Are there any adapters I could install into an AR-15 magwell to allow the lower to interface with an AR-9 upper? What do you anons think of the Stern Defense adapter? Do only specific AR-9 uppers work with it? Bonus if this AR-9 upper would also allow for full auto fire with a select-fire trigger pack.
>>62883096Now that I think about it, I bet the bolt carrier is the same, with only the bolt being different, but I might be wrong.
>>62883096No you have to buy a complete
>>62883096>Are there any adapters I could install into an AR-15 magwell to allow the lower to interface with an AR-9 upper?You literally posted one? Are you retarded?
Bump. What are the best adapters? There's also this one Kak adapter that accepts uzi mags.
>>62883096All I know about the one you posted is that a lot of people use it for the AUG T convert it to 9mm and it works well
>>62883096>Are there any adapters that> install into an AR-15 magwell > allow the lower to work with an AR-9 upper?Yes.Back in the day, when Colt first released the 6450 and 6430 9mm AR-15 rifles (fixed stock and telestock), the early models were made by taking a Colt-brand Colt AR-15 lower and installing pic rel into the lower. > it's a two-piece adapter> drill through the lower, mag blocks held in place by roll pins> works just fine.Hell, the Colt 635 9mm subgun was initially made the same way.During the Rifle and Magazine Ban ('94 - '04) lots of folks would buy the "pre-ban" 9mm lower and remove the mag blocks, converting them back to 5.56.If you look, you will find the mag blocks for sale from time to time.Fast forward a couple of years, and people started building one-piece mag blocks. Those come in two types: drop in from top, insert up through the mag well.t. oldfag
>>62884030>accepts uzi magsThe Colt 20- and 33-round mags were initially converted Uzi mags.> they're a bitch to load> and if you drop the mag just right, will spray rounds all over the placePic rel helps.