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/vr/ - Retro Games

Displaying 116 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
11056974Steam deck: What are some classic 4:3 PC games that I can easily play on my steam deck? I’ve already…[View]
11060054Epic was a 30 man company when they made Unreal Tournament 2004.[View]
11059329How did they do it?[View]
11057394What Was The Point?: Genuinely what was the point of these games? Who played them? Why did they play…[View]
11060602I'm getting to the end of Metroid Prime. After I beat it, will they show how many items I still…[View]
11056486So let me get this straight, the 'correct' way to play this game is to do a melon only run, and this…[View]
11056150Are there any other officially released dual-colored cartdrige?[View]
11058829ITT: Actually cool westernized covers[View]
11055763System Shock: I'm playing the remake. Discuss our queen and goddess, SHODAN.[View]
11060252Got the first seal from the lighthouse, now sailing around aimlessly. Is this how you're suppos…[View]
11057129thief thread[View]
11061363Chasm the Rift: What do you guys think of this game? I'm on level 7. Kind of jank, level design…[View]
11059964Remember me?[View]
11061084American McGee's Alice early build: Very odd individuals from an undisclosed website desperatel…[View]
11060443Why is my copy of Diddy Kong Racing yellowing and emitting a foul odor like sulfur? It's so unb…[View]
11059752Why didn't it get a home console release?[View]
11047497>letting pure greed fuck up something so cool Fuck Nintendo. I'll never forgive them.…[View]
11047863Bad at games: Anyone here bad at games How do I even learn to enjoy games when I'm so bad Like …[View]
11058808Maximo charging you money to save the game adds important weight to the currency. Between spending i…[View]
11057960June 30th, 1999: Croc 2 turns 25 years old today.[View]
11059148Why is Goddamn Shakira in my Rygar 2002 game for the PS2?[View]
11055805I want to play the OG FF7 on PC and got recommended these mods by a friend. I want to play mostly i…[View]
11055580Do you collect old school soundtracks?[View]
11059514Do the X games get any better? I like the setup and characters, but gameplay/level design-wise this …[View]
11056883No one talks about this game ever. ... Why?[View]
11059817i cant stop getting filtered by the 3rd boss. this is a lot harder than the first game.[View]
11025886Let's discuss Circle of the Moon: Level design is good but has some issues >Some rooms are a…[View]
11053987When Mario is powered up and gets hit, should he return to small Mario, or retain his Super form?[View]
11056514What the fuck were these games?[View]
11059440Mama Mia! That'sa lotta pepoles![View]
11060110The SEGA Infinity: Building on the success of the Dreamcast, Sega would have likely released a follo…[View]
11048439atari 2600 thread: Because it needs some more love. My favorite game is Frostbite, look at my highsc…[View]
11059927did any retro games ever have mancala?[View]
11057008You buy the same TV you had as a kid, have all the original hardware, etc, but if you do not sit on …[View]
11044496Wrestling Games: What were your favorite wrestling games, WWE or otherwise?[View]
11059893Abandonware Thread: What are you playing?[View]
11056881Banjo-Kazooie turns 26 years old today. Thoughts?[View]
11057165Whats the best version of spider man 2000? The PS1, N64, Dreamcast or PC version?[View]
11057474An unreleased 1993 JRPG for the Famicom. It was meant to be a sequel to the super-deformed platforme…[View]
11059696Galaxy Deka Gayvan[View]
11049165Dune Legacy: Recently came across this fan port of the Battle for Arrakis game. I dunno why I hadn…[View]
110596025-2 can kiss my dick: Game has been a total breeze up until this, fuck this level and fuck the boss …[View]
11054118AvP: When does it get good?[View]
11055216River City Ransom thread: why is this game so good?[View]
11055825>Minimal support from Capcom >Minimal support from Namco >Minimal support from Konami >M…[View]
11057275Shin Onigashima Translation: Been curious about this one for years given it's somewhat of a Nin…[View]
11051674What went so right?[View]
11051256Nina Williams, hottest Tekken girl.[View]
11055215Pretty meh game. Sure, the controls, look and general feel are a gigantic step towards Super Metroid…[View]
11054801I'll fuck you up with my yoyo.[View]
11058417Do you think it's possible for the Saturn version of Symphony of the Night to be better looking…[View]
11049847Never had played Banjo Kazooie before but I think it plays extremely well and is a pretty well balan…[View]
11055853I love this little nigger determination at run[View]
11054751Reminder that Nintendo Power referred to Bubsy as a character action game.[View]
11059216This game has everything going for it except it felt like driving on ice[View]
11048646I like this game. https://youtu.be/rt1wMbG43CU?si=dR5BdxI6LKv2ic2t[View]
11050748Since the CotM thread will poop, i wanna open discussion about how bad most GBA games because of nin…[View]
11057938How do I get good at shoot-em-ups? I really like this game but I get smoked (2-3CC) even on difficul…[View]
11051856Lord British: >Wizardry and Ultima lead to Dragon Quest being made for the NES and causing the JR…[View]
11056909You no take candle[View]
11058509Playstation Solutions Vol 1 issue 11: Soup /vr/, I was having a bit of a spring clean and in a box I…[View]
11051045After millions of threads claiming it's overrated, at which point does it turn underrated?[View]
11058898/vr/ Trailers: https://youtu.be/35xZDaGI8cY?si=9BMbRA5e999NtUEx[View]
11050943>It was intended as a Dreamcast game but ended up an Xbox game. Not even being snarky here but th…[View]
11054189Very cool game, it's a shame that it's so short. I feel that it could have really used a s…[View]
11054853/vr/ UEFA Euro games: In the summers you were going to have Olympic Games, you knew that in the week…[View]
11058692>I got some great bargains for ya today![View]
11057232Imagine Mileena's toilet if she won Mortal Kombat and literally ate her way through the competi…[View]
11045153CRT Shader: For windows is there anything that I can turn on that will just put a CRT effect over EV…[View]
11049059RE1 on GOG: Are these just the Sourcenext ports patched with Classic Rebirth, or are they worse than…[View]
11057826What's the target audience?[View]
11052191What's the best way to play them? Do they still hold up today?[View]
11055429Streets of Rage: What are the best versions of these games? And any tips on getting good? I tried on…[View]
11054881Does it qualify as 'retro'?[View]
11052951It's Christmas 2000. What are you buying?[View]
11057786When are we going to see clone consoles for disc based systems? We’ve had clones for NES SNES Genesi…[View]
11056815My favorite Paper Mario character, Twink[View]
11024450ITT:the absolute worst covers, renders, promo art, etc[View]
11049357What a weird, random games.[View]
11055134Was this the last good bomberman? I didn't enjoy the gamecube titles all that much.[View]
11056216picked up this chink cart for 15 canadian dollars and damn I am impressed.[View]
11054557Blood omen Legacy of kain: ok so i started playing this game. what i wana know is can you play throu…[View]
11049376What Star is the hardest to get in Super Mario 64 according to /vr/?[View]
11052418The Fun Machine[View]
11044102Was any game milked harder than Street Fighter II?: >SF2 >SF2:CE >SF2:Turbo >SF2:TNC …[View]
11056768So the treasure behind this door was...a dried mushroom. How very droll.[View]
11052050Post an album or song that goes perfectly with a game. For me, it's listening to Are You Shpong…[View]
11057114Here's your N64 RPG bro. Was Quest 64 as bad as it's reputation suggests or is it underrat…[View]
11055336>it's a Johnny Castaway bangs the mermaid episode[View]
11056676Cowboy Kid[View]
11045939Smash melee: Do you think this is the best smash? Explain why[View]
11056051I beat Alex Kid on the Genesis today. The ending is such a 'fuck you'. I hate the hitbox o…[View]
11052291THIS GAME IS FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE. I've been replaying the Tony Hawk games lately, having a great…[View]
11055590Who were the dolls for in Dracula's castle?[View]
11027410Did gamers really hate Wind Waker THAT much back then?[View]
11049540Classic Sonic games are overglorified pieces of shit: The tedious, slow momentum gimmick and the shi…[View]
11056939I need to go back.[View]
11053273Xbox modding: How much advanced has it been done? What did I even just type? How advanced has the mo…[View]
11057040He filters me[View]
11041246Why was he called Dark Cloud if he's Zelda and not Cloud Strife?[View]
11055412Post 8-bit simultaneous multiplayer games.: I'll start - Spy vs. Spy, a classic.[View]
11054883>the first Star Wars Game >still the best Star Wars game how did they get it so right on attem…[View]
11035660Game Center CX: >Season 28: Episode 5 (#381) 'Gun shooting' premieres on Thursday, July 11th. htt…[View]
11021190Battlestation thread[View]
11054708What the fuck is this thing?[View]
11053430what a shit remakes >worse music >delay when change direction >shit sound effect >for so…[View]
11051602>You can't block attacks because...BECAUSE YOU JUST CANT OKAY? >You can't attack the…[View]
11046227Resident Evil: Can we start up another Resident Evil thread? Still trucking through RE1 True Directo…[View]
11054247>people didn't have scanlines back in the day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVl9dAqkDnc…[View]
11051398This game is insanely underrated. One of the most polished 16-bit action games with hours of gamepla…[View]
11052465What are some games you would call nearly 'perfect'? They don't need to be your personal favori…[View]
11055261Anymore obscure Japanese games like this with really well done dark fantasy 2d spritework[View]
11053261Game Boy Advance American Idol[View]
11053246>port killer instinct 2 to n64 >call it killer instinct gold Why did they do this? It sounds l…[View]
11045569Thoughts on Akumajou Gargamel?[View]
11056037I like pretty much exclusively FF4-9. Very few other games: Should I get into D&D?[View]

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