A proprietary magazine design makes no functional difference to buyers than a very popular magazine design in a gun, and that's a fact. The Average Joe will likely never wear out the mags that come with the gun, and if you're the Greater-than-Average Joe, the cost difference between the cheap and expensive magazines will not matter. Even if you buy 10 additional mags with your gun purchase, that's only a $300 difference between a $20 mag and a $50 mag, and if you're shooting enough to expect to break mags, that $300 will be meaningless in the overall cost of ammo. For all of us that aren't high level competitors, those 10 magazines will end up in your grandkids' collections. A mag is a mag, and no, you will never be in a situation where you will need to use the same magazines that any organized military/police force uses with your own personal gun.
It ain’t called the bill of needs cupcake
>>62892033Don't care building an AR9 with a punisher skull and glock mags. Eat my assT. CZ75, hi power, 1911, glock 17, glock 26, s&w 910, Springfield highschool dXDDDD and hellcat haver.
sure, but it's better if you get more utility out of less stuff.