I gave up at the final boss because I was just tired of playing this. are the sequels any better?
>>11508490 Had the same experience actually, I have no idea how are you supposed to beat him while dealing with pratically unavoidable damage; Sequels don't have bosses on that level of bullshit again so you're good to go.
The (first) Game Boy is pretty much perfect in my opinion.
>>11508561What? Just spin. This game is easy as fuck.
Bonk's Revenge is a huge step up over the first one, haven't tried any of the later ones yet though
>>11508490final boss isn't bad, just battle of attritionyou should have lots of lives stocked up by the final boss>>11508490>are the sequels any better?if i had to rate all the bonk games i've played>bonk 1 - 8.5/10>bonk 2 - 9.5/10>bonk 3 - 6/10 (bump it to a 7 for co-op, bump it to an 8 if you fuck around in the debug menu and change bonk's run speed and jump height)>air zonk - 10/10 (coryoon is the spiritual prequel and thats a 9/10)>super air zonk - 5/10 (absolutely godawful soundtrack)>super bonk - 7/10>super bonk 2 - 8/10 (this is what bonk 3 should have been, has some similarities to bonk 2 in level design and brings back mini bosses)>bonk 1 GB - 7/10>bonk 2 GB - 4/10>bonk remake gamecube - 9/10 (much more fluid gameplay, new stage added)>bonk arcade - 2/10 (honestly plays like shit, but graphics are great)
>>11508490Git gud
>>11508490not really, but there wasn't a lot of choice on the Pathetic Cope Engine
>>11508490>>11508561I beat this shit when I was like 9 years oldstop being bad
>>11508490Bonk is based
>>11508490Bonk's Revenge is a top 5 platscot. The other two are not so great.