whats your guys' most "liberal" blackpill belief? a belief associated with the blackpill that you dont completely agree with, but rather you either disagree with in some way or have your own take on it. ill go first:i believe that women as a whole are not whats responsible for the growing loneliness of men, just younger women and women indoctrinated by social media and dating apps and such, are the ones responsible for men's loneliness through being what we know them to be (picky, selfish, remorseless, whores, etc). im not saying older women don't do this as well, but i notice older women put men through a lot less bullshit compared to what younger women make men go through.
>>80077461im not blackpilled. this is better than the blackpill: ldar. just lay down and rot. don't even toon out, no need to actually attempt anything effortful.
>>80077480OP here: the blackpill is this belief, no? the belief that trying is hopeless due to conditions x y and z that are out of your control, so it is not worth it to try. im kinda a newfag to this site so forgive me if im wrong about this.
It's not the jews, it's the billionaires.