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Sega Dreamcast thread!
>stock image
>nothing in the opening post
I concur. Nah.
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I really want to play pic related at some point. >>11496495 is also pretty good imo

Don't post then
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Here's my entire collection of Dreamcast games. I just wish I had Power Stone 1, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3, Cannon Spike and some other Dreamcast games. But I think I did pretty good with what I was able to obtain. I wasn't some CD-R faggot. If I wanted to go the route of piracy, I definitely would install a GDEMU at some point with a separate Dreamcast. CD-R are for poorfags.
Nice! You got some good stuff in there. RE2 and 3 aren't that hard to find, but I'd definitely say just save up and get a GDEmu. I have one and absolutely love it. If you're a collector though and really want physical then that's your call, but GDEmu is really convenient.

I have my DC at my parent's place since I moved, but will hopefully go and collect it with my other consoles next month. I really want to sit down and play some games on it again. I might finally get around to Soul Reaver.
Awesome. I own multiple consoles as well, I got quite the collection for them too. I just love the Dreamcast library of games, something about them made me love gaming much more than other consoles.
It came at a nice time for sure, I think the fact it has a small collection of games and had a short life-span makes it resonate a bit differently.
How do you like MSR vs the PGR games btw? I remember quite enjoying the little of MSR that I played.
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You are playing online, right?
Nice setup, looks comfy AF. Especially with the snow outside.
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Thanks, Sega Online community is playing Daytona tomorrow. Should be a good time. Never to late to join us!
I would if I could. Give the cat a boop for me.
Aye aye captain o7
I like both games, but I'd have to give the edge to MSR simply because of nostalgia. I remember playing the demo on my Dreamcast and it made me want to buy MSR for real. That had this one track I couldn't get out of my head.

I want to to take mine online but not only would I have to track down a network adapter, I would have to find a solution to my starlink modem not having ethernet
I'm using included modem with a dreampi. I've had no issues with latency or anything. Most these games were made with 56k in mind and it's been great. Dreampi works on wifi too. Just have to be able to dmz the dreamcast with your access point
Dreampi is a hilarious name. It looks like a pain to put together but I'll look into it some more
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Eh, if you have the patience to deal with 4chan, you can put together a dreampi. Tons of guides online and you can buy a whole kit ready to roll. Good luck. If not, dreamcast still fucks as an arcade at home solution. Been my favorite system since I got it in 2000. What you play when you boot it up?
Crazy taxi and jet grind radio are always fun. Having grown up with the n64, getting to play the dc versions of gauntlet legends and sarges heroes has been great. I got shenmue at a flea market over ten years ago but it crashes when you leave the house at the beginning so I haven't experienced much of it.
If I were to get it online pso would be a big one. I've played it on pc but dreamcast on a crt would be too comfy.
How’s that Evil Dead game? I’ve been in n the mood to play some of the ones that are out and since I’ve been collecting for my Dreamcast again I might as well try that one
It's an okay game. Not my favorite, could have been better. But if you like Classic Resident Evil style games, then I think you'll enjoy it. Try it for yourself.
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Sega Marine Fishing on the Dreamcast with the fishing rod controller is one of my favorites
Imagine it got 2 more years of support what it's library would have been like

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Finally played pic-related after being curious about it for years. Did 1 run of the arcade mode and thought it was really damn fun. Hoping to get a 4 player session going with some friends eventually
one of my favorite games on the system
eBay removed my listing for a GDEMU'd DC, even though I only put in the GDEMU because I didn't want it to be USELESS with a broken disc drive and would rather see it go back into use.

Now what the fuck am I supposed to do.
Why did they remove it? Did you say there wss a gdemu in it?
I will admit my wording was probably TOO evident as to what I was selling.

Like I used the word "modified" but in the sense that "I removed a non-working component and modified the console with something that lets it work again", not "modded to play pirated games" (although that's incidentally true, not necessarily intentionally).
This game fucks
Oh I've not actually played this before, but heard it was fun.
Might make a point to try this next time with some friends.
I guess Sega doesn’t want to release the mini

Anything I should know when buying a CIB from Japan? Which models should I avoid if I want to put a GDEMU?
I didn't know they could do that, there's nothing illegal about having a GDEmu in a Dreamcast for playing 'backups'.
That's kind of shitty, can you try re-listing and use different wording? If not you can try FB Markeplace, just be prepared to deal with the dumbest questions imaginable there.
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Record of Lodoss War: Advent of Cardice (Kardis) was a true hidden gem.
Immersive and addicting even if you weren't a big fan of the manga/OVA.
It's ok. I wish the combat had a bit more depth. The characters are all the identical in the end aren't they? Only difference is what weapons you start the match with?

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