This subject is not discussed so often here. Is this very board some infowar battlefield ? Meaning ukie/russkie spamming looks like it.>inb4 glowieYeah, so what ?>inb4 fuk yur muddaMy father's job I believe.
>>62888500>subject is not discussed so often hereBecause we're all glowies or bots here.
All I can say is that Pidorstanian bots and useful idiots are everywhere. Youtube comments, news sites, 4chin etc. The West® has lost the information war because nobody takes it seriously.And Kremlin Manlet has put a LOT effort into it since 2008. He was so mad that media didn't support his georgian invasion, but he got all fronts covered this time.
>>62888500>Anon (likely an immigrant from /pol/) comes to /k/, a board that prefers high quality OPs (by 4chan standards, that is)>He makes an exceptionally low effort meta thread not about weapons>He types it out like he's either drunk or ESL>In a few hours at the most his terrible, off topic thread will be removed>He will use this as evidence that 4chan mods are biased against his specific position, and he'll endlessly complain about it in /k/ threads and on /pol/
>>62888500OP needs to take some meds or failing that an hero lmao
>>62888639>military board>somehow consider intel and coms unfitShiggydiggy.
>>62888500You'll have a handful of responses at best the American manichean divide and conquer election bullshit neutered /k month ago>>62888609Don't forget that muskrat heavily panders to the same themes the vatniks use.Platforms like 9gags are an excellent exemple of the collusion between vatnik lobotomy, "muh based" schizo rightoïds and "multipolar" pajeet/African t posturing as whyte edgy bois from their scamcenters... Oh I almost forgot LLMs posting their flawed reasoning to sub 80 iq masses that never studied Aristotle logic, because, alas, logic is incompatible with being an impulsive and entitled consumerist ape.Tl,drWe 1984/brave new world/do android dreams of electric sheep our internet like the chink did with weibo a decade ago and everyone is craving for more.
waooo scary word cloud
>>62888500>Is this very board some infowar battlefield ?Of fucking course, half board is shitposting paid shills.
>>62889023Muskfuck is definitely trying to manipulate the status quo (that benefits him) with X. That site is such a dogshit botfest its not even worth reading anymore, though it hasn't been worth reading for a long time. Him bitching about population decline is a perfect example, he's terrified of losing cheap labor to exploit, as well as dumb and easily manipulated consumers.
>>62889023>>62889561US military digital psyops aren't fully tied to muskoid activities I hope.
>>62888500Post good intel books:>Short Course on Secret War>Psychology of Intelligence Analysis>Countercoup>The Search for the Manchurian Candidate
>>62892171This one
>>62892875Captcha ate my pic and can suck my dick hard cause bots and Pajeestanis are more efficient than my sorry ass, here's the book