Porn is not healthy. Stop it. Get some help.
LISTEN MAN listen if im not fucking deathgripping my tortured cock hourly then ill just get prostate cancer immediately
>>80079720Why should I listen to a nigger?
>antifap cuck>incel status: stone cold
>>80079744There's more to living than sex. Go get a religion or something.
>There's more to living than sex. Go get a religion or something.>t.
>>80079720Soda isnt healthy either but i like the taste
>>80079720Who said it's healthy? Retaining your cum for a long period of time also isn't healthy. The only true healthy way is pumping your wife at least semi frequently, but women are trash so it's better to do it yourself
>>80079720>Porn is not healthy. Stop it. Get some help.It is only the lowest of the low that get addicted to that stuff. At least it stops them from roaming the streets and trying to rape my girlfriends.
I legit look up cute pictures of anime girls like 5x more often than porn. I chalk this up to how most non porn pics are still human drawn allowing you to appreciate it while more and more porn is soulless ai
Porn gives what it promises. Porn doesn't invite you to a school dance as a joke and then laughs about it with its two dipshit friends. That's what's not healthy.