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/vr/ - Retro Games

Displaying 122 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
11507278Not a perfectly executed game, slightly underbaked, but pure soul and creativity. This kind of innov…[View]
11522981You DID beat the champion and got the true ending. Right, /vr/?[View]
11523983It's better with 4 or 5 animal types?[View]
11518920>Solves your old game incompatibility problems No need to thank me[View]
11517669This game is such a huge step back from 3 in terms of world design and atmosphere. Everything is pac…[View]
11522274This is something like the 3rd or 4th time I decide >Okay, THIS time I'll play through the …[View]
11520673Breath of fire 3: This game is sad as hell. It has so much soul.[View]
11517020What does the C stand for?[View]
11519707Am I the only one that prefers Sonic 1 & CD to 2 & 3?[View]
11523152lesser known portable rpgs: pic related has been getting quite a bit of attention lately - many hour…[View]
11512137Capcom vs SNK Collection: The best fighter ever needed is getting new life on the switch Xbox,PS4 yo…[View]
11517553I do not care for Doom[View]
11493695/ibero/: What was it like to grow up playing retro vidya during the '80s, '90s, and early …[View]
11517125Classic-era CN video games: What are some good games based on classic-era (pre-2 Stupid Dogs) Cartoo…[View]
11520517Is Donkey Kong a 《cool》 Nintendo character?[View]
1151969610/10 Titlescreens[View]
11504102Rarely made a bad game.[View]
11520050This is basically MGS but good.[View]
11519525This was the last time when Japanese graphics were considered high quality.[View]
11519905Anyone here have any experience with the Forever Pak 64? I've had an OEM for a long while now b…[View]
11497489PS2 modding and homebrew: Due to some recent developments in the PS2 loading scene it is worth consi…[View]
11518887Okay, I swear to God this isn't another 'durr would THIS have saved Sega???' thread, but let me…[View]
11514074What's your favorite Langrisser game?[View]
11520674Did gamers appreciate the visuals of early Unreal engine games at the time of their release, or did …[View]
11521751is so fucking unfair that we got the first beyblade tournament game that is unfinished, only has 1 s…[View]
11523045Are you looking forward to the remake? it was groundbreaking for the time, but these days it has lot…[View]
11522871What are the best games for 4 players?[View]
11520416>I'm bored >I load up afterburner 2 >My whole life comes together…[View]
11523010castlevania 64: Is this game really bad (or i got brainwashed by AVGN) ?[View]
11521996silent hill 2 is pretty good![View]
11516737>europeans couldn't even access 30% of the game because of a bug[View]
11522756Anyone know where I can can buy new shelving for jewel case games like PC Engine and Sega CD? Or a s…[View]
11522559Ati's peak: the radeon 9700 Nvidia's peak: the 8800 gtx 'Nuff said.[View]
11522574>mogs Streets of Rage[View]
11516075Samurai Shodown: Which game do people play online these days? I want to git gud, but don't know…[View]
11517226What's the best party to start with with no duplicate members?[View]
11512495What was the best retro wrestling game ?[View]
11500216Is it fair to day that even though Sonic has Japanese roots, basically everything people know and lo…[View]
11521609If the Marrymore theme from Mario RPG doesn't pop into your head on at least a weekly basis, yo…[View]
11521903Sonic Advance 2 has a PC port that implements widescreen. Now the game is very playable and quite fu…[View]
11520840How do I switch the text to english?[View]
11516576YOU GET: >RGB monitors and SCART cables for all your gaming systems YOU LOSE: >playing games a…[View]
11522672We need /vr/ webms with sound[View]
11519158Anons who pretend to speak Japanese, can you tell me what the name Chamoro (チャモロ) is meant to mean? …[View]
11515724Goemon Recomp: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IAuuv0JY8GVDwDxhJflhCDhBLuhgPs5B/view…[View]
11518361New release for the Princess Crown translation V0.8 https://github.com/eadmaster/pcrown/blob/master/…[View]
11521016Greatest online console shooter. Did you play it?[View]
11520005Aside from how to do it and modding and all that, what should I know before burning games and playin…[View]
11511754Half Life 2 and PCs: I love the retro aesthetic in HL2. The retro PC everywhere are beautiful especi…[View]
11519687Where do I go to follow fan translations now? Some autistic moderator nonsense happened to Romhackin…[View]
11500708ITT: games that are crap but have great music/soundtracks. The game that comes to my mind is the Shi…[View]
11522130>Namco puts Galaga into Tekken >Midway puts Galaga into Mortal Kombat 3 Did Midway pay tribute…[View]
11519065Are we now in the age where what is old is new again? Seems like old games get talked about quite a …[View]
11520004I mean the voice actors didn't sound 3rd world like megaman 8. Why did he do it?[View]
11519995Is TGM 2 the pinnacle of Tetris?[View]
11520060Final Fantasy 6: overrated as hell[View]
11521430>Scams Nintendo![View]
11517187remember this classic /vr/ scam[View]
11519135Got my shit pushed in by level 2. Any tips?[View]
11517875this shit slaps so damn hard[View]
11514723Surreal retro vidya thread? RIP David Lynch[View]
11511795Lunar Landers: I love this style of gravity based physics game, and Lunar Lander is incredible for 1…[View]
11518338Which classic belt scroller IP suffered worse mismanagement?[View]
11515180So what's the differences between the UltraHdmi, hispeedido and PixelFX[View]
11500175was he a good king?[View]
11520930snes video cable: i couldn't find my video cable to my snes so i made one out of random shit i …[View]
11518570How many times would you be forced to upgrade your PC in the retro era to keep up with new releases?…[View]
11514420WTF was Nintendo thinking?[View]
11495625/vr/ comfy FPS thread: Holy shit this game has s o v l off the charts[View]
11515610Ok so what are the essential arcade style games on this thing? At the moment it's a Super Mario…[View]
11513894CD consoles: >biggest SNES game is 6MB in size >CD games hold 650MB are there any CD games whi…[View]
11517227I'm looking into playing an old Final Fantasy on emulator. I've got: FF III on DS FF IV on…[View]
11517843This guy is fucking crazy.[View]
11517786Simultaneously the best and worse Metroid Prime game.[View]
11501421If you could only have 1 retro console and 5 games for it, what would you choose?[View]
11517894Half-Life 2 Multiplayer: I remember playing it in 2004 and recently did give it a shit there are peo…[View]
11515164Rayman 1: I reached Space Mama's Crater, from what I've seen in regards to this game'…[View]
11520001It was thirty years ago when one of these showed up in the mailbox. It was a small pouch that simply…[View]
11515434For you, what SNES game is a masterpiece and why?: it could be a revolutionary concept, mechanic, no…[View]
11515771Early Bethesda games are... fascinating Post pre-Todd Howard slop[View]
11507821Ghouls 'n Ghosts 'n Goblins: Can we get a comfy Makaimura thread going?[View]
11511903Is there a game from the Windows 98 or XP era that you could not get to run on modern hardware no ma…[View]
11506457What the fuck am i playing?[View]
11508454Why is this so fucking fucking hard?: WTF![View]
11517902Have you played this?[View]
11516485Were the early LCD monitor and TVs awful for retro gaming? How long, in your opinion, did it take fo…[View]
11516325Did anyone here play Spooky Castle?[View]
11516943Has anyone attempted to bleach a yellowed console by leaving it out in the sun? How did it work out?[View]
11489896SRB2 Thread (it's retro, game from 90s): I'm making a modpack where the game is actually f…[View]
11502132Describe Phantasy Star Online gameplay[View]
11518704only played on consoles, never computers.: as a console gamer, when did you realize you missed out o…[View]
115120296th gen console menus: Xboc: y2k futurism Kiddycube: sparks a sense of of unsettling emptiness Psx-2…[View]
11518402What are the best pick-up-and-play arcade-style games for PC Engine? I'm talking single screen …[View]
11515395Is it worth a playthrough?[View]
11514850Wtf this is probably the best co-op shooter on console[View]
11511241>Virtua Fighter was seen as popular and better the SF in japan Why? Its just proto Tekken/DoA, th…[View]
11518658Tekken lore: I've never played many fighting games, but I really like the graphics of some of t…[View]
11511645Why weren't fighting games bigger on the Nintendo 64?[View]
11516303I have a newfound appreciation for this game after playing Checkered Flag and Club Drive for Jaguar.…[View]
11509565BLOW YOUR MIND: DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>11498124 Doom/Quake/Duke/Heret…[View]
11518550Building re:3/re:VC with Xbox assets.: When the sourceport first came out, I remember being able to …[View]
11517750I was watching a movie called Evil Dead Trap 2 from 1992 and at 5 minutes the character walks past a…[View]
11518498where did you get your library from? im staring at the gargantuan task of trying to build a semi-com…[View]
11516573Moggs every 5th generation fighting game![View]
11516408How much of this game's setting now looks antiquated in the modern Internet?[View]
11518159I recently picked up 5 NES games from a church for $10 that they found when they were cleaning out a…[View]
11488319Retro Advertisment: Everything about Advertisments or other related print stuff.[View]
11516364Has anyone here made an attempt to emulate the CD-I, or actually own one? And did you get any enjoym…[View]
11518369Why did Nintendo go the direction it did after making the legendary Famicom and Gameboy? Why make th…[View]
11515765Had no idea games were just as expensive 20 years ago for even more primitive gameplay[View]
11513874This isnt a good game. There I said it.[View]
11516080RTS games on consoles: Which console RTS was the best?[View]
11516172Hot Takes: 3D fighters are slow moving and janky Mario is boring[View]
11506515do you think there's a subset of Sonic fans who herald this as the TRUE 3D Sonic experience[View]
1151016380s kids had to learn how to program in order to play video games[View]
11499754Post weird /vr/ ports[View]
11512865Post some callbacks in /vr/ games. I'm a sucker for this shit.[View]
11510637If only it was a GameCube launch title[View]
11511687gen 5 was the BEST: admit it, this was the peak of all gaming, and the peak of SOULful experiences. …[View]

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