How is Iran getting stuff to the Houthis? Are we talking camel caravans through the Arabian Peninsula and the Saudis can't stop them? They look awfully isolated to have a steady flow of missiles and drones.
>>62880638I ran
>>62880638Boats mostly, of all sizes, from shipping containers labelled as heavy machine parts to the bottom of fishing boats. Guaranteed the CIA knows which companies are embroiled in it and for how much. The problem being that to airstrike them would cause such a political shitstorm leaving them alone is the more sensible approach.
>>62880673No need to airstrike them, just put up a blockage up around Yemen.
>>62880638based bald bull enjoyer
>>62880682Now you're blockading all shipping to Yemen, which relies on shipping for 70-80% of itms food. There's no good options
>>62880708Well it's either Yemen's shipping or everyone else's.
>>62880682Thar takes much a much larger amount of man power and more political capital, responding to someone attempting to "blockade" with a blockade is harder to justify than simply preventing attacks on random ships
>>62880682This has been tried for TEN YEARS. It's going on RIGHT NOW.Or is this one of those "just two more years" things, huh?
>>62880673> heavy machine partsthat's the red flag, why would a shithole need heavy machine parts?>>62880708Only let food from reliable players in. No idea why they let russia to ship missiles masqueraded as food. You want to ship food to people in need? Israel will happily receive your shipping and ship some vetted kosher food to Houthis in return.