what are your favorite ps1 jrpgs? Im currently getting into emulation and want to try the ones I missed out on. what made this era of the genre so magical, boys? every game Ive played in the genre/era has been at least 7/10 at worst, and many of them are top tier. I will fist fight anyone that says gen 4 had better jrpgs and will murder anyone who thinks gen 6 had good ones outside a few classics.my list so far:FFVII (10/10)FFVIII (10/10)FFIX (8/10)FF Tactics (not a big fan of srpgs desu)Parasite Eve (9/10)Vagrant Story (10/10)Legend of Dragoon (8/10)Suikoden (9/10)Suikoden II (8/10)Threads of Fate (10/10)Tales of Eternia (9/10)Chrono Cross (8/10)Breath of Fire IV (8/10)Star Ocean 2 (10/10)Valkyrie Profile (8/10)Dragon Quest VII (7/10)Koudelka (7/10)I think ffvii, star ocean 2 and vagrant story are probably my favorite games ever. whats the best one I havent tried yet?
>>11509440>what made this era of the genre so magicalNostalgia or posturing will always play a part, but I do think there's objective factors at play. The technologically transitional period resulted in less "tried and true" templates for JRPGs (specially in terms of visuals) and made it possible for them to move away from the uniformity that had defined the previous generation (and which would eventually encroach again during the following years), resulting in an expanded potential for memorable entries in the genre.
>>11509539>Nostalgia or posturing will always play a partPartially true, but there's also a level of creativity that just doesn't exist now.
>>11509440Persona 1 is comfy. The old two-scenarios design Atlus had with two short campaigns was great.Persona 2 and 2-2 are not comfy. A lot of late PSX JRPGs were getting into the strategy guide bloatmaxxing that would make the PS2 generation so vile for RPGs.
>>11509595They didn't make any original SMT games for PS1 and they didn't even port the SNES games to it until it was a dead system in like 2002
>>11509440I want to check out Star Ocean 2 someday, is playing 1 essential to playing 2 or no?
>>11509440>FFVII (10/10)stopped reading therekys redditor
>>11509617not at all essential. basically one of the main characters of 2 is the son of a character in 1, and they have some interactions, but you dont need to play 1 at all to understand it. Id reccomend starting with 2 as its the best in the series, then playing 1 and 3 if you like it. oh and this is important: AVOID the demakes for 1 and 2 and just emulate the original, I implore you. the recent so2 remake is a downgrade but its still playable, but you HAVE to play star ocean 1 on SNES, source: trust me broif youve never played star ocean Id describe them as "Tales of" games but with sci fi and in my opinion more fun and interesting, especiallyyyyy 2.
>>11509631FFVII was considered a GOAT title long before reddit even existed you retarded fucking zoom.
>>11509628>>11509639Cool i'll check it out soon then
>>11509440They had 16 bit design sensibilities with early 3d art. It's an easy to digest system. Modern rpgs are too complicated.
>>11509639sex with celine
>>11509539Imagine later that night, Lilly lying back on Justin's bed with her legs spread giving him his going away present and making his younger siblings.
Legend of Legaia and Wild Arms 1 and 2.
>>11509659FF7 kind of split the era, you can see the short SNEScore JRPGs like Suikoden and Persona at the start and by the end they're 100 hour long autist nightmares.
>>11509601It's a dead system now. Get the translation
>>11510219>100 hour longI want 20 hour long JRPGs. I would rather play 5 of those than one 100 hour long JRPG. Twenty hours is the length of 10-15 movies which is already pretty long.
>>11510268Atlus used to do a thing where they had games branch out into two scenarios near the beginning, usually the main story scenario then a higher difficulty expert scenario. Each one would be 10-20 hours. If you're sick of the core mechanics by the end I guess it's no different than one longer game, but it's a way to do shorter experiences without people feeling like they didn't get value for the money.
Vandal Hearts is nice fun
>>11509631redditors love your favorite game
>>11510268>I want 20 hour long JRPGsjust use a guide then and engage with the world in no way.
>>11510323>just use a guideI can beat JRPGs without guides no problem. I have completely mastered the art of pressing the A button until all the ememies are dead!I press A while standing in front of all the villagers until their dialogue is exhausted.
>>11510343I didnt say you needed a guide im saying use a guide so your precious time isnt wasted playing a video game.
I'm playing Breath of Fire 3 right now and I'm rapidly starting to lose interest in continuing. I'm still in the early game (Just reached the Tower in eastern Wyndia). I just don't find the story engaging and the gameplay is kinda of boring. Is IV any better?
>>11510379havent played 3 but 4 is mega kino. possibly the best sprite work Ive ever seen. whole thing is oozing with sovl. if you dont like it you probably just dont like jrpgs.
>>11510357My time is worthless. What does that have to do with me preferring 20 hour games over 100 hour ones?
>FFVII 9/10>FFVIII 10/10>FFIX 9/10 (for nostalgia/art direction only, the gameplay and story itself are 6/10)>FF tactics 8/10>Vagrant Story 9/10>LOD 8/10>Suikoden 10/10>Suikoden II 9/10>Dew Prism 7/10>Tales of Phantasia 9/10>Tales of Destiny 7/10>Tales of Eternia 7/10>Chrono Cross 8/10>BOF IV 8/10 (for art direction mostly)>Guardian's Crusade 8/10>Xenogears 10/10>Grandia 9/10>Wild Arms 8/10>Arc the Lad 8/10has anyone played Shadow Madness?
>>11513917>Based FFVIII and Suikoden 1 enjoyerglad Im not the only person who thinks suik1 is better. I started xenogears up recently, first time and Im really hoping it lives up to the hype.Ive screeched about it in this thread enough already but you should really play star ocean 2. and valkyrie profile. and parasite eve.
>>11513953yep I fucking love suikoden 1, something about it clicked moreso than suikoden 2. There's something pure and beautiful about it, enjoyed it from start to finish whereas suikoden 2 I get slightly bored near the end. FFVIII was the game of my childhood, played it with one of my best friends who was a jock and I was a nerd. I know the story doesn't really hold up but I can't take away from those themes, motifs and memories.I just beat the first Star Ocean for the SNES, it was ok so not sure about the second one. Valkyrie Profile and PE are on my list
>>11513917>has anyone played Shadow Madness?swashbuckling ff7 huffing duster or glue
>>11513967the first game is pretty underwhelming but 2 is a huge leap forward. its like the difference between FFIV and FFVII or VIII.personally I think the story in VIII holds up great. the ending is such a great twist, no other game in the series has shocked me like that.