or may…[View]
61980440Thread for R Lee Ermey: I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn’t believe[View]
61980444Are mechs becoming more viable?: For this post, I will define 'mechs' as 'a military vehicle that us…[View]
61972351russian AA genocide: >3x Pantsir-S3 >4x TOR-M2 >1x BUK Shouldn't air defense be able t…[View]
61982839IFVs in air defense role: Should drone defense be a priority for IFVs or does it make sense to pair …[View]
61983586I'm thinking about getting an AR pistol, I really like them how do you know a good one from a b…[View]
61983741new stevemre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0w0REdhESaE[View]
61984846/arg/ - arg rg g: Show and Tell edition Old bread >>61980780[View]
61974118I still fail to wrap my head around the fact that Ukraine managed to grind down the completely insan…[View]
61987354Did the army corp straighten out your life[View]
61986530If cannons are better, why do navies still shill on CIWS: Literally. A CIWS like the Phalanx will us…[View]
61980562Tapestries of the Mvscowvite-Rvthenian war: https://htck.github.io/bayeux/#!/ It's been a while…[View]
61973644ITT: Post the worst gun logic in fiction you've seen: Starting off with a classic.[View]
61984379Are napalm and other incendiary weapons illegal to own or make in the US of A? Video unrelated[View]
61976813Rumored first strike by F-16s: >I had rumors, but here we are, first strike by an F16, confirmed …[View]
61983300Was the USSR really effective militarily or was it all propaganda[View]
61961953Poland Considers Joining Franco-German Tank and Fighter Jet Projects.: How the times have changed...…[View]
61986188Algerian armed forces: They look pretty well kitted out for a third-world shithole, at least on pape…[View]
61984518DON'T MAKE ME COME DOWN THERE!!!!!!!![View]
61975916rate their gear and marching style[View]
61976975Winchester Ammo QC: Have any other anons noticed consitently abysmal quality from Winchester in term…[View]
61982409Show me more BRENified guns >m-make it yourself Go away you whiney bitch, I wasn't asking y…[View]
61973209Cangen /cfg/ /canada thread/: >New here? Read this: https://pastebin.com/Ndb2jSAu https://howtoge…[View]
61986396Fireworks thread: What's with the propaganda against fireworks lately? Drone shows are boring.…[View]
61986404Delta/SAS/SEALS operations: You could add in the sticky, 'There is a reason why these are gatekept a…[View]
61979383Are drone swarms and saturation attacks impossible to defend against?: Are their any countries tryin…[View]
61983858PRT anxiety. Help!! Haven't taken a PRT in three years due to a crazy deployment schedule, and …[View]
61974970What's the most awful gun you've ever seen[View]
61980330Who wins no outside interference?: Red = NE Asia Blue = Western Europe Light Brown = Non-US/Canada A…[View]
61975690Why did body armor not become standard in WWI or WWII?[View]
61956520/gq/ - Gear Queer - Upgrades People Upgrades: Previous >>61918149[View]
61954504/meg/: Military Enlistment General: Working links edition Lying about medical history: YMMV Lying ab…[View]
61979613UK to buy additional 27 F35Bs, GCAP to be a 5+ gen limited production fighter: > Limited budget c…[View]
61985216holy shit its a famas: but why is it orange[View]
61984859Remember the Third Army Corps? In retrospect, was it a good idea to feed a fresh unit piecemeal into…[View]
61981334Sup /k/. My property is being invaded. Do you guys think .308 is enough to handle one of these fucke…[View]
61965804Why don't we have a naval base in the San Francisco Bay now? I mean I know why, but would it be…[View]
61978748We're shopping for new fighter jets: We've narrowed it down to these two, which should we …[View]
61973053>make the bestest most powerful battleship numbah one >immediatly scuttle it the second german…[View]
61977867We're shopping for new fighter jets: We've narrowed it down to these two, which should we …[View]
61984086h&gay pistols: Have a choice between a p30 and a vp9.[View]
61984616WHAT IS THIS GUN PLEASE: What is this gun? The pics are from the 1954 tele-play of Orwell's Nin…[View]
61976118Now that the dust has settled, were they battlecruisers or not?[View]
61980860>Living in south italy What gun can i legaly use to defend myself against chavs? someone suggeste…[View]
619814871939. How do you fortify this thing beyond any sane measure? Maginot on Gin-drinker line? Landmines …[View]
61974033I think I'll go to afganistan for gun tourism instead of vegas since american tourist visa is a…[View]
61979482Choose one to defend yourself against the rest /kay/[View]
61980780/arg/ - Arguing Retarded Gays: Soldier of Fortune Edition #7 Old: >>61973711[View]
61988322Making room for F-16s[View]
61952113ElvisMAXXING my loadout: I've currently been trying to elvismaxx my life. I've already got…[View]
61971699Could a revolver like this work? >It is a unique revolver with an over and under barrel style, th…[View]
61959398Whats's the best EDC revolver hammer type?: Is the loss of SA operation worth the snag-free adv…[View]
61978836ITT: Magic is real and has been integrated into the modern military. What's that like? Premise:…[View]
61977447we do a little presentation it's powerpoint time[View]
61974111Do you think 'do not move' tactic ever worked?[View]
61971607>Video has emerged of what may be the first M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) destroyed b…[View]
61983719Why don't they put rocket artillery on a balloon and fire it from low earth orbit for more rang…[View]
61976210~/hg/~ Handgun General - #1304: Did you shoot this weekend? edition Guide:https://files.catbox.moe/…[View]
61978671>water level is slightly higher than expected >*die* Was this operator error or equipment?…[View]
61979199Could cruise ships be repurposed as floating sea fortresses in times of war? They completely mog the…[View]
61983382I was cleaning my multicam tropic gear and letting it dry in the sun, some wind blew it over and it …[View]
61981508Spears are bad, actually: >barely more effective than a literal sharpened stick >long awkward …[View]
61976899US Marines and Chinese Marines shooting together: >U.S. and Chinese Marines shoot the type-95 rif…[View]
619814742nd Rare Russian Ladoga NBC protected Armored Vehicle Reported Destroyed In Ukraine: Several days ag…[View]
61975250I'm in one of those debates should I go to rural King and buy a AR or should I wait till the gu…[View]
61979377Why is it green?[View]
61947935FREAK SHOW GUNS: ITT: cursed firearms and weapon perversions. Bubba's special cross-breeds, fai…[View]
61971164I'm looking for 100,000 volunteers. You're just the type of man I'm looking for, son.[View]
61931595How would a modern Wehrmacht look like?: I know that they probably would use the M56 Stahlhelm as th…[View]
61969716/ak/ - Flight Friday: If your fighter jet can't take off and land vertically, you're just …[View]
61975325Kyrylo, where the fuck are you? I did my part of the deal. Thanks for cooperation. More in my Twitte…[View]
61948083/BG/ - Bomb General: What's your favorite use of explosive WEAPONRY from history? For me, it…[View]
61967971Any German firearm frens on here? What guns do you have? Collectors, hunters or sport shooters? Thin…[View]
61983546Realistically, what is the impact of these FAB 3000's. Are the Russians dropping them on empty …[View]
61966262Remember when Brazil made a scaled down Challenger 1 with a German engine and it turned out to be re…[View]
61981272Anyone have experience with these guys?: Anyone have experience with estonian forces?[View]
61982214Public special/black ops: Have there ever been any special infiltration ops declassified to the publ…[View]
619668599mm rifle thread: What is the best 9mm rifle on the market today?[View]
61973024Washington Gun Culture: Moving to the Seattle/Tacoma area by the end of the year from the south, is …[View]
61973902North Korean artillery: Is North Korea's artillery really the strongest and most threatening pa…[View]
61979031Question?: Is the weaponization of a supervolcano with nuclear bombs enough to create a doomsday dev…[View]
61978399>created the fairbairn-sykes knife >fought and survived hundreds of street fights as a shangha…[View]
61981445Why did American military typically opt for non-rubber cbrn suits that have a limited shelf life whe…[View]
61981060Caltrops against Motorcycle assaults: Recently, Russia has been performing assaults on Ukrainian tre…[View]
61980707MN&PH vs CH: How would Mongolia and the Philippines be able to win a war and conquer all of Chin…[View]
61971107do gun companies still license designs from inventors like in browning's day or is that basical…[View]
61981130What is the tactical advantage of launching during a static fire test? https://files.catbox.moe/reuy…[View]
61978104>people say multicam tropic is too blue to be effective >ended up loosing my gear when I left …[View]
61974856simplest action of each type: which gun was the most mechanically simple of its type? especially int…[View]
61979640killdozer was not enough: What would you do to get a message across, if the end goal was suicide? …[View]
61978524post your sticks: wanderings sticks, hiking sticks, quarterstaves. post em. here's mine, ash. s…[View]
61862975/kg/ knife general: /kg/ knife general: The sharpest thread on /k/ Is it possible to sharpen the Ben…[View]
61978019Video of Ukrainian soldiers talking about the upgrades they had to install on the Abrams to make it …[View]
61973711/arg/ - Armalite-15 General: They Banned Him Again Edition OLD: >>61967929[View]
61971101What is the utility of the Rapier?: Why did people in the early modern period start using it in favo…[View]
61897103Battle Rifle General-/brg/ #427 - Big Boolit Big Dick edition: This is a thread to discuss Battle Ri…[View]
61978504Seeing how Russia is deploying T-55's, will we be seeing them with chinese Type 59G ERAs?[View]
61970061It turns out that the best GWOTKINO was manufactured in a game.[View]
61976462Bring back 60s weapon designers[View]
61974202What's in your survival tin /k/?: Also is it part of your EDC loadout or do you leave it in the…[View]
61964219Ukies claim the've made an M113 OUT OF A MT-LB: https://armyrecognition.com/focus-analysis-conf…[View]
61979221what would you stockpile?[View]
61961489Thoughts on cyber warfare[View]
61982278In recent reports from Russian sources more and more news come out about disabled soldiers being for…[View]
61971677Why can't Russia into tanks? Is the brain drain really that bad or is something wrong with thei…[View]
61966980Rate Russian glide bomb accuracy[View]
61977978Which gun is the best for opening padlocks?[View]
61973145Is there any technological limit of a medieval bow draw weight, assuming the archer is strong enough…[View]
61978981Best Anti-Drone Weapon: Which weapon, current or hypothetical, is best used against these little dro…[View]
61967329>risk blowing dick off >risk blowing major artery in leg how do people carry without paranoia?…[View]
61978539how important are anti-cant devices? I just bought a cheapo one (its a bubble level how much does th…[View]
61976602Any Good Jewtube Docs?: I'm especially interested in African continent stuff at the moment but …[View]
61975188I just sanded off some very, very light surface rust from the outer barrel of my 500. Inside the bar…[View]
61947436Cad models / blueprints / reverse engineering: Post models or other cad stuff you have or are workin…[View]
61957812SIG releasing exact replicas of XM7s and full power 6.8x51 hybrid ammo for Civilian Market: Where th…[View]
61951457What anime girl/hentai stickers should I put on my SG550 handguards. Pic related IG.[View]
61977934Why not just make tank armor out of prince rupert drops?[View]
61945547Moving to Oregon: Can any anons who live there tell me how it is /k/ wise? I am probably going to be…[View]
61971824US Marine Corps using Rifles and Shotguns against quadcopter drones: Remember how everyone was laugh…[View]
61967470It seems like ASAT against navigational satellites is really hard due to their extremely high orbits…[View]
61932091Robert Lang won his lawsuit against SIG Sauer. Its official, the gun went off in its holster without…[View]
61973833Burst fire: why?: Why would you put this on a rifle over full auto? Is it just to keep your grunts f…[View]
61975569The quality of weapon showcase videos have dropped to devastatingly low levels. No good music, full …[View]
61977302Branches of the Armed Forces: So when President Trump announced a Space Force, there was lots of mem…[View]
61975358Which is deadlier?[View]
61949477Finally: After wanting one ever since I saw it in GitS:SAC, I finally have a Mateba Unica 6. Got a c…[View]
61977859Targets: Show us your target practice. This is my effort with one of my neighbors guns. Bonus points…[View]
61974168>Skynode S is an all-in-one computer and flight controller proven in combat missions in Ukraine a…[View]
61969856This, but chamberer in .22 with a shell ejector similar to the P90. Thoughts?[View]
61954225>russian milbloggers confirm that ukraine mined the entrance of sevastopol bay using sea drones w…[View]
61974051KILLDOZER GENERAL: This could be useful in Ukraine war, or its performances look similar to the turt…[View]
61977455Does anyone remember the guy shilling Kornet-EM[View]
61971283Bolivian Army: As they just had a failed coup over there, I was looking at the Wiki page the Bolivia…[View]
61974729A coin and a rank: I know it’s not a weapon but I had a question. A few years ago I went to a weddin…[View]
61975439What explosive is being used: in these small drones. I am seeing devastating payloads being delivere…[View]
61969452Y knot? personally, I'd go with on auto-cannon and one auto-mortar to take out ATGM teams that …[View]
61974230https://gizmodo.com/dendra-armor-test-experimental-archaeology-1851492724 >Dendra Panoply was fun…[View]
61975423new Algerian drones presented last week >First drone (Locally produced and upgraded ASN 209) >…[View]
61972667An AR in 5.56 is an extremely boring rifle.[View]
61973612Not guilty!!!: Friend was just found not guilty after the hardest year and a half of his life, after…[View]
61975527What would you do in this situation?[View]
61975592Kenya Police: This is supposed to be Kenyan police removing some protestors, but something about the…[View]
61968178Not enough officer stories.: Can we have some stories from officers? Any country is fine, I just cho…[View]
61975092is tying all your gear down in case something falls off a good idea or just a recipe to get caught o…[View]
61970550>Mmm Tiger...mmmm...Tiger, Tiger, Tiger[View]
61963931If your carry piece has a capacity that less than TWO digits you're NGMI.[View]
61964961How could the French have prevented themselves from being encircled at Điện Biên Phủ? Could Piroth m…[View]
61975781Was it really that bad of a plane?[View]
61976032Rapiersisters, our response?: >Peek discusses his capture, but it was when he was dragged into th…[View]
61975960Did the Portuguese invent flintlocks?: So in my quest to find anything about early primitive flintlo…[View]
61972413I want to see more stuff like this, show me more stuff like this[View]
61975875How do you land a job at CD&I/MCCDC?: Supposing that it is where interesting stuff happens and n…[View]
61967946/IFV/: Say something nice about the BTR-80. Also general APC and IFV thread.[View]
61965091Which missile is hardest to intercept[View]
61968647/hg/ - Handgun General #1303: Surplus handguns edition Guide:https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf Pa…[View]
61961426Still the best tank[View]
61962202Why did no one use chemical or bioweapons in WW2 (apart from Japan)?[View]
61974492Anyone with experience with those products? Bob is retiring in July and closing up shop. Looks like …[View]
61962812What difference could an extra 8 patriot batteries make in Ukraine?: Discuss the Patriot and it…[View]
61969666white would you do if a man comes at you and wants a duel with you at noon?[View]
61974715What has the best silhouette?: Was wanting to get a sick gun tattoo. Should I just use my own custom…[View]
61965543>the F-16 uses hydrazine for its EPU Was there really not anything else they could have used othe…[View]
61940422Desert camo patterns: Which one makes more sense?[View]
61959841What if Iran gets the SU-35 that were scheduled for Egypt refitted with Chinese PL-15? Will Israel b…[View]
61974973What the dog doing?[View]
61973104let me guess you need more?[View]
61974521Premier Putin calls you asks for your ideas to rework some of his vast stock of T-55 into something …[View]
61969195QRD on these bad boys?[View]

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