2D fighters have so much more soul, play so much more faster, and are so much better than 3D slop.
>>11509514I used to think the same and largely ignore and dismiss 3D fighters until I got bored with the FGC scene and playing the same top tier 2D fighters over and over again, which all play essentially the same, while the lesser known 2D fighters are just their janky clones with the same shotokan archetype characters.I am fascinated with the early 3D tech and attempts at more realistic gameplay where it's not just one box interacting with another on a flat plane with animated sprites drawn on top, but actual character limbs interact with another character limbs while ther hitboxes move in 3D space. The amount of soul, brain and effort put into all this is astonishing. It's no wonder why there were so few 3D fighters made overall compared to 2D fighters.
>>11509540>ahhh yes, this slow ass janky game is so complex because its slow and jankey call cause i can move in an extra plane and move twice as slow
>>11509545Which slow and janky game are you talking about, anon?
>>11509514>pic unrelated
>>11509514>>11509540I like both but SNK fighters attract way too many autistic faggots like OP
>>11509609>I like both but SNK fighters attract way too many autistic faggots like OP
>>11509612You forgot to erase your username from the 3x3 thread...
>Slop posting This thread is instantly trash
>engaging in serious conversation with people who keep plastering slop, jank and aged in their arguments
>>11509540Kind of agree here. I used to love 2D until I realized how much overlap there was between fighters. To an extent, every 2D fighter is a SF2 "clone". I exaggerate of course, but notice how many fighters have same mechanics like projectiles, DPs, crossups, cancels, stuff like that.They really hold SF2 like some sacred cow and Bible of fighters. It's remarkable how some 30 years after it came out 2D fighters still use it as blueprint. All I'm saying is I got tired of playing the same shit for 30 years.
I like 2D fighting games more than 3D fighting games but I think I've always been better at the 3D stuff.
>>11509514>and are so much better than 3D slop.UHHHHH?