Why don't blacks ever loot book stores?
>>80066679Who would want to ransack a book store? lol
I've already told you, for the same reason you never loot a book store as well.
>>80066707spbp. OP is a fag.
>>80066693I was going to say me, but knowing the absolute state of modern literature it's not even worth it.
get it because niggers are DUMBnever heard that zinger before
>>80066679they think of themselves as oppressed minorities i think of them as patriots
>>80066679You can't resell books for a high price
>>80066679Because there's nothing of significant monetary value in a book store. Nobody in a black's "hood" would want to buy a book either.
>>80066679Obviously books ain't got nuffin to do wit why*e supremacy you racist!
>>80066679I need to ransack the latest editions of textbooks and resell them.
>>80066679Nigga you know exactly why
>>80066679Books are fucking cheap dude. If you wanna buy a book you can just buy a book.
>>80067734my Jojo's Bizzare Adventure volumes which are hardshell special editions were about 20 dollars each, that's a lot of money if you take into consideration there are more than 30 volumes
>>80066679Because they're ignorant niggas, but if they knew how much some of those books go for, they might reconsider. Seriously, some books are worth hundreds. Just a couple could be $1000.
fuck yall cracka asz books nigguh oogabooga