There will always be people asking to much money for sets but funny thing is they are selling now because the inventory is so low. I've seen maybe 4 decent sets in my area in the last 3 months and they were all overpriced and they sold relatively quickly. How am I supposed to navigate this?
>burbankthere's some gay faggot there that sells them professionally to movie studios. You're a little fucked if you live in California in general since it's basically millennial nerd city
>>11503305>How am I supposed to navigate this?You don't.
Bubble gon' pop
I have that same model of CRTsome dude was trying to sell it for $500 for months, finally got sick of it and changed the price to $20 to get rid of it, and I picked it up within a day
>>11503395That's funny. I sold the same model for $500. I posted it for $20 but had so many offers I let them bid it up.
>>11503349No it won't. As the supply keeps decreasing prices for vintage items and antiques always goes up.
>>11503626Until they reach the point when the primary collectors get too old to care (or die off). Which obviously is a long way off. At this point, a number of the higher end sets are being sold by users/collectors who "know what they have" and/or are selling to fund some other purchase, which has also ballooned in price. Basically, there's fewer and fewer people who just want a CRT gone, especially higher end models. They're still out there (my mother bought a house out of state, and when I went to visit, I saw some rather large CRT TV tucked away in an alcove, left by a previous owner), you just have to be more patient than you did even just 5 years ago.
>>11503652The supply is decreasing much faster than the demand is since new demand still comes from kids getting into retro. But never new supply. If you actually think prices will go down you are retarded.
>>11503660As I said, prices going down is a long way off, and will probably coincide with the end of a lot of our lives. CRTs have the added value holder of being usable products, as opposed to merely decorative or collector items.
>>11503667By the end of our lives prices are likely to go up since most of the CRTs working now will break down. Look at antique radio prices for example.
I am at crt saturation. Unless its a good set, I really need to force myself to go pick up anything heavier then a kitchen counter set. There is a house a minute walk from me that has a no-name brand one sitting on their front porch for a year, and i cant even must up much will power to go ask if they want to toss it, or swipe it in the middle of the night(which i have done multiple times).My local thrift store still sells sets for like a dollar. I do kinda feel bad i didn't pick up a big, living room Magnavox console set they had for months for 1.99. Hopefully it didn't get tossed, i just didn't have a vehicle available to move it.(and i already have two)
>>11503305go to your local recycle center. it is likely illegal to take them if you live in the states but if you do it anyway, people usually don't care. I've been "banned" from my local recycle center 4 times. I've given a different fake name each time and I just keep coming back. No one really gives a shit. Just take 1 or 2, see if you like them, and return the ones you don't.found pic rel on a recent haul in a fairly rural area for $0 you just have to be willing to technically steal
>>11504349How does this even work (haven't ever been to a recycling center, just a dump)? Do you just get to roam unsupervised amongst the trash there too, and walk out with some good shit?
>>11504349This>>11504380I'm Aussie and I just ask them and they let me take whatever I want. Ive gotten 80s trinitrons for free and flipped then for hundreds on eBay. If you're really worried about the outcome of asking then bring a six pack of cold beer.
>>11504390Based ausbro. I don't know how it is over there though, but in the US the recycling centers have cameras all over the place. I'd like to think you could probably stick some shit in your car and nobody would give a fuck, and they probably wouldn't 90% of the time, but if somebody cares to notice and follow up with the police then I can only imagine this is a petty theft charge at absolute best, possibly much worse.
I saw a 720p CRT for $50 over in Orlando.But I live in Melbourne so I wasn't going to bother with that.
>>11504380it's got a part where you drive through and there's different bins for recyclables and by the exit there's a spot for electronics and I just park my car, keep it running, put a couple crts in there and drive away. it's really only 1 guy who gives a shit but he doesn't have any real power so it doesn't matter. I think they just said I'm banned as a formality
>>11503305That particular D-Series isn't even that good, RCA manufactured the tube. $500 is too much for any D-Series actually. Maybe don't go for TVs with component hookups, it's overrated anyway. Stick with chadposite.
>>11504567Soul-Video is perfectly fine as well and basically indistinguishable from RGB/YPbPr
>>11504567RCA/Thomson made great tubes, the problem was JVC doing heavy cost-cutting on their circuitry leading to all of the issues D-Series usually have
>>11504567kek cope. I got a dozen component sets for free. why would I use composhit
>Burbanklol there are still warehouses full of vintage professional a/v equipment all around that city.
>>11503305I got a jvc d serers with the monitor tube and these things are amazing. I like my retrotink, but a proper crt is something else
>>11505192Nice. I wish I lived somewhere I could unload my TVs onto retards for $100 each.
>>11505194LA is weird because there are still consumer tvs on the curb pretty often and thrift stores refuse to take them but people will also still pay hundreds of dollars for them. Similarly there are tons of professional monitors that could be had easily and cheap but people will pay thousands of dollars for them seemingly because they are too scared to make a phone call.
>>11505208I have a few thousands CRTs hoarded but probably will have to junk them when I move one day. They are pretty unsellable in the southeast. I've had a generic listing for $10 each trying to unload them and even have sought after brands but no one wants them.
>>11505213Where in the south east?
>>11504567The mitsubisbi tube one I have is amazing. jvc did cut corners so there is some minor tilting but its a super sharp curved component tv. Its hard to complain.
>>11503305There's still way more sets being thrown away than being sold. I live in a town with 2400 people 2 hours away from nearest major city. My local electronics recycler has 8 metal crates the size of shipping containers filled with CRTs, including Trinitrons and widescreen varients.
thanks but I'll just use a filter
>>11505427>saying "filter" instead of shaderBait or third world, stop false flagging my perfectly usable 2025 shaders
>>11503305Supply and Demand.Don't know why you stupid mother fuckers can never get this simple idea through your thick mother fucking skulls.
>>11505208Who do you call to get PVMs cheap? I'll make a call.
>>11503305>people seriously got memed into thinking a whining piece of obsolete tech is a must-have worth spending hundreds of dollars onlmao
>>11503305Buy an entry level scaler for this cost and just be done with it. This isn't the day of Framemeister, even cheap solutions are essentially lag less.
>>11503305Good job retards. Same as the im gonna coooooooooolect morons paying tens of thousands for a single NES game who hoard everything and need 10 copies of every version for their coooooooolection they never use or play.
>>11504349Give me your drugs, television faggot
>>11508126crts are my drug of choice. I have 15 right now and looking to get more. I also host Melee tournaments so I actually use them for more than just decoration
>>11508458Give me your fucking pills, in the mail, for free. Right now
>>11505219He's lying
>>11509491You just want to sell overpriced shit to zoomer. I see dozens of free CRT listings right now
>>11503305>>11505176>>11505192>>11505195Feels like these are trying to scam production companies needing an old TV prop than gullible retro gamers.
What is the best modern TV for minimal input lag (LCD, LED, etc.) and what is considered a good response time?
>>11510738LG's C2/C3/C4 etc OLED line is the usual go-to for minimal latency. Sony and Samsung OLEDs come close but their video processors add a few ms more lag.
>>11510828What about standard LED? is OLED much better?
>>11510738>input lagits a meme.