I think I have a right to cheat on my gf.She's just not my type.Sex is too awesome to live without.I still love her though.
You are a complete piece of shit
>>80086909>sex is too awesome to live without.your gf isn't giving you sex? is she waiting for marriage or smth?
>>80086909You don't love her if you want to cheat on her. When you love someone, you don't want to do things that would hurt them, even if those things would make you happy.
>>80086909so true go off king
>>80086920She's just not a very sexual person. She has a low libido while mine is way higher.>>80086929But I do love her, I'm just not physically attracted to her.
>>80086962That doesn't fix>When you love someone, you don't want to do things that would hurt them, even if those things would make you happy.If you brought this up to her and she was okay with you seeking sexual fulfillment outside the relationship then that's one thing. But reading between the lines here I doubt that's the case. Is this even a topic you've broached with her?
>>80086996I think she would be devastated if she found out, which is why I'm not planning on telling her.She doesn't really consider my sexual needs.
>>80087073>which is why I'm not planning on telling her.And what do you plan to do if she finds out?>She doesn't really consider my sexual needs.That doesn't sound like a healthy relationship dynamic.
>>80087166I'd try to explain to her my side but if she keeps being selfish like that I might have to leave her.It would hurt a lot.
>>80087214If I was you I'd give it one more shot to have a serious talk about compromising on my sexual needs. But if she is hard set on doing nothing at all then I don't see the relationship lasting much longer. Good luck m8.