>try freelancing>the sites asks what skills you have>i have no skills so i can't fill in anything
what site was it?
>>80075311You're familiar with a computer, aren't you? That is a skill, most normalfags barely have any computer know how. You can speak English, can't you? That is a skill too. Fill in the regular shit.
>>80075348what part of this is "simply using a computer" when that's the most i can do>>80075336sites like upwork or fiverr
>>80075388forgot the original pic
>>80075388>>80075392If you're on this website and terminally online you should be a lot more familiar with a computer than the average normalfag, they don't even know how to change a file's name or use a torrenting program. Customer service is also a skill you can add since it's pretty easy, just don't be an asshole and try to be helpful towards customers.
>>80075412i hate having to convince people that i'm capable of something